DIY Video Projector

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In regards to zark's light source, it may be possible to increase the brightness with the use of a large fresnel lense of the type used in overhead projectors. A lense like that would be very good at focusing much of the light from an omnidirectional light like a fluorescent bulb onto the small space of a ~5inch lcd panel. To get really good focusing, a large parabolic mirror would also be needed.
I have some fresnels to try out. Not sure if I'll need the mirror or not. The mirror may cause a hot spot in the middle of the image, but with just a fresnel it may spread the light more evenly. What do you think?

The ribbon cables are from the panel itself to the board (micro-soldered). No way to fix.
It sounds like it will work. The question I would have is the long focal length using the overhead optics. The extra distance may cause the lights strength to deminish using a fluorex. I don't have an overhead to try, but I'd like to know how well it works.

I had the light test at the office. At around 2ft away the ouput was 2000 lumen. Any closer and the meter freaked out. I'm not sure what the max is on the meter but the light mfg claims 8225 lumen.

The fluorex light or other omni work more like a strong backlight rather than using a directed or spot light that would be passed through. This is where I had problems with hot spots in the image with other lights tested.

I would try to get that lens on ebay for $10 as a backup if nothing else.
so, what is the projected image when you are 2ft away from the screen?

The auction for the delta II are pretty cheap, but there are no more other auction, if it ended, where else can I buy a crt lens?

How much cotrast does your LCD have? I saw one or two 5" LCD that are around $120, they only have 120:1 contrast, it's really not enough. Can you point me to a good LCD?
I haven't measured the actual image size/distance yet.

I'm not sure what the contrast ratio is on the LCD, it didn't say in the documentation. It seems to be ok. I'm sure there are better ones out there, but for a $120 its not a bad one to start with. There are some contrast adjustments on the board but I didn't make it that far before damaging it.

The lenses on that site should work, but they look a little high. I would keep looking on ebay for a better price. I've seen them on there several times.

I made a new mount using the old LCD as a template. This one should work pretty well. I'll have to post some pics of it. I'm still able to test the light output and screen fill thanks to the screen door effect.

Wish I could read French, looks like that guy has a good bit of optical knowledge and resources.

since I have no clue how to buy an fluoroscent worklight in Finland, I bought normal 500W halogen worklight. I don't know how hot it gets, or how long it lasts, but it costed about $20 so... I did some testing but since I have no fresnel lens, it's useless. I quite don't understand the meaning of the fresnel lens but I gather it somehow magnifies or "evens" the light.. Or sometihng.? Obviously it's needed anyway and I have no clue how to buy it either around here. I have spent hours and hours, (several days) browsing the (finnish) web searching for **** but nothing found. Easiest way would probably be to get broken or just generally **** OHP and rip the lens from that, but I'm working on that too.
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You can get a simply frensel lense from office supply catalog or store. They are called 'page magnifiers'. 8"x11" in size. has frensel lenses and an explaination. They are more costly, however. But, the quality of optics rises also.

I have added some initial links from early in this thread to my web site.

I will add more info as time permits.

Hope everyone had a good holiday. Have a safe New Year!

Vince :D
Hmm.. Does this page magnifier have no difference in to an ohp lense?

Anyway, I managed to buy an used OHP today, $25, 900W bulb!!!
I'm quite thrilled and excited right now, it works with my panel (proxima ovation 810) quite well. The original idea was to get **** ohp and rip the fresnel of but this ohp works straight (has enough power) for the lcd anyway.

But since nothing goes smoothly (in my life) something sticks. Something is not quite right with the OHP, when nothing's on it, the "box"(white image) it puts out to the wall isn't flat white. It has some black **** (circles and stuff, i don't know how to explain it). Anyway the light doesn't spread(!?) as it should. The guy who sold it said that the glass has been changed after it broke, to some "tailored" one or something, I didn't quite listen to him, I thought he was talking about the glass on the fresnel, not the fresnel lens itself but.. I don't know. I'll study the thing tomorrow anyway.
Even while it's not working properly right now I'm quite happy since I wasn't expecting anything from the OHP (I didn't have a clue of the power of it's since I went to get it just for the fresnel).

