Build This MoFo!

Hopefully this will motivate someone to finish their own.

Eric, you matched the point! :D
Nice Dual Mono build.
What you are using to drive it?, last point was trying 6N1P tube?
I will try a Bandol83 Pre with 12AU7 + IRF740 as follower, next.

Best Regards to MoFo's


  • ECC82 IRF740 Line Pre Bandol Vorschau.jpg
    ECC82 IRF740 Line Pre Bandol Vorschau.jpg
    213.3 KB · Views: 829
Eric, you matched the point! :D
Nice Dual Mono build.
What you are using to drive it?, last point was trying 6N1P tube?
I will try a Bandol83 Pre with 12AU7 + IRF740 as follower, next.

Best Regards to MoFo's

Hi Bangla,

I’m now using the MooseFET which is a SS preamp (by Geek) with a gain of 15dB.

I will soon be building the Bandol83 Hybrid preamp w 6N1P and Mosfet to drive any load.

Very nice build, Eric! Because this amp is so simple, it is relatively easy to make a nice clean build.

I was just looking at those very same enclosures for another project... They are saved in my watchlist.

Thanks Eric

I scrolled up a few pages and your MoFo looks great. I always like the mix of wood and metal for an enclosure.

For the enclosure (10”x6”) I bought them on eBay at $20 usd each + sh., the seller uses DLH so you don’t wait 2 months to receive your stuff.
MoFo with Paralleled Mosfets, any thoughts

Hi everyone,

I run a homebuilt MoFo (mono blocks, strip boards, IRFP150, CxMx, 24VDC, MOT) and am very happy with it.
Driving 2-way, 94dB, 8 ohm aperiodic speakers, great sound and great control.

I also have another pair of 4 ohm, D'Appolito arrangement speakers and hundreds of IRFZ40 (TO220) fets so I thought It might not be a bad idea to build another MoFo with 2 of them in parallel per channel.

The main advantage as I see it is the huge Gm of the IRFZ40 (22S) compared with 14S for the IRFP150. And when paralleled it will be even bigger, therefore lower Rout, therefore lower damping factor and better control of 4 ohm speakers.

I already run IRFZ40 in a Zenlite headamp with 44VDC supply at 0.7A current and they sound marvelous.

So, any thoughts on the pros and cons of paralleling Fets in a MoFo?
Appreciate your input.
Hi guys

Just wanted to show you some pics of my dual mono MoFo.

Do not hesitate to build this amp, it’s truly amazing. Thanks for sharing your design Michael. Thanks also to Prasi for the pcb.

Both amps were wired on a work bench for a few weeks but I finally decided to give these amps some enclosures. Tomorrow I’ll have to rewire them..

There is a place for a volume in the front but it will be replaced by these circular blue led. (See pics)

Hopefully this will motivate someone to finish their own.

e_fortier - I do like your amp (and Eric's, as well). Although I don't see myself making one of these in the near future, it's on my wish list.

I had a question which I thought might warrant a post, rather than a pm.

I notice you're from Eastern Canada & I think I've heard that sourcing heatsinks from the U.S. can be costly. Did you use a Canadian supplier for them? If yes, who might that be?

Thanks, Ron
Hi Ron

Thanks for the kind words.

For the heatsinks I got lucky I guess, buying from outside of Canada is too expensive (for me anyhow), I scored these 2 on e-bay, I did a search w ´Thyristor Heatsinks’ and the seller was actually 10 minutes away from my house.

I know another eBay seller from Toronto where for $65 cdn can get you a 12” heatsink like the OP used. You then need some friends to cut it in half.

If you need more info send me a PM.
