Big coaxial with RCF CX12N251

This is the thread that made me think about pro coaxes. Another important was kimmosto's Taipuu''

Top of horns and waveguides always looks bad, but it is not a problem really...

Amps from Christos arrived
fa253 package.jpg
Hi Juhazi, this is looking very good, like all your projects! Interesting that you used the kerfed board technique to curve your panel. It is a technique I've been considering for one of my projects too.

I have a few implementation questions:
1. Was the depth of the kerf cuts and the spacing between them matched to enable only as much bend as you needed for the curve?
2. If so, what was that depth & spacing & how did you arrive at them -- ie, any calculator?
3. If no to #1, then what was the cut depth & spacing you estimated?
4. Did you overfill each kerf cut with standard wood glue to ensure it would be solid after curving & gluing up?
5. Is the final result as sturdy & solid as a non-kerf-cut portion of the panel?

Thanks in advance for your answers!
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I spent 3 hours at workshop trying to get some measurements for eq and xo settings. MT were looking good with LR2 at 3kHz, delay fot M 160us. Then I started to take woofer measurements and after having a chat with a friend, noticed that I had lost all my settings! I must have downloaded the settings, which were not saved - so I got a blank sheet in HFD! And I had saved only the raw responses of M and T! After some cursing I decided to collect my things and leave. After having lunch at home I made the settings from my poor memory and saved them. I might go back tomorrow...

Here raw responses

inbox raw MT 12ms 112.jpg
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I didn't visit the workshop today, because I fetched our new puppy Eetu with my son. He's a 5mo male spaniel mix refugee from Belarus. He came to Finland with his mom and sister because the human father of the family had recently died at Ukrainian war.

Eetu ja Willa 160423.jpg Eetu kotona 160423.jpg
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Both speakers are finished now and playing with dsp settings v1.0.

Xo is acoustic LR2 at 200/2000Hz, mid delayed 160us and polarity reversed. Mid has -9dB and horn -12dB unity attenuation.

The measured response is not very smooth and with slow sweep I could hear resonances. Measurements ant tests must be continued in a better damped room later on. But overall they play pretty much like I was thinking of. Treble directivity is high and best listening distance is long, in a large room. I played only one speaker, but stereo imaging should be very good with the price of narrow listening window. Lowest bass must be tuned in the room where they are finally positioned, but there is lots of potential!

The dip/peak at low midrange is the floor reflection contains a video

spkB measurement setup.jpg BC 20cm individual onax.jpg BC v10 horpol 90ms 13.jpg VituixCAD Directivity (hor).png
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Your FR looks to have alot of smoothing applied, so yes, this type of soeaker will be full of resonances throughout the pass band. Mild rough response makes music sound more energetic. Too much will make it fatiguing. The high HF directivity is to be expected as well. The conical WG isn't a constant directivity design, so the only option you have is to boost HF shelving a bit to compensate. All things considered, its a very well designed package you created.
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The Big Coaxials are very effective! I brought them home on Thursday evening and my wife decided to leave and fly to Ruanda (central Africa) on Saturday morning.

So good time to start measuring... But my UMIK-1 seems to be broken. I have spent several hours changing cables and usb slots, but all the same... Huge distortion and decay at 50Hz. Laptop runs on battery and output to amps goes thru a usb-dac. I had this same problem with the first internal soundcard of my UMIK and got a replacement from Minidsp. Next I must open the case and check wiring...

However I got some useful measurements and dsp settings seem to be ok by listening. Speakers are now beside my AINOgradients, laterally. Music sound quite the same and speech and mono music are centerd well. Room sound is not so lively as with dipoles, which hurts a little with classical music.

umik faulty.jpg onaxis disto.jpg onaxis wavelet.jpg
  • Thank You
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I attached my old Audyssey analog mic to the laptop and took some measurements near spot. First I eq'd each driver per semi-nearfield measurements. The nature of horns and slots in the baffle makes lots of spl variations, which are fortunately impossible to hear when doing sweeps. The 1kHz peak should be eq'd too... But this will do for today

BC v121 MMM 200ms 124.jpg
I couldn't keep my fingers off from HFD... v1.22 is eq'd based on near spot measurements. Xo is same LR2 at 200/2000Hz. Audyssey mic is not calibrated, but I set it's spl level according to my phone app's readings, which sounded ok. Polar was taken by moving the handheld mic around the speaker in the room, so it contains lots of reflections despite of 6ms gating.

BC v122 L disto 90db spot.jpg BC v122 MMM 100ms 124.jpg BC v122 MMM 500ms 13.jpg BC v122 2m 0-80deg 6ms 16.jpg Bic coax 12cx v122 Power+DI.png Big coax v122 line norm.png Big coax v122 polar norm.png
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