Efficient 2-way

As far the spl curve is high enough it should not be a problem in a lower spl home environment if I undetstood correctly Earl G.
Of course not all 1" go as low but there are some like few Faitals or else brands. The thing is a specific horn has to be designed according a specific driver. So such a grupbuy dev needs people agree from the beginning.
Yeah it is a stretch either way, the top or the bottom, crossing to 15". Perhaps a 1.4" throat drivers are the good compromise. Same with the bass, either top or the bottom, two way is a stretch :) luckily the ATH thread shows some promise with the latest phase plug thingy which probably enables better top octave for the big throat drivers.

Speaker design reveals so much compromises on every turn that it is matter of choosing something and then living with it (unless no build started yet and the design can be changed, even completely). Try and find a waveguide, then driver for it, then woofer below, if you are decided it is going to be a two way. Most probably it will sound nice, big speakers are fun even though they weren't spot on :)

Why should the horn be specific for a driver? IF all CD's emit a flat wavefront, why should the horn care? And their exit angle is the same...

And what about a 2380 with an adapter?
If you have time to go through the ATH thread, I think there is not too much difference with the various exit angles / mismatch. You could use adapter to scale small throat driver for bigger throat waveguide, not sure if it is worth it though, the device might beam just like with the big throat driver.

Most of the horn profiles available aren't very good in terms of smooth transition at the mouth to baffle, or are not constant directivity, or are too small (made for PA market). The thing is, when the horn profile has sudden changes (acoustic impedance) on it a reflection occurs. Diffraction slot, mismatch at horn throat, sharp mouth termination etc. All these add up and the horn withstand reflections in it and produces higher order modes and what not. I'm not specialist on the field, but I guess you would then hear "the horn sound", which is why HIFI people still use dome tweeters because they say horns sound bad. There are bunch of waveguides available that don't show these anomalies, but are either expensive, unobtanium or too small or what ever excuess it is hard to find one suitable for big two way project :) The hifi niche is small and the public address stuff is optimized mostly for SPL capability over hifi quality. That said, I've got RCF H100 and Faital STH100 waveguides and both sound just fine, but are small.

You could pick any device and be happy with it! If lushing for more, the ATH stuff is top notch, no horn sound, but is kind of much work.
If you plan freestanding horn you can buy many and swap them out if not happy. Depends on how you wanna go with it. You could use the 2380 with adapter, or just use the driver that fits it and be happy, just another compromise taken and a bit closer to finish :)
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From autotech horns this one looks to have least "horn sound" red flags http://horns-diy.pl/horns/minphase/minphase-600/ but I have no idea what the response is or what the cost is. Never heard any of the offerings so take my words as opinion.

edit. the larger model has some measurements http://horns-diy.pl/horns/minphase/minphase-200/ , doesn't look too bad. Look at the 2" measurement, the last octave is pretty much gone with such big throat. 2" is about 6.8kHz and the response starts to narrow soon after that.
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The CD's I've seen have the resonance much higher, which was said to be a problem here. Or is that resonance peak dependent on the horn?
eminince N314T-8 1.4" CD has a resonance @ 550 hz. Recommended crossover is 800 hz. 100 W AES, 4 bolt mount. Peavey RX22HF 1.4" CD that I listen to they don't show resonance curve, but they say useable 500 hz to 20khz. 70 W AES, 1 3/8" screw mount. The horn in my Peavey SP2-XT was a screw on CH-941, 19" w x 10.5" h x 11" deep.
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I think I need to get the polar map of the CD+horn into VituixCad. So I made something to get the data from an image:

I think I might be able to generate the frequency responses used in VituixCAD from this. Am I right or should I abandon this?
Your journey reminds me of mine. I ended up with a radian 475 on a 375 hz tractrix mated to a 12 inch subwoofer driver. I cross at 500hz. It's not constant directivity, but after fiddling with different horns and drivers for a couple of decades I sure am happy. Very dynamic, crazy bass, awesome voices. I have a mold for the horns if you want me to cast you a pair.
Sounds hard to select horn+driver combo and 12" or 15" midbass to it? I think there should be a lot of that kind of speakers. For example XT1086 and HD1050 with some low Le midbass. Would work with suitable 15" too. With 15" for example XT1464 and HD1480, ND1460 or ND1424BT.
When I look at Devore O/96 which states 96dB but measures 91dB or Audio Note which has the same overly optimistic specs, I wonder how possible or practical the whole "hi-efficiency" theory really is.
I'm listening to my SP2(2004) 99 db 1w1m speakers at 0.25 vac peaks. Measured with a Simpson 266XLPM meter on 2.5 vac scale. (V^2)/Z that would be .0078 Watts.