DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

I find it weird that this amplifier was originated and designed in public. Now it seems to be a cash grab on sale pf PCBs by a select few of self made custodians.

I don't see a reason why the schematic should be a secret if this amplifier was originally designed in the public domain of this forum.
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If you'd read through the thread, you'd understand. There was plenty of time to be a part of the "cash grab". The design isn't made public yet so those who did follow along and were part of the GB, have time to gather the parts necessary given the current scarcity of various said parts.
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@Vostro - These are unusual times. As you may have noticed, even the title of the thread originated with the idea that this would be a set of PCBs sold through the store. Perhaps that will still be the situation in the future. Who knows?

I believe this was specifically stated earlier by at least one of the 'custodians'; with the global parts shortage and scarcity of particular parts suggested for this amplifier, they wanted everyone within the GB to have an equal opportunity to obtain parts first. Then, it's my understanding that the information they have compiled will be more readily available. I don't think it's a "secret" per se. Perhaps ask someone that's participated in the GB to share them with you. However, it won't be me. You can and should wait patiently, IMO. As for them appointing themselves, I for one am certainly glad they did. My guess is that collectively, they've likely put in over 2000 man-hours to bring this project to life.

Yes, I also find that weird... and very wonderful. :D
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have time to gather the parts necessary given the current scarcity of various said parts.
with the global parts shortage and scarcity of particular parts

The global electronic component and semiconductor industries don't rely on the 10's of hobbyists building amplifiers to maintain their production capacity.
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The global electronic component and semiconductor industries don't rely on the 10's of hobbyists building amplifiers to maintain their production capacity.
That may be the case, but many of the parts were hard to find when I put together my order, or had very low stock. And there are not many suitable substitutes. In fact, I have to wait until June to get some of the semiconductors, unless I want to gamble on some dodgy sources.

You may not have heard, but inventories of components are low due to the manufacturing delays/closures stemming from the pandemic.
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You may not have heard, but inventories of components are low due to the manufacturing delays/closures stemming from the pandemic.

No, I wasn't aware of a global shortage, where can I read about the reasoning behind these shortages...........

Maybe you should be aware product manufacturers use almost exclusively SMD and thus global suppliers would most likely give priority to SMD manufacturing so therefore you would expect some extended delay for through hole components.
No, I wasn't aware of a global shortage, where can I read about the reasoning behind these shortages...........

Maybe you should be aware product manufacturers use almost exclusively SMD and thus global suppliers would most likely give priority to SMD manufacturing so therefore you would expect some extended delay for through hole components.
I am aware. And all of those are the reasons the designers chose to withhold the design details until people who bough into the group buy had a chance to get parts. Perhaps I misunderstood the context of your remark? If I did, I apologize.
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Having a separate pcb for the input stage does allow one to design a smt version which opens the door to contract assembly and greater availability to smt parts to use. I am sorry it’s a lot of info in this thread with no index, is there a mech drawing and spec for the input stage pcb?
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