Cartridge dynamic behaviour

Thanks, Hans you can read it right off of the scale on the right, peak 1250 codes min 480 codes (approximately) 8.3dB difference.


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Thankd for your .wav file and see it attached below processed by RMAA.
Very different from what I have, and deviation from the red line already starts at 20kHz ??
I wonder how that can be.
I have to search for the .wav file on my back-up because I had an unrepairable HD breakdown and send it tomorrow as promised.



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Hans you can read it right off of the scale on the right, peak 1250 codes min 480 codes (approximately) 8.3dB difference.
Yeah I agree, I came to the same result.
It might not be the best LP on the world, but why can there be such a huge difference with my recording, it's a total mystery to me.
But as promised to JP, tomorrow I will send my .wav file.

Joined 2014
Paid Member
No Problem, is it also O.K. for you Bill that I remove the stylus temporarily ?

Of course.

Yeah I agree, I came to the same result.
It might not be the best LP on the world, but why can there be such a huge difference with my recording, it's a total mystery to me.
But as promised to JP, tomorrow I will send my .wav file.

Possibly could be explained by FR of the cartridge used. JP has some cartridges that have 10-20% of the moving mass of your Benz. Under 20kHz this should not be noticed, but higher up yours may start rolling off before his.
Of course.

Possibly could be explained by FR of the cartridge used. JP has some cartridges that have 10-20% of the moving mass of your Benz. Under 20kHz this should not be noticed, but higher up yours may start rolling off before his.

But my Cart doesn’t roll off, it’s straight within 1dB up to 45kHz on the 45rpm Ortofon record, just as it is with the CH Precision at 61rpm.
Two completely different records giving the same results !!

Hmm. I took the phono stage down to ~150pF, but I need to verify that. At any rate, same setting I used on the first 1-50kHz sweep with the P100CMK4. Since that sweep I did change the XLR to mini XLR on my arm cable, as I converted an SH-305 SUT to balanced with mini XLR.


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Hmm. I took the phono stage down to ~150pF, but I need to verify that. At any rate, same setting I used on the first 1-50kHz sweep with the P100CMK4. Since that sweep I did change the XLR to mini XLR on my arm cable, as I converted an SH-305 SUT to balanced with mini XLR.

Could you by any chance show the noise spectrum from your straight amp up to >50 kHz with the Cart connected, but arm in the air ?

Joined 2014
Paid Member
Well, I think that when all useful and relevant info's from these Carts are extracted satisfactory, testing ends here, unless someone still has some wish that I can possibly realise.

If I have read this right then we have evidence that laminated or split pin cartridges do have benefits in terms of impedance stability in the audio band.
Transamp MM stages work best with said laminated constructions.

We have no evidence of impedance of the coil changing significantly with level.

We also don't have a clear mechanism for the midband dip some MMs show with certain preamps although it could still be the test record.

So moving forwards we need to now get some measurements off test records to try and tally things up.

I would be interested also if it we can work out if the very low Z cartridges have any real benefits. Other than Grado they have all died out in the early 80s which suggests the benefits were outweighed by the disadvantages (2mV output for a start).

Every time I think we have a good handle on what causes the FR of a MM cartridge something comes along to confuse me again :).
I would be interested also if it we can work out if the very low Z cartridges have any real benefits. Other than Grado they have all died out in the early 80s which suggests the benefits were outweighed by the disadvantages (2mV output for a start).

Every time I think we have a good handle on what causes the FR of a MM cartridge something comes along to confuse me again :).
The mid Z cartridges like Grados would have worked far better with a more suitable preamplifier with 10k or so input resistance and a more optimised input noise behaviour. Standardisation on 47k with noisy jfet or even cmos opamps was incompatible


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