Cal's Bybee experience

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tizziness - whats the difference between this phenomenon and, say, the sound of rivets in a cymbal that is vibrating slightly?

Or a slightly crisp reed in a wind instrument?

An overdriven electric guitar's not-quite-closed string?

Any high frequency, slightly abnormal but instrument sourced sound?

And how would the clever little bybee know...?
I regret that I don't have precise language skills adequate to the task. I know what 'tizzy' is, perhaps it is my own personal definition. I have heard it in electronics equipment for the last 50 years, but perhaps it is something that I cannot share here.
It has been MY personal experience that the Bybee devices remove 'mid-high frequency garbage' that sometimes even seems to be a reduction in information. I considered this strongly, at one point, to be the case. The point is that they do 'something', usually for the better. The closest approximation to what I am referring to would be the removal of crossover distortion from a mid fi power amp.
tizziness - whats the difference between this phenomenon and, say, the sound of rivets in a cymbal that is vibrating slightly?

Its a really easy question to answer - this answer will do for all the questions you raised except the last. This tizziness is a system artifact, not an artifact of the the music played through the system. So let me put the question back to you and see if you can answer it for yourself. If you look at the world through a dirty window, how do you tell when the dirt's on the window and when it's in the world?

If you can answer that question then your last question dissolves does it not?
I regret that I don't have precise language skills adequate to the task. I know what 'tizzy' is, perhaps it is my own personal definition. I have heard it in electronics equipment for the last 50 years, but perhaps it is something that I cannot share here.

Don't worry John, those who deny it exists just haven't educated their ears to be able to hear it. I hear it everywhere I go now - cafes, restaurants and dessert houses. All electronically reproduced music in public spaces seems to suffer from it. Which to me is one hell of a market opportunity.... :p
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