DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

Joined 2008
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Thanks for all the suggestions, gentlemen. I need to take a break and come back to the troubleshooting later with a fresh mind and back.

Haha... Who was I kidding? I’m a stubborn lunatic. I checked and reflowed all the input and output connections. The culprit was the D+ and D- connection at the OPS. I think the wires got too hot and were twisted too close together so that the melted insulation led to a short. hifiZen wins 1000 Internets for the correct suggestion! Nailed it! :p

I fixed it!

Now I can permanently attach the front plate as the bottom is off. :D

Take two for planting it in the main rig...

Happy Days!
Math says oscillation is prevented when the resonant circuit is critically damped (Zeta=1). To account for estimation inaccuracy, component tolerance, and human aversion to uncertainty & risk, perhaps it's best to aim for (let's just say) Zeta=2.

What series resistor gives Zeta=2?

Or, just as interestingly, what Zeta do you get when the series resistor is 0.22 ohms?
It looks like we are estimating an inductance of 120 nH to get a resonant frequency of 55 kHz with the 70 uF cap. So a series resistor of 0.22 Ohms will give a zeta of 2.7, and changing the resistance to 0.10 Ohms gives a zeta of 1.2.
Joined 2008
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Like xrk said in this or the other vfet thread, I really like the multi-strand tin plated copper silicone wire from Amazon. It’s worry free for my oafish soldering. :D And a comparative joy to terminate.

Long overdue listening session underway...


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The one and only
Joined 2001
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Haha... Who was I kidding? I’m a stubborn lunatic. I checked and reflowed all the input and output connections. The culprit was the D+ and D- connection at the OPS. I think the wires got too hot and were twisted too close together so that the melted insulation led to a short. hifiZen wins 1000 Internets for the correct suggestion! Nailed it! :p

I fixed it!

And the ranks of FAB increase by one.

The culprit was the D+ and D- connection at the OPS. I think the wires got too hot and were twisted too close together so that the melted insulation led to a short.

I just did the very same thing myself last night. I soldered the wires to the board, then noticed that something looked a little funny when I was done. Pulled the wires back out of the board and saw that I melted the insulation and the input wires were shorted. I was trying to make sure I avoided a cold solder joint on the large ground trace on the PCB.

Like everything in life, there is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle between "not enough" and "too much" :eek:.
Have folks who didn't get screws initially received them yet? If so, did you get notice that they had been shipped before they actually arrived? I've gotten a response from the help desk, but no screws, and now (after some work over the weekend) I'm getting anxious to get this thing up and running.

It does look great partially assembled and sitting on my dining room table. :)
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Have folks who didn't get screws initially received them yet? If so, did you get notice that they had been shipped before they actually arrived? I've gotten a response from the help desk, but no screws, and now (after some work over the weekend) I'm getting anxious to get this thing up and running.

It does look great partially assembled and sitting on my dining room table. :)

you'll just enjoy longer :clown:
Joined 2019
Paid Member
Have folks who didn't get screws initially received them yet? If so, did you get notice that they had been shipped before they actually arrived? I've gotten a response from the help desk, but no screws, and now (after some work over the weekend) I'm getting anxious to get this thing up and running.

It does look great partially assembled and sitting on my dining room table. :)

If you have a FedEx account tied to the address they’re shipping to, you can check on FedEx. I believe that’s how I discovered a second package was on its way
Have folks who didn't get screws initially received them yet? If so, did you get notice that they had been shipped before they actually arrived? I've gotten a response from the help desk, but no screws, and now (after some work over the weekend) I'm getting anxious to get this thing up and running.

It does look great partially assembled and sitting on my dining room table. :)
Only took 2 business days to get mine.Notified the desk on Friday and got them Tuesday.One the other hand, Canada Post got my wiring pkg. last Monday and still no sight of it.
I had not received a tracking number and emailed the help desk -- about an hour later, the screws were on my front porch...Coincidence or outstanding customer service at DIY -- I'd go with the outstanding customer service...!!

Now I just have to break down and start my build.....
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My initial shipment was missing the packet of screws as well. I received a shipping notice from FedEx that the second shipment was on its way and it arrived a few days later. Hats off to everyone at diyAudio and Modushop for this massive coordinated effort.

I feel bad that this happened, it had to have increased shipping costs by quite a bit to get another package out.