DIY Analog-to-Digital Converter project.Audio measurements tool

Ultra low THD Oscillator PCB order list.


For the 10kHz oscillator PCB, if i order 10 boards to Pcbcart the total price
will be 120€ (including Fedex shipping).
So, for end user the price would be : 120€/10 + shipping to end user.
For 1 PCB, the shipping from France would be about 5.5€ to USA (priority letter).
So for USA user the total price would be 12+5.5=17.5€ ~ 23.5USD.

The PCB specifications is 100x160mm, 2 layers, one top layer silkscreen, 2 varnish mask, metalized holes, gold finish RoHs.

If at least 10 DIYers are interested , i can take the order.
Please send me private message and i will make a list with interested people.
Before to proceed to order, i will ask you paypal a payment of each personnal orders.
(I will don't make any money to do that , but i won't to loose mine !)


PCB list(to be updated..)
Qty ----- Name(pseudo)
1 -------- Frex

Free space for update
Hello AR2,

The oscillator have differential AND single-ended outputs.
The differential output level is 2 times that of the unbalanced output.


For the new pcb order coming, i make little upgrade of the design.
In front panel, i add a 3rd isolated BNC, for a full differential output.
Now you have 2 SE outputs (out of phase), one differential output on isolated
BNC (no ground).
I add also some pads to make wiring easier if it is powered with external regulated PSU or not (battery), and some others minor changes.


Buyers of oscillator PCB are :
Sigurd Ruschkow (2),
grenert (2),
carpin (2),
and 1 for me.

I close the buyers list.

The final personnal price will include :
The price payed at pcbcart for 10 boards+shipping to me(120€), divide by 10 x number of pcb you want.
+ shipping to your country in priority letter (no insurance but much less expensive)
+ 1€ to include the Paypal fees.(1€ for one or two boards).

Shipping cost is 3.5€ (1 board), 5.8€ (2 boards) for European Union,
and it's 5€ (1 board), 6.8€ (2 boards) for America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

Now, i need complete adress from buyers to send you an personnal paypal invoice with your own shipping cost.
All buyers must send me by PM his personnal e-mail with his full physical address.
I will wait all payments before to send the order to PCBcart.

I will also send to all buyers, the complete design files of the V2 oscillators boards, including schematics, mechanical drawing for
hammond enclosure, bill of material, datasheets, and much more....

shipping option.

Hello again,

Somebody have ask me if i can use registered mail instead of standard priority
Yes, i can add to priority letter a registering.
It require a signature of the recipient, and it include a insurance of 16€.
This option cost 2.8€, to be added of the standard shipping costs.
This option is available worldwide for the same price.
I will use it if you ask it to me.

Hello from France,

All invoice for the PCB group buy of oscillator has been sent.
I wait now all payments.
Gerbers files is ready to be sent to manufacture.
I will inform buyers of all ordering steps.
I hope that evrybody will enjoying to built this incredible oscillator design. :)
I really love applications notes from Linear and their many touches of humor !

Jim Williams is indeed a character and I like his work. Particularly his little drawings and notes :) Check the last page of this app note :D,C1,C1003,C1042,C1032,C1064,P1362,D4150

Frex, thank you for all the effort you put into this and for sharing it with us.

You can see Jim on the "little screen" via Youtube -- just plug Linear Technology into their search engine. fwiw, Bob Pease formerly Nat Semi's analog guru is also on youtube.

Good luck on the GB -- this was a good idea.