Brainstorming Purifi 1et400a amps

Yeah, it is odd that sometimes US customs are no big deal, other times it is Pain in ****.

I have had quit a few things shipped to the USA, only a couple of times that I had to send a check to customs, after delivery.

DHL & FedEx have been great, others tend to be slow or expensive.
Completed yet another Purifi-Neurochrome build. This time a 4 channel build to complement the previous 5 channel unit.

However, decided to go for my first customised case as I was getting bored with the previous builds plain fronts.

More pictures and notes here: purifi-the-4ch-build

This means I can now ditch the AVR and move onto a pre-processor to drive my 5.x.4 HT system. I may try to rebuild the 5 channel unit (which used a generic Modu-shop case) into a slimline one too, thermals permitting.

So far the base plates are transferring heat to the sides without any heat pipes etc.

Now for some movies :)

Andy, like you case. Any chance to share the files for the front panel? Or does Modushop have this already in place?

Also can you share the specs of the case, would like to start with a stereo setup and move later on to a 5 channel amp version.

The idea is to order 2 (one stereo and one 5 channel) back plates for the case, maybe already drilled.
We already have the file for the front panel, if Andy does not mind letting us use it for you too we are good to go :)

All okay with me, however, the front panel design needs a change in the positioning of the push switch as it is flush against the inside bracket. This requires some *customised* bracket work to get the nut on the switch I selected.

I would have fixed that in 5ch version I received yesterday, but wanted the switches aligned when the 4ch and 5ch units are stacked. So more bracket work :eek:

Will have a look at putting up some fixed versions on my blog page.
Andy, like you case. Any chance to share the files for the front panel? Or does Modushop have this already in place?

Also can you share the specs of the case, would like to start with a stereo setup and move later on to a 5 channel amp version.

The idea is to order 2 (one stereo and one 5 channel) back plates for the case, maybe already drilled.

Posted the main part numbers and modified Front Panel Designer panels with some modifications for switch clearance.


The designer software does have some limitations, but Gianluca has the extra instructions required.

Have fun !
...My Buffer V2 is almost ready. I will be offering Purifi cases very soon I hope)
Next step : test with OPA1656 + 1692 .....

I think the main benefit of a FET input OPA1656 op amp is the ability to use a higher impedance input signal, since the current noise is so low. The resistors on the FET input can be larger & still have reasonable effective input noise compared to the BJT input op amps like the OPA1612 & LM4562 which are better suited 1k ohm or less.


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I think the main benefit of a FET input OPA1656 op amp is the ability to use a higher impedance input signal, since the current noise is so low. The resistors on the FET input can be larger & still have reasonable effective input noise compared to the BJT input op amps like the OPA1612 & LM4562 which are better suited 1k ohm or less.

Can we deduce that OP amps with FET-input architecture is more suited to the Purifi Buffer than the Bi-Polar ones ?
I think it depends on the output impedance of your source. Bipolar input opamps generally have lower voltage noise, and while they are more susceptible to current noise with high source impedance, if you are using a DAC or preamp with a low output impedance, a bipolar input opamp may be preferable.
Hi amigos, the final version of my Purifi Buffer, V2.1 with OPA1656...

Are you using a a source impedance greater than 10K ohm for the input to the the Purifi Buffer? If the source impedance is closer to 1k ohms, the OPA1612 may be a better choice?

A compendium of blog posts on op amp design topics (page 26-28):

OPA1656 SoundPlus ultra-low noise and distortion, Burr-Brown audio operational amplifier

OPA1612 Dual sound-plus high-performance, JFET-input audio op amps
