DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

Joined 2019
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Once the next version is built, I will do a tough love review of what I hear. If it's good you will know that, if it's not you will know that too.
@thompsontechs - could you point us to your review (if completed), please?

@stuartmp and team - could you give us an indication of roughly how many participants / channels were included with this GB along with an indictor re: the DIYA store's interest and potential timing (if there is any update)?
Hi guys,i want to share my experience building this Wolverine,Son of badger.
Although that isn't a simple project don't expect any difficulty due to complete and very analytics build guide.
Everything explained well,step by step.
Finally you will have an amplifier pease of art!
Powerful, very -very low distortion.
THD and IMD is extremely low.
It is stable like a rock,it is silent!
Measurements are excellent!
From a first listening test,it is clear that is a very good sounding amplifier,big soundstage,deep clear and controlled bass.
Yes it is the Next Badger for sure!
Soon on YouTube,stay tuned!
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Hey everyone….

I would like to second what Thimios said above… I’ve built several Wolverines now, in order to test multiple output configurations, evaluate stability, measure distortion and to, of course, listen. All of the board versions, for all intents and purposes, performed equally. Adjustments were made accordingly to further enhance layout symmetry and improve component accessibility, in order to provide the best product.

In my own case, I planned from the beginning to build a Quad amp, in order to bi-amp my speakers. The Wolverine EF3-3 configuration suited this build perfectly. I began this project by first building a preamp consisting of Wayne’s Burning Amp line stage and then Pass Lab’s 6-24 active crossover to feed the 4 channels of the Wolverine. I did all of my test listening through this system, although using only 1 board per channel. As I had mentioned in previous posts, the low frequencies are presented with authority and are crisp, but effortless. I really couldn’t differentiate between the different output devices. The same can be said for the mids and highs. My speakers have mid and high planar drivers, so they don’t really miss much…. No tendency to be bright and annoying. It’s extremely pleasant to listen to.

With the box completed, I ran a signal through each board to assess sine and square waves, as was done during development. All checked out perfectly… I then ran a series of tests using a HP 8903B to see how much cramming everything in a box effected the distortion numbers, which was my one real concern. The HP in a loop-back configuration is bottomed out at .0014% THD+N. This is what each board delivered at 130 watts output: .0014% at 1Khz; .0018% at 10Khz; .002% at 20Khz…. The same measurements I was getting with everything spread out on the test bench. Stuffed into a box didn’t make any real difference.

Anyway, I’ll be listening to the quad configuration in the next few days… I can’t wait. Here’s some photos:


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    City lights.jpg
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  • Complete Quad amp rear view.jpg
    Complete Quad amp rear view.jpg
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  • City lights overhead.jpg
    City lights overhead.jpg
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Joined 2016
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Hi Guy's, check this out. A friend of mine asked me how long this project had been going on for so I thought. Easy just check Ostrippers first post.
So I did and to my surprise I saw this... Compared the date and time to my post today.... This was not a setup and I'm not superstitious.


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Joined 2016
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Hi Guys,

I have just sent out the Dropbox link to all the forum members who have paid for their PCB’s in the Group Buy.
Please, ignore the first e-mail as I forgot to attach the actual Dropbox link :)

Please give it an hour or so to arrive. If you don’t receive the Dropbox link and believe that you should have received it. Please send me a PM and I’ll resend it.

To the other forum members who did no participate in the group buy. The Dropbox link will be available to you after a few weeks once the forum members who have purchased boards have had an opportunity to purchase parts.

I would like to once again make mention and thank the people on this team for all the unpaid time and effort they have put into this project. The names of the members are Keantoken, JJS (Jeremy), Harry3 (Harry), Neilshop (Neil), Johno (John), thompsontechs (Jim), Thimios (Thimios), Brettn56 (Brett). Without them this project would not have been completed, researched and tested to such a high standard.
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Joined 2019
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@stuartmp and the Wolverine team. Epic build guide and extended documentation. I particularly admire and appreciate the work that went into the BoM and alternate parts modeling / testing. I had taken Pete's text document (#582) and schematics early on to create my BoM and order parts, but the tweaks, alternates, depth of documentation is 2nd to none. The most common question I have as a new builder is "will this part work instead of...."

The build guide is the most thorough I've seen. Of particular note are placeholders for future updates (feedback trace), a small section on transistor matching etc.,

Still won't be until May or June until I get to the build, but I know it will be a fun build with an exceptional outcome.

@ostripper / Pete - if you're watching. :cheers:

With thanks,

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Hi guys, a big thanks to Stuart and all the Wolverine developing team. What could I say, if this awesome stuff have been provided by the Store, I think they wouldn't have done better than this! Build guide is richly detailed and despite my low building skills, it's so complete that it strongly encourages me in accepting this new challenge. Some months ago I finished my Badger, but the wish of building something new never abandons me! This guide is more complete and engaging than all the ones I've read through before. What surprises me of this project is also the very wide choice of components the BOM offers, which makes the building highly customizable. Moreover the schematics is really well done and, as you all know way longer than me, it's an essential tool. If it's clear, like this one, it surely saves the builder a lot of time!
Thank you again guys for your exceptional job and for all the time spent in doing it!

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Many many thanks for all your efforts, Wolverine Design Team!! Parts have been ordered, and the BOM helped a ton with alternatives. The trimmers appear to have the worst backorder status, but I'm in no hurry. More time for the excitement to build!! Is anyone else planning to swap out their Honey Badger PCBs for Wolverines?
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To the Wolverine Team:

Thank you for all of your hard work! This thread has been an exciting read from Day 1 and your posts, detailing your progress and test results, as well as the build guide and well-researched BOM, have me all geared up to order parts and start my build. Seriously impressive efforts!

I do have a question about the power supply, though. The build guide is silent on the subject while the BOM suggests a rudimentary bipolar power supply consisting of a transformer, bridges or fast recovery diodes and four (8 if dual mono) 10k uF reservoir caps. Have you noticed any performance improvements with a beefier power supply (e.g., four or more 15k or 22k uF caps)? Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

And once again, kudos!

Joined 2014
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I believe I did find one problem on the BOM, just so everyone knows. R126A, R126B, 127A, R127B, the first first recommended resistor is a 10R, pretty sure that's a mistake, schematic is showing two 20R in parallel to total 10R with EF3-3, the EF3-4 adds a 10R in parallel with the first two.
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Main parts ordered....Very pleased and impressed with the quality of the build documents! Thanks to the Team for this hard work taht you kept up for such a long time. A wonderful result. With no doubt, I'm sure this amp will really make itself known pretty soon. Very good team work, very good commitment and focus = very good result. Well done!:worship:
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