DIY Walsh driver revisited

Oh, great...holographics. I used to have a 'sonic holography' add-on to The System back in SF. In lieu of a pair of Walsh's, it kinda worked....

I'm just hoping Glo doesn't hook his lasers up to his system...

"It etches the sound...Literally! My living room wall looks like a 3D Jackson Pollack! The couch got sliced to ribbons before it burst in flames! The insurance company hung up when I tried to explain what happened..."

*Big smirk* Hold the wattage Down. ;) Don't burn Princess Leia into the dog....
No, not holographic, but I will be able to do "3D" imaging, but this requires everybody wears those 3D glasses.
I hadn't thought about hooking up to the Hi-Fi, but now that you mention it......
I'd have to find a time code card, which would be a challenge. I'm restoring a 30 year old LaserMedia Imagen computer, which has been a real challenge.
Finding parts is much like finding a crossover for Bozak loudspeaker. Easier to find chicken teeth! LOL
30 yrs. old....?

Back to floppies, huh? *whew* May your favorite deity have mercy upon you. ;)

As for a Bozak xover...You'd bother?! *L* One should be able to whip up a far better replacement with spare parts. As for chicken teeth, they're considering mixing up chicken DNA with dino DNA that they're finding in fossils, so you may get That wish...

As for hooking up the stereo, well...wire it up, but use the the next room...

Don't say I didn't warn you. ;) Good variable factors. *G*

You is lucky, bunkie...*G* Are there any/many 'magic footprints' (documentation, etc.) to follow, or are you getting to the do the "what's this do? Ah, Ooops!" routine?

What sort of wattage are you running your rubys with? I'll assume since you're talking imaging, it's milliwatts...

...and keep those pretty shades'll look miserable with a cane, and guide dogs are subject to 'friends' like me. We used to get a woman's dog drunk occasionally. Jaxx liked hard cider, but had a tendency to walk Becky into posts, poles, and be generally 'inconsistent'...:rolleyes:
I worked for LaserMedia for a couple of years in the '80's, and built a number of these things. Later went on to work as the "laser god" at the show "Splash" in Vegas for 8 years.
Been a while since I've programmed, but it is slowly coming back to me.
Took me a while, but I've managed to find several manuals for various versions of the software.
I am using diode lasers with a total combined "white light" output that measures 3.9 watts.
I would prefer a higher powered Ion laser, but they don't sell 3 phase power to residences, and water cooling is frowned on here in the Southwest. They make much higher powered diode lasers these days, but they get expensive. REALLY expensive.
Alcohol is very bad for dogs, by the way, worse than chocolate!
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*G* Well then, your de-vices are in good hands. I'll hold off on calling you LazerGawd or the like when you come up for air in our midst. ;)

There are units available that will convert 2ph to 3ph, but how 'clean' the power would be you'd have to look into. It's suitable for saws and the like, but electronics...*shrug*...might require a conditioner of sorts...

How about anti-freeze as coolant? Or would it be too caustic? There's always a closed-loop system using a small auto radiator, fan, pump. We used to use one for bending acrylic, to focus the heating elements into a narrow line.

Yeah, 'dosing the dog' wasn't done often...generally happened when the attending humans were pretty lit up before hand. Dumaz college punks we wuz...
Yeah, I know they make phase converters, but you're talking 50 amps per leg. Lotta current.
Closed loop is very much an option, but you have to scrub a LOT of heat. 50-80 kW worth. Some closed loop coolers use glycol/distilled H2O mixes, but distilled H2O works fine.
Ions are only about 1-2% efficient- a 6watt argon pulls 50-55 amps at 240 3 phase.
Meanwhile, I can run my 4 watt diode set-up from a car battery for quite a while.
The other headache is tube replacement. You can only expect 1000-1500 hours from a plasma tube- then it has to be rebuilt which ain't cheap these days. Diodes can go as long as 5000 hours, only cost a couple of hundred bucks, and are easily field replaceable.
The pisser is you can get a used 5 watt white light in Germany for about $5-600. They cost 10 times that here, but diodes in Germany can cost 4-5 times as much. Go figure.
Sounds like it's worth the hassle to develop a German 'connection' to bolster your new 'habit'. ;) Always seems to be the case when one develops a new one... ;)

(I can bet we might be chided for getting 'off topic', but here's my 'solution'...)

