F5Turbo Illustrated Build Guide

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I don't really need that much power (100wpc in pure class A is more than enough),
I need the slew rate of the balanced amp, particularly as all my equipment and amps is balanced as well.

My calcs showed however 100wpc with 45VDC rails?!

I have not yet ordered the custom toroids.

with 25Vdc rails , in balanced, you'll get that - 100W/8R in Class A

OK, to shoot for increased leeway - use 2x 24Vac Donuts, you'll end somewhere in 24x1.25= 30Vdc range

use 400-500VA Donut per channel and you're good, with overkill

read F4 article, to clear mess made with all that doubling quadrupling and whatnot
starcat wants to run balanced F5 turbo V3 with 45VDC rail.

Correct me if I am wrong. F5 can only run balanced mode in BTL.

So for standard F5 Turbo V3, 45VDC rail, max. output pw is 100W. In BTL mode, the max pw is 400W and not 200W.

He also likes 5 times power supply per output power. So I calculated he should have 2KW power supply.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
he said - he wants 100W

I had impression that rail still needs to be decided

45 rail means at least 150-160Vpp of output at hand, that is ........ not clever to involve F5T in that sort of operation - too much things can go wrong

btw - quadruple power is rarely seen as result of bridging stereo amp , too much losses and amps must be deliberately made to be capable of outputting both double voltage and appropriate current
Thanks guys.

I want a balanced F5T v3 in separate mono blocks. And yes, I don't really need more than 100wpc but balanced is a must, I don't do anything single ended and don't have a single chinch in use. I want to go for the cleanest sound possible, not afraid of cascoding JFETs, component cost or building CRLC filtering in external PSUs, etc.
Rails still need to be decided, I like the idea for 2x 24VAC secondaries and 30VDC rails though.

The 45VDC rails I calculated starting with the plain F5T v3 in order to reach 100Wpc (which obviously is single ended). The error was on my side thinking the F5T v3 mono blocks are still stereo amps but running in balanced amplifying the + and - of a single channel. In fact it was v2 stereo in single chassis vs. v3 mono in a single chassis because of the bigger heat sink requirements for the v3, but all of them single ended. Sorted out by now.

This would be my first Pass amp. I have build however some other amps for dynamic and (high-voltage) electrostatic headphones, all in class A, like the Gilmore DYI T2, KGSSHV Carbon, CFA, etc., as well with external PSUs.

I am running currently in my stereo system a commercial mono block pair in class A, Vincent SP-991plus driving B&W 800 speakers, which the F5T v3 mono blocks should replace.
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Anyone has something like these heavy duty speaker binding posts, single post, full metal and possibly isolated outside? Can't find anything like this, except for the WBT terminals, might end up using something like WBT-0703cu, here a drawing.

Or I might end up using Neutrik SpeakOn terminals for the speaker wires as well, like the NL4MP-ST with direct screw termination or PCB mount, if I put it directly on the speaker protection relais board.
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If you want splurge, do it here:

Binding Posts

The propeller posts that you linked are by Mundorf