Decware DNA Horn

xr - yes I built those a couple of years ago, I'm at the office right now and will try to remember to grab a photo tonight, although that won't reveal much other than their size relative to a couple of other "known" enclosures.

As faithintruth mentioned, the plans were obtained from Steve's site, although I had to redraw them, as some dimensions and angles were missing.

For those not familiar, this is what's going on inside the box

(courtesy of Decware site)

Not a huge enclosure, and I certainly didn't build mine to fit a Zen C amp in the front lower "void" - frankly I thought that's kinda goofy idea, but guru Steve didn't ask me ;) - I think I filled that with glass blasting media or kitty litter.

AFAIK Steve has also given a go ahead on the Alp 10P for this cabinet. Not sure if you still have the cabs, otherwise would be interesting to see how they sound. Even with the cabs, biggest challenge might be shoe-horning the larger framed Alpair into the existing cutout.
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zia - ya know what, I think I might have also made these with removable baffles to allow for swapping of different drivers, such as FE126E, etc - so dropping in a pair of either of the Alpair 10s, or smaller MA drivers for that matter, might not require hacking up the cabinets any worse than my quickie build.
So, FWIW photos of the DNA with TB driver, BK12 (FE126) and Pensil with A7 for size comparison - and yes, with removable driver plate, swapping on the DNAs would be fairly straightforward.

The little DNA horn is short enough that I found a slight tilt back helped with vertical dispersion at the closer distances at which I tend to listen.

IINM, Steve's plans called for only 1/2" material, so I also revised for 15mm throughout - the 12mm on top is an additional layer


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"would" not necessarily equal to "will" - I have way too many projects burning my ever shortening and limp candle at both ends. These were fun. Curved Pensils Alpair 7.3

Finishing touch is 1" Corian plinths


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I am reviving this thread because I am about to build a pair of DNS and took some measures on top of the drawing from post #58. It's the one to use right? Dimensions seems about right and I will try to rescale it for 16 mm (no 1/2 inch sheets in Sweden). Attached is a pdf with my overlaid measures in cm. Ballpark figures I know but hopefully good enough to base my build upon...


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FWIW, when I built mine starting with the sketches from Steve D, I ended up redrawing in CAD - 4 separate sketches attached, including the numerous angles. Not as simple a build as Frugels, or for that matter another world renowned small BLH.


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FWIW, when I built mine starting with the sketches from Steve D, I ended up redrawing in CAD - 4 separate sketches attached, including the numerous angles. Not as simple a build as Frugels, or for that matter another world renowned small BLH.

Thanks a lot chrisb, did your plans work out for you? I will reference them and try to come up with a 16 mm version of it. Sometimes the inch to mm conversion is a it of a hassle...