So, other than laser 'light shows' with Pink Floyd soundtracks played before the slack-jawed, what could one do with one or more? What do you plan or intend to investigate in 3D imaging? I've seen where there's been imaging done with interference within a 'cloud' of light fog which was 'trippy' in it's way. But the fog, unless done really light yet evenly dispersed, interfered with the rendering.

Watcha' gonna do? Huh? Huh? *G* What's the Plan, Stan?

As I've noted earlier, I'm working towards the next iteration...better drivers, surrounds, cones...a friend has a CNC router that can cut more precise PVC parts, which I'm considering 'going black' with the material. Just for the 'cool mainstream look', y'know. *G* Try to make the finished speaker look like it didn't emerge from the toolshed behind the garage...

Been trying to see if I can hook up with some audio types in the area that don't have tin ears like mine to give the current rendition some creative criticism. We fall in love with our children, despite their flaws and bad habits, and overlook the obvious...

You've seen the headlines...'110 mph car chase by authorities after drinking a quart of Ecstasy and torching the local high school...' vs. 'Response varies between selections played, female vs. male rendition, weak high end...', etc .

I need critics that aren't snots. *L*
OK- we gan get back on topic. Years ago, Audio Amateur ran an article involving using a HeNe laser to show cone break-up modes in real time. Maybe we can investigate that.
You know, I actually haven't given a lot of thought about what to do with it when I get it finished.
I'll probably set it up across town in this guy's Christmas light show. He won the ABC light fight this year, and he only has a little disco "wiggle box" for a laser. Beyond that, have no clue. I'm just having fun building it.
Wish I were closer- I'd love to hear your babies, but I doubt my impressions would be of much help. After 45 years of doing concerts and shows, my tympnanies are mush.
As for the snots, that's one reason I don't hang in a lot of these forums. You get tired of getting flamed by some of the morons who lurk within.
Keep on keepin' on!
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I'd love having a laser interferometry done on my cones....kinky as that sounds on an unrelated issue.*L* It'd be great to see what's really going on.

As for 'what to do with it'...that kinda goes with hobby stuff, it's not necessarily about it 'having to DO something', it's the 'getting there' that's most of the fun and challenge. Collaborating with that guy's Xmas light show is just as good of a rationale as any, if that's where it goes. For some, those light shows take months to plan and set up. Then there's the ones who have whole separate circuit panels added to their homes just for that. That boggles my mind a little, but Hey...if it floats your boat, going sailing...;)

Well, you can hear them on YouTube but it's a crippled rendition. My ears are kinked from loud machinery and music over my decades, ergo my desire for 'serious' or even 'semi-serious' ones. We'll see what transpires...someone(s) may stumble into my wish for that opportunity that I've scattered about, here 'n there...

Oh, there's always going to be flamers, gamers, snots, name 'em, they're out there. I can be a rant 'n raver, an oblivious tool, and whoknowswhat others might think of me. I can let it under my skin or let it roll off. If they get too intense, there's always 'ignore' and one can hope they get a clue. But that exists elsewhere and everywhere IRL. It's a messy existence at best. *L*

Like you said: "Keep on keepin' on!" Among others...;)
I don't think they know when you put them on ignore, do they?
I poked around this morning trying to find that laser thing that Audio Amateur published back in the mid-seventies.
Circuit Seller has done a good job of keeping the lid on those articles. You can buy the CD collection for $40, but I have yet to see anything in the "domain".
More off-topic but semi related- Back in the late '50's, one of the Science monthlies did a project for a mechanical color organ. Used a couple of wheels covered with broken mirrors and colored gels that were controlled by thyratrons modulated by an audio input from your mono hi-fi. Yeah, it was that long ago. Remember Bozak? Empire? Hartley Concertmasters with the 24" woofer that lacked bass?
I've been looking off and on for 10 years trying to track down a copy of that article. So far no luck. This thing was much cooler than the "twinkle boxes" you see today- it had motion!