DIY Class A/B Amp The "Wolverine" build thread

Received the PCBs from fireanimal. Thanks a lot Andy and team.



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Hey guys, not sure if any of the rest of you use REW or have used REW (Room EQ Wizard) in the past, but I have been using it solely for my measurements of the Wolverine to date, and John has been kind enough to implement some suggested changes to make this process better in his new releases. If you can spare some $ and donate, I am sure that he would much appreciate it for a Free software that he has been working on for the better part of 20 years.

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I'm picking the drivers for my Wolverine with 71V rails:

KSC3503E/KSA1381E for the pre-drivers
MJL3281/MJL1302 for the outputs.

For the drivers, I'm choosing between:

MJE15032 / MJE15033
2SC4883A / 2SA1859A

The Sanken drivers are faster than the MJEs
The MJEs are more robust than the Sankens.
The MJEs were tested, the Sankens were only simmed.

Which would you pick?

*Edit: I think the Sankens are obviously better in the position, but I want to hear someone smarter than me say it. *
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@STUART...been reading the new guide a lot last couple of days......quite an improvement I must say. I did find something which might put somebody on the wrong foot.
Q7 and Q8 markings on the pics should be swapped If I assume the silkscreen and the direction of the heatsink is leading on the PCB......
View attachment 1159686
Correct, well spotted @wkloppen I'll update that later today. 🙏
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I find my self with a significant surplus of parts for the Wolverine. I can put together kits for most of the IPS and Output boards. My semis are On-semi, most of the resistors are from the optional CMF column. I have the caps, but a few of them will be electrically equivalent substitutions that will fit. Most of these parts are at 8% over the mouser 10-piece price (I had to pay sales tax). Exceptions are the large input caps/mica caps/output semis and trim pots. Any one interested, let me know by PM.
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Joined 2016
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Hey guys, not sure if any of the rest of you use REW or have used REW (Room EQ Wizard) in the past, but I have been using it solely for my measurements of the Wolverine to date, and John has been kind enough to implement some suggested changes to make this process better in his new releases. If you can spare some $ and donate, I am sure that he would much appreciate it for a Free software that he has been working on for the better part of 20 years.

What a great idea, definitely worth supporting John the developer of REW. I made a donation and said thank you for supporting the Wolverine project. If you guys choose to make a donation, maybe make mention of the wolverine project so John knows that the work he has recently done in conjunction with @fireanimal specifically for this project was greatly appreciated.
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is that any other schema use quadrupler output transistor pointing to same direction??????????
This is an output triple Emitter Follower with 3 or 4 pairs of output transistors. You can stack an additional emitter follower in front of the triple, but that is rarely done. Usually at that point, the circuits start using various folded or DoubleCross(TM) topologies. I'm not real clear what your question is.
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