F5 with 2SK2013/2SJ313

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think Vgs for mosfet based one , and think Vbe for bjt based one

there is nothing wrong in some reading , Greedy Boyz


Time is the thing wrong with reading. I don't have enough, can't remember from one year to the next anyway.

Trying to learn Linux for Raspberry PI. Greedy boy, wants it spoon fed.

Just want a good sounding reg/multiplier without learning how to design one. Asking questions, I do learn somethings, going to forget a year later if I don't need it again.

So, there you have it.

Official Court Jester
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no need for that Tinitus

whatever -= cap multi is what it's name is saying - it's multiplying cap value ( connected to base/gate) by part's intrinsic amplifying factor ( beta/xconductance ratio) , so it's elegant ripple remover

it's not replacement for Jules ( so it's wise to have substantial capacity after , for harder loads ) but in cases where approx. 4V shave of PSU voltage (remember Ube or Ugs ? ) is welcome , putting one is clever thing

almost as when Mickey Mouse took 4 flies with one stroke ;)
...would something similar be possible with Juma's multiplier ?

How do you know that it already doesn't do that ?
It's a variant of standard MOSFET cap multiplier, known here since Zen3 article. It is slow-start by default because it takes time to charge the cap that polarizes the gate of the MOSFET. That amount of time (RC constant) is defined by the value of the said capacitor and the value of the resistor that connects the drain and the gate.
I'm sure that everyone here already knows that, but thinking seems to be even harder task than reading... :D
Second version of this amp

Speaking of reading, there is a second version of this amp on the second page of the diyaudio.rs thread (and at least one modification described farther along in that thread). It takes a little imagination to read using Google translate. From what I can tell the second is more difficult to set up.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
I'm sure that everyone here already knows that, but thinking seems to be even harder task than reading... :D

thanks, good info, softstart function is nice feature
nice to know how it works, and where to find it :)

no, I dont read/understand very well, sorry
unfortunately a handycap I have
but Im used to it

You are using a different regulator than Juma's, see below.
What is the advantage of your regulator over Juma's?


hey, Rush, I notice it now, that curcuit you show there is not the one Juma is suggesting
his is with complementary pair :confused:
Speaking of reading, there is a second version of this amp on the second page of the diyaudio.rs thread (and at least one modification described farther along in that thread). It takes a little imagination to read using Google translate. From what I can tell the second is more difficult to set up.

Not at all. It just sounds a slightly more relaxed/warm/tolerant-to-bad-recordings. And it has a bit more gain.
Here is the modification of the regulator boards for European/American transistors


  • F5 Regelungen eur Foto3.jpg
    F5 Regelungen eur Foto3.jpg
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
because a bigger board might not be a lot more expencive
I thought if it could be made 'breakable', or to be hacked off, by sawing, or whatever

but may result in looking 'less nice'
maybe not so simple as I first imagined

or, a breakable board could also be a more cost effective way to get 4 of your regs, etc
if some only want 2, you can break them yourself before shipping
but I don't know the prices
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