This is quite far away from DIY right now but cheap and generally cool **** at least!
I found this thread two days ago, and I'm really fascinated by this topic and impressed with the ingenuity in these posts. I have a few questions:

Are there ANY links to sites with pics of DIY setups or projected images created by these projectors? It's almost comical that nearly every post I've read here and elsewhere has someone that has completed one or at least attempted it, but something prevents a photo from being taken. Just curious.

Also, I'm sure this has been adequately covered, but I'm new to video (I've only done audio projects in the past)...what can I do with a raw LCD TFT display from a laptop? What connectors and drivers are necessary to show video on these? Is it worth my time?

I found this LCD for sale:


Can I work with this? The price is right.

Thanks for giving me a new project to think about! Hopefully I can get to work on one of these as soon as I bring myself up to speed on the details.


The fresnel lens I have is a piece of ****.
Originally it was wrong way around in the OHP so the image was much better after I turned it around but the was still one not-too-big black circle thing in the center of the screen. Okay, now I covered some places around the ohp where there was extra light coming out, trying to leave the air-things free though. After using the thing for like ½ hours the black circle had grown big time. Well actually right now, there is just bright spot in the center and then dim **** elsewhere except the roundings (if that even means anything). The OHP where hot like anything and the air wasn't quite moving so maybe it was bad idea to start covering the thing in anyway. This is why I'm not a diy-guy, all I can do properly is destroy something!! Anyway I don't quite know what this is, could the fresnel lens get destroyed when it gets too hot? It is quite "unformed" when I look at it in my hand. How would I explain it... bend.. turned, twisted and ****, I don't know. (btw. I gather this ohp fresnel is totally something else than a "page magnifier" since you can't see **** through this one.) I've tried it in my DIY OHP-**** thing and it's the same business. same figures, hot spot in the center and dim **** and lighter **** in the sides again. It seems that the 500w worklight is too weak for my panel, but I'm not entirely sure about this since the test was very short and the fresnel isn't obviously working properly. The OHP doesn't turn on when the "hatch" is open so I can't see how bright the 900w bulb is. It would probably kill my eyes so good being so.
Well anyway about the fresnel, it wasn't working properly when I got it in the firstplace so I don't feel so bad after destroying it completely (although I quite don't understand what caused this). But now I would just need a replacement fresnel. I don't know where to get it though. I mailed to few places which repair ohp:s. If it's not too expensive I'll probably try to get this ohp fixed properly since even it's old I think it's not (or haven't been) cheap toy.

Anyway meantime I was thinking about that other OHP-head I have, does the mirror in it cause lots lost of light? If I remove the mirror I should still be able to project with the lens it has, since with my DIY-**** version, it doesn't have to be positioned like OHP is.?

Okay, happy new year anyway!
What is it exactly that the light being brighter do? Does it just give a brighter picture, or would it give a clearer picture?

Has anyone made a working version yet?

This is really interesting i have to say:)

And also, the so called 100 inch TVs (in ebay etc), where you use your TV and a box are not any good. I know, cause i tried them - tried them and tested with different things.
Used different sized freshnel lens (which gave interesting results, if not a bit strange), used different sized boxes, used different ports for the lens etc.
The problem with the Normal TV and a lens+box is that, the picture gets projected, thats true - HOWEVER, the picture is SOOOOO blurry, that you'll think you've gone blind. Its just blurry, so for example if you saw a projected person, you'll just see an outline, no details.

The Hardware Project is more interesting, but i don't know much about these, so have been just reading for a while.

Happy New year!:)


ps. whats the biggest sized fresnel Lens that can be brought?
Where can i buy ones that are bigger than just 30cm/12inch ???
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