Brainstorming Purifi 1et400a amps

@jaaptina - I think the best way to eliminate the chance of a ground loop would be to use your 12v signal (with gnd) to engage a relay, and then use the relay to switch the SMPS1200. This way, you've completely isolated the 12V power from the amp circuitry.
But in that case I would need 12V on the clean side of the relay too wouldn't I? Or am I missing something?
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You're right. I hadn't look at the spec and didn't realize you needed to apply a voltage to the standby. That's not very convenient.

I assume you are using the streamer power just to provide a source for 12V? I ended up adding a 12V power module in my amp for accessory power, but I had some other things to power.

Yes, the smps standby only needs a little power. So I think the streamer adapter is able to power both. This way I circumvent the use of an extra adapter.

But you set me thinking. Its no different powering smps standby from internal Mouser 12V smps or external 12V smps. Both are connected to mains on one side and +12V and amp GND on the other side I think.
Yes. The only issue is if you are also connecting the external SMPS ground to the streamer as well, and the streamer has ground connections through audio interconnects, you will have ground loops. You'd have to try it out to see if this results in audible hum or distortion.
Technically it works fine. Smps turns off with 12V on J5.1 (smps standby) and turns on again 12V is disconnected. I have not tested with music on. 20210114_202338.jpg 20210114_202356.jpg
These are already available if you want, but fairly expensive.

VTV Amplifier Custom Vacuum Tube Input Buffer — NEW! | VTV Amplifier

I'm thinking about doing a mono input board that will use a circuit based on Salas's DCG-3 line-stage (essentially using two channels for balanced). I think this would be a good match to the Purifi modules. I'm planning on making a PCB with the appropriate connectors to use the Purifi module and standard power connections. However, to get the best performance with this circuit, you'll need more than +/-12V.

These are already available if you want, but fairly expensive.

VTV Amplifier Custom Vacuum Tube Input Buffer — NEW! | VTV Amplifier

I'm thinking about doing a mono input board that will use a circuit based on Salas's DCG-3 line-stage (essentially using two channels for balanced). I think this would be a good match to the Purifi modules. I'm planning on making a PCB with the appropriate connectors to use the Purifi module and standard power connections. However, to get the best performance with this circuit, you'll need more than +/-12V.

No reason not to do this, just use a separate linear power supply for the needed rail voltages, and use the aux power from the SMPS just to power the input power needs of the Purifi modules.

Yeah, I already have a linear power supply that provides +/- 20V for the line stage, but I just wanted to let others know that might be interested in the Salas DCG-3 that it won't work well with the normal Hypex SMPS.

This sounds like a great project, I have been waiting for someone to come up with a discrete input buffer design for awhile. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I have been powering my Eval input stage with a separate linear supply, just because I could.
Thanks @barrows. I just need to find the time to get to it. I'm toying with the idea of building a preamp around the DCG-3 first to see how it sounds before I invest the time in doing my own PCB design for the Purifi buffer. I already bought Teabag's DCG-3 boards.

I could kludge something together using these boards, but I generally like to work toward a finished product and I want to learn how to use KiCad anyway :D and this seems like a good project to start with.

@jaaptina - Glad it is working well for you. How does it sound?
Completed yet another Purifi-Neurochrome build. This time a 4 channel build to complement the previous 5 channel unit.

However, decided to go for my first customised case as I was getting bored with the previous builds plain fronts.

More pictures and notes here: purifi-the-4ch-build

This means I can now ditch the AVR and move onto a pre-processor to drive my 5.x.4 HT system. I may try to rebuild the 5 channel unit (which used a generic Modu-shop case) into a slimline one too, thermals permitting.

So far the base plates are transferring heat to the sides without any heat pipes etc.

Now for some movies :)


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Hi amigo,

here my Purifi amplifier, with a special "made in Italy Buffer"
The Buffer involves 3 Genuine OP Amps Muse 02 + 03 (one single and two dual, I will give a test with some OPA1656 that I have in stock)
The Buffer globally improve the headroom. The OP Amps U1 is the main one, the Op Amps U2 and U3 help to increase te output current and help to better drive the Purifi modules. (if needed, with a simple modification U2 and U3 can be bypassed).

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