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Buffalo DAC (ESS Sabre 9008)

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Just to clarify. Is the turn-on "popping" an issue with the Counterpoint I/V stage in SE use only, or also with the up-coming Buffalo 32S?
Not that it matters much to me as I like to "hear" when I turn on my system.... in particular not when it is followed by a moment of dead silence before the music starts to flow....

NicMac said:
Just to clarify. Is the turn-on "popping" an issue with the Counterpoint I/V stage in SE use only, or also with the up-coming Buffalo 32S?
Not that it matters much to me as I like to "hear" when I turn on my system.... in particular not when it is followed by a moment of dead silence before the music starts to flow....


It only has to do with the Counterpoint I/V stage. Specially when using it SE output. :) It also may occur with some other third party output configurations. I really don't know.

The Buffalo and IVY do not have this turn/off transient. :)

Buffalo 32S is balanced output only. I can confirm that it is perfectly silent turn on and off. :)

We will have a couple of ways to get SE output out of the Buffalo32S. One way would be to just take +OUT and GND. But you are likely to get at least a bit of a turn off transient that way.

Using a BAL/SE converter or a transformer would totally eliminate that.

Joined 2009
Paid Member
Russ White said:

We will have a couple of ways to get SE output out of the Buffalo32S. One way would be to just take +OUT and GND. But you are likely to get at least a bit of a turn off transient that way.

Using a BAL/SE converter or a transformer would totally eliminate that.


Will something be available for Bal/SE conversion from you guys at the same time as the 32S? I think you mentioned plans for some little optimized thing doing exactly this somewhere in this thread... I know about the Ballsie, but a little bit simpler would fit the design of the 32S better.
Maybe something small for us to put in the power amp end of the chain to maintain the common-mode noise rejection advantages of balanced circuit all the way to the end...

NicMac said:
Maybe something small for us to put in the power amp end of the chain to maintain the common-mode noise rejection advantages of balanced circuit all the way to the end...


That's exactly the plan.

It should be ready pretty shortly after the Buffalo32S if not at the same time.

The little cct I am doing can be used at either end. :)

rolls said:
From the listening experience it can't be voltage mod, because the buffalo sounds much better with 1:10,

Even in so called full current mode the voltage will swing a little bit even if it's just a few millivolts.

So I guess is just a question of degree.

I'm sure that your system where the voltage just swings a little is better that the full voltage swing version in terms of measured performance

Personally I switched from a transformer in voltage mode to discrete component op amp also in voltage mode that filters and converts to S/E for me this was huge improvement - hehe - so we seem to be going in opposite directions and getting improvements both ways.

Now I am working a current o/p system to see how that sounds or perhaps I just buy counterpoint. . . .

I tend to think these days that excellent implementation is one of the biggest factors in good sound rather than a particular methodology. If we reach a point when many different methodologies have been tried in many different ways and compared with each other it may be that we would agree that one route is the best - but that would mean we all have to agree about what is a good sound and in my experience may not be very likely.

But still for me one of the the biggest factors is always going to be low noise - I never yet tried a mod that reduced noise that did not bring about an improvement in the sound. Much hifi is horribly polluted with noise from varying sources and I suspect anything we can think of that may reduces this - whether we can measure it or not will contribute to natural sound.

I wonder when Placid will be released ? ? ?

It would be great to have a Buffalo convention sometime, so we can actually compare each of our efforts on a level playing field.
For me it would be extemely educational.


mikelm said:

But still for me one of the the biggest factors is always going to be low noise - I never yet tried a mod that reduced noise that did not bring about an improvement in the sound. Much hifi is horribly polluted with noise from varying sources and I suspect anything we can think of that may reduces this - whether we can measure it or not will contribute to natural sound.



I agree that that noise is the biggest problem. The mains have become worse.
Regs solve a problem and bring new ones. Time to get rid of the mains....


rolls said:

I agree that that noise is the biggest problem. The mains have become worse.
Regs solve a problem and bring new ones. Time to get rid of the mains....




batteries can sound very good - in my experience alkaline ones are good - but it isn't magic - they sound good for a reason and it is possible to build power supplies at least as good and I'm sure there several designs around that are substantially better.

But it is not just bad mains that needs to be dealt with - even with perfect mains - switching diodes can create just as much of a mess, and the HF noise from those or mains goes straight through most regulators like they were not there.

So . . . . where is that placid supply I wonder - hehe

what is the matrix ? . . . . . it's power supply noise !

Beefy said:
Strange. I tend to prefer to listen to the music.

I think about ur comment - but I cannot agree - I do not believe it is true for any of us here - might be true for our mothers or our girlfirends / wives etc . . . but not us.

When we begin on this road want to listen to the music but we notice that something is not right, something gets in the way - actually the truth is we notice what the the equipment is doing to the music, we don't like it and we want to change it.

Hopefully along the way we also enjoy the music and as we go we can enjoy it more & more but if what you say was true, we would not be here at DIY audio and Russ & Brian would not have a business.

On the subject of batteries I think they are a very good test for any audio power supply designer - it you replace your entire supply with alkaline batteries and the sound does not improve the you have a pretty good supply. . . . but for many supplies / regulators, the batteries win with ease.

I did read that ni-cad rechargables are noisy at certain parts of their charge discharge cycle - but perhaps NiMH are better, I only tried alkaline.
Re: what is the matrix ? . . . . . it's power supply noise !

mikelm said:

I think about ur comment - but I cannot agree - I do not believe it is true for any of us here - might be true for our mothers or our girlfirends / wives etc . . . but not us.

I did read that ni-cad rechargables are noisy at certain parts of their charge discharge cycle - but perhaps NiMH are better, I only tried alkaline.

I would not bother, all of us once said *this amp sounds bad", when we actually meant "the music through this amp sounds bad". Unfortunately we are not pure music lovers any more, we always listen a bit to the equipment. A better example is a good friend of mine, who regularly goes to the opera and watches and listens DVDs and VHSs through her TV set and an old B&O (grrrrrr...) attached to the wall.
Now I am a bit off topic, sorry.

I don' use NiCd and I would not use them if they were the best, they are pure poison. I am going to try a NiMh, but just on the 1.2V supply, because there is no alternative. Probably someone knows the safe window of the 1.2V supply on the buffalo, probably I can not fully charge it to 1.4V.


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