DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

Hi guys,i want to update things.
Wolverine,Son of Badger EF3-4 (4 pairs output) version tested today.
First time sinking,no magic smoke!
Build guide is excellent,helping everyone even a starter!
Stay tuned!


  • IMG_20220301_111053.jpg
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Joined 2004
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What would you recommend as a suitable power supply pcb for the Wolverine? I have a few of Jeff Young's Double Rail / Decoupled Stereo boards on hand, which were originally developed as an alternative to the Store's power supply board for the FirstWatt amps. Would a bipolar CRC power supply designed for Class A amps work well with a Class AB design like the Wolverine and, if not, what would you suggest instead? If so, what is the recommended power supply capacitance for each Wolverine channel?

Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi Guy's

Just a quick update.
Thimios has completed the build of the EF3-4 precision output pcb with the Wolverine IPS pcb.

Please find attached some of the sine wave results he captured.

A big thank you goes out to Thimios for his work on this PCB and providing us these results.


  • low Level - 1khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    low Level - 1khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    83.1 KB · Views: 126
  • low Level - 10khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    low Level - 10khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    84.6 KB · Views: 125
  • low Level - 20khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    low Level - 20khz, 4.4mV in, 120mV out load=8ohm.jpeg
    88.3 KB · Views: 131
  • Hard clip - 1khz, 1.4V in, 32.8V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    Hard clip - 1khz, 1.4V in, 32.8V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    102 KB · Views: 132
  • Hard clip - 10khz, 1.4V in, 33.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    Hard clip - 10khz, 1.4V in, 33.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    92.5 KB · Views: 136
  • Hard clip - 20khz, 1.4V in, 33.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    Hard clip - 20khz, 1.4V in, 33.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    92.7 KB · Views: 125
  • High level,just before visible clip - 1khz, 1.05V in, 28.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    High level,just before visible clip - 1khz, 1.05V in, 28.4V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    87.9 KB · Views: 141
  • High level,just before visible clip - 10khz, 1.05V in, 28.8V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    High level,just before visible clip - 10khz, 1.05V in, 28.8V out load=8ohm.jpeg
    88.7 KB · Views: 136
  • Sine wave - Clip Behaviour Power supply=+-50V Bias=88mA
    1.6 MB · Views: 91
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Joined 2016
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Hi Guy's

Just another update.
Please find attached some of the square wave results Thimios captured.

Another big thank you goes out to Thimios for providing us these results.


  • High level, 1khz, 1.4V in, 38.7V out, 83V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    High level, 1khz, 1.4V in, 38.7V out, 83V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    93.1 KB · Views: 129
  • High level, 10khz, 1.1V in, 31.3V out, 64.7V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    High level, 10khz, 1.1V in, 31.3V out, 64.7V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    90.4 KB · Views: 125
  • High level, 20khz, 1.1V in, 31.9V out, 66.7V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    High level, 20khz, 1.1V in, 31.9V out, 66.7V Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    91.3 KB · Views: 129
  • low level, 1khz, 6mV in, 166mV out, 368mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    low level, 1khz, 6mV in, 166mV out, 368mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    86.2 KB · Views: 118
  • low level, 10khz, 6mV in, 166mV out, 358mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    low level, 10khz, 6mV in, 166mV out, 358mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    91.9 KB · Views: 111
  • low level, 20khz, 6mV in, 164mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    low level, 20khz, 6mV in, 164mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    85 KB · Views: 122
  • low level, 50khz, 5.8mV in, 160mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    low level, 50khz, 5.8mV in, 160mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    87.1 KB · Views: 123
  • low level, 100khz, 5.4mV in, 151mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    low level, 100khz, 5.4mV in, 151mV out, 350mV Pk-Pk, load=8ohm.jpeg
    90.1 KB · Views: 125
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Joined 2016
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Hi Guys,

We are now trying to finalize numbers, so time is running out if you want to be part of the group buy.
If you haven't already put your name down please use this thread.
Wolverine Project - Pre Order

Below is a list of members that I have not received there order details from.
Please try and get these to me over the next few days.
If you don't see your name I have your details.

@asuslover (Just send you further details and I know you are in)
@The Lord Flashheart
@kamal kishor
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi Guy's, your opportunity to participate in the group buy is drawing to a close.

I will start sending out PayPal payment requests to all members who have provided me their detail tonight and depending on what's involved should have that done in a day or so.

Boards will be then ordered.

Once I have ordered the board I will
Send out a Dropbox link to the BOM, Schematic and Build Guide to all members who have paid. This should give everyone the same opportunity to purchase parts.

Thanks for your participation in this project. I look forward to seeing many of the amplifiers modules mounting in enclosures in the months ahead.
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  • Thank You
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Hi Guy's, your opportunity to participate in the group buy is drawing to a close.

I will start sending out PayPal payment requests to all members who have provided me their detail tonight and depending on what's involved should have that done in a day or so.

Boards will be then ordered.

Once I have ordered the board I will
Send out a Dropbox link to the BOM, Schematic and Build Guide to all members who have paid. This should give everyone the same opportunity to purchase parts.

Thanks for your participation in this project. I look forward to seeing many of the amplifiers modules mounting in enclosures in the months ahead.
Can't wait!!! I sent the excel sheet with my info but didn't get a follow up, and figured that was the normal?

Anyway I can't wait to compare this to my new badger I'm building . 2.1 for my father in law.!! Hope everyone is doing well during this time!
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi Guy's,

I appreciate that everyone is keen to get their boards and receive their payment requests. But this is NOT my full time job.

Paypal has limits on how requests per day can be sent. It also takes awhile to process each individual request.

Please be patient and don't overload me with emails as things will take even longer.

I will keep everyone well updated here.

I can't see the boards been ordered for a least a week and once they are it will take 2 weeks before they arrive and distribution to members begins.
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Hi Guy's,

I appreciate that everyone is keen to get their boards and receive their payment requests. But this is NOT my full time job.

Paypal has limits on how requests per day can be sent. It also takes awhile to process each individual request.

Please be patient and don't overload me with emails as things will take even longer.

I will keep everyone well updated here.

I can't see the boards been ordered for a least a week and once they are it will take 2 weeks before they arrive and distribution to members begins.

Really appreciate all the efforts you are doing in favour of the community. A big thanks for your time, Stuart!

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Hi Guy's,

I appreciate that everyone is keen to get their boards and receive their payment requests. But this is NOT my full time job.

Paypal has limits on how requests per day can be sent. It also takes awhile to process each individual request.

Please be patient and don't overload me with emails as things will take even longer.

I will keep everyone well updated here.

I can't see the boards been ordered for a least a week and once they are it will take 2 weeks before they arrive and distribution to members begins.
Hi Stuart,

I am sure everyone here is very grateful for all the effort that you and all involved have put in to get this to happen.

Thanks for all your efforts, looking forward to building this one.

Keep up the good work!

- Dan
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