Brainstorming Purifi 1et400a amps

Please, Maty. Mike from Mivera is a skilled salesman, an assembler with no engineering background, and definitely not a trusted source. Actually, not even that skilled, since with his aggressive tactics he was forced to set up his own forum because it was the only way he would not be banned. I am not sure for what six different regulators are for. The Purifi board may need three (gate drive, and +VOP, -VOP) which by the way I may provide soon with 1uV noise regulators, from our friend Aleksandar. Add two for his balanced buffer, and what's the other one for? Control logic? Why should it have that level of filtering?

So if you believe what he says when he disses the hypex so much, you need to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, erase all related information from your brain and start over. Please, do it for yourself. Do not trust a salesman.

Have you heard or measured his products?
Roberto, you draw too many conclusions.

The important thing is to know different solutions / implementations. Boards, SMPS, regulators...

Roberto is the new self proclaimed authority on Purifi amps. Do what he recommends because his vast experience is unmatched.

Cheap Chinese supply- Check

Plywood heatsink- Check

Expectation bias- Check
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So I thought I'd test the Connex supply on my Purifi amps today. But before I got a chance, I measured the main rails which are supposed to be +-55v and this is what I get. Not sure if the cheap output caps failed or what it is.


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So people asked about the sound!
I must say I like it a lot better now after using it for a while, first listening impressions were rough it needed some break-in time so be aware of that. I don't like the original buffer so I am using the Nelson Nutube so far I really like that combo and I got that to work pretty well. I really think I need to replace the hypex power supply I use with the 1ET400A but have not done that yet, it sounds really good as is. my main speakers are low impedance dips under 3ohm and this amp has no issues. The amp sounds better on my RCF speakers the upper end on those are not as detailed and I can't hear the digital switchmode like artifacts which I think comes from the power supply but I don't know. When I first built the nutube buffer I used switch mode powersupply and after replacing it with a booster supply I liked it a lot better sounds really good now. So, all in all, it is a fantastic amp and everyone should at least try it out. my main amp is a Krell FBP600 which I love the 1ET400A is keeping up(almost)
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
So I thought I'd test the Connex supply on my Purifi amps today. But before I got a chance, I measured the main rails which are supposed to be +-55v and this is what I get. Not sure if the cheap output caps failed or what it is.

You can always toss Christi at Connex an email. At least in my experience, he's always been very responsive to support requests after the sale.

You can always toss Christi at Connex an email. At least in my experience, he's always been very responsive to support requests after the sale.


I think I know everything I need to know about this supply already. For me it was already a fail when he shares pictures of it on his website populated with Nippon Chemi-con caps, and it arrives with the cheapest caps he could find in the Chinese surplus cap bin.
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Joined 2007
A regulated PS should always stay at nominal output level - load or no load. That's really why you want them :)


As Tom Christiansen replied, with no load this is not necessarily the case. Mine jumps all over the place if not connected to anything, and once connected to the amp it stays at +54.0/-53.9 without sagging even at peaks (which in my case are moderate anyway). It depends on the SMPS. So this one does an excellent job of keeping its voltage constant when powering an amp. Which is really how I want it.
My meds are at the correct level. The Hypex guess was a wrong one, i knew you had commercial interests and something was familiar. But you are going to be banned again, Mike!

Ahh so if I’m Mike, what would be my purpose of sharing my experience with the Connex supply? Is Mike getting into the SMPS business? You were just accusing Mike of trashing Hypex. Now you’re accusing him of shilling for Hypex.