DiAna, a software Distortion Analyzer

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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You guy are talking about two different things, all window functions have side lobes that can limit resolution (you can't get something for nothing). This is the best survey of windowing I have found (picture is from this reference). BTW Jan is talking about a method to lock the signal to exact bins needing no windowing, just another technique.

Spectrum and spectral density estimation by the Discrete Fourier
transform (DFT), including a comprehensive list of window
functions and some new flat-top windows.
G. Heinzel∗
, A. Rudiger ¨ and R. Schilling,
Max-Planck-Institut fur ¨ Gravitationsphysik
Teilinstitut Hannover
February 15, 2002

This is also a very good resource:

https://linearaudio.nl/sites/linear...ound Card Instrument Manual & FFT windows.pdf

Characterization of 60 different windows, their transfer functions + example apps.

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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Huh? Those Germans call it a Hanning window? Grrrr. A good reason to not read that stuff. :)
More seriously, no window at all (i.e. a rectangular window) gives also rise to leakage (depending on the continuity of the input). Applying windows is just a matter of distributing the leakage in another way over the spectrum. Some windows increase the resolution, while other windows increase the accuracy (of the magnitudes).

The Virtins list talks about a Hamming window, a Bartlett-Hann window and a Hanning window. Different windows.


The Virtins list talks about a Hamming window, a Bartlett-Hann window and a Hanning window. Different windows.
edit: No! See page 4 of your link in post 1041. :)

I have no problem with wiki explanation
Julius von Hann - Wikipedia

I do have problems calling it a Hanning window. According this 'logic' one also should talk about a Hamminging, Kaisering, or Barletting window. Rubbish of course.
His name is von Hann period. :smash: Only an illiterate idiot would call it a Hanning window.
NB: Also Richard W. Hamming calls it a Hann window (in "The Art of Doing Science and Engineering") and he knows what he is talking about.

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AX tech editor
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Notch filter compensation

Back to business.

When I switch from normal to notch compensation it does change the amplitude relationships. The pictures are with the compensation on.
See comment below.
I believe the process for characterizing the notch is to select it in options then run a distortion test.
I saved the compensation file and included it. When I measure the notch I get around 69.5 dB loss at 994 Hz and 10 dB at 1998 Hz and 6.95 dB at 2982 Hz. I think this matches the file reasonably well.
The remaining question has to do with the two plots and whether anything can be inferred about level from the coherent plot and how to do it.
You mean the discrepancy between THD and coherent plot, don't you? Well, the answer simple (and embarrassing): In the current version, the notch compensation doesn't work yet on the wide band spectra. Although it was on my to-do list, I simply forget to implement this feature (probably because I considered these wide band spectra of minor importance). Anyhow, I will correct this omission (next week I hope).

Notch filter compensation

Curious, since it does do something, just not sure what.
I'll try it next with the Victor oscillator.
Hi Demian,

Sure, it does do something: adapting the residual. But do you mean it also does something with the raw (wide band) spectra? In that case something is wrong, as it should do nothing (currently).
BTW, now I remember why I "forgot" to implement the compensation of the wide band spectra. The difficulty is that the notch characterization file only contains data of the fundamental and its harmonics. So pretty useless for compensation of the these spectra. Although I can solve this by means of interpolation for frequencies above the fundamental, but not below that point. That's the reason I've postponed the compensation for these spectra. A possible solution might be to simulate the response of the notch filter, provided that it is a standard passive one.
Anyhow, for the moment, only the THD spectrum is correctly compensated.

Having the transfer function of the notch filter in the num/den polynomial format would probably simplify the calculations in DiAna, and the filter definition input would reduce to the polynomial coefficients only

The transfer function can be derived for the filter topology used, and is probably available in the standard texts.
I've got it for my Hall topology filter, and it agrees very well with the measured one.

Just a thought.

Hi Braca,
Is it like the X-fer function as shown below? This one applies to a passive twin-T filter that I'm currently using.

Hello Edmond,

Yes, this is the essence of the idea.
For the data entry, it would probably be easier to use the rational function form attached below.
For a third-order filter, it would be M = N = 3; and the polynomial coefficients would have to be provided by the user.
Using complex arithmetic in your program, it is then easy to calculate the gain and phase at a given frequency.



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Impressive. Edmond, a question. What would be the impact if the signal is fixed in freq and the notch drift? How important is it that the notch depth is constant?
Hi Jan,

If the drift is relative small (a few ppm) the impact on the insertion loss and phase of the harmonics is small and has very little impact on the reconstruction of the residual. As for the fundamental, it depends. A passive notch filter at 1kHz with a notch depth of -60dB, a frequency mismatch of 3Hz will result in a decreased damping of about 1 to1.5dB. Does it matter? Only if you do use this figure to reconstruct the fundamental or if you use it to calculate the relative distortion (WRT the fundamental), otherwise who cares. (sorry for the late response)
