DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

See photo of how to place dual chip in the pinout of a single..


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~this is what can be seen in the photo.
I have blobbed together the two inputs and had connected to ground, with a resistance.
But Miro's config is better and requires the same space, topology arrangement.!

More: what is hidden in the picture:
Should prepare the pads before placement:
With thin wire, beneath chip, connect:
Pin1 - pin6;
Pin7 - pin8;
Cover with tape : pin5; pin6; pin7

Place and solder the chip in 5 places:
Pin 1,2,3,4, 8.

On the remaining 3 free pins :
Solder pin7 - pin6;
Connect pin5 to ground. (Miro config)
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Thank you JosephK for that link. I believe it is a very good solution for someone not having AD1862 yet or want to have a sota sorted out PCM63P with the K grade. Anyway with all the chips I have as for the tda1541A late Singapor years and a Cron one, AD1865K -certainly a false K as bought on an Ebay kit 10 years ago in China to a famous lady at that times- + my genuine Rochesters + the two last I bought yet for the Miro1360's cool DAC... I should buy myself ears :D

With Rochester be aware the price is almost doubling cause DHL VAT + Customs fees. Calculated on the total amount purchased at Rochester so no vlume synergy but the moq of course.
You tell me.. Pcm 58, 63, (now even 64, thanks Ruach!), 1865N-J, 1540, 1543, 1541..

Missing those 1862..

Ciao, George

(and listening to 4499.. :D:D

I didn't tell all ! 1540 as well, of course tda 1543 & 1545 and all the squared chip they made after at Philips, AD1955, pcm56, ESS, Ti-etc....some Yamaha or Sony, Toshiba chips oldies, didn't remember all the one I have and moded :eek::rolleyes:

(and listening tda1541 ...:D :p ... for the Ak4990 I have to ask a friend who is talking japanese and often go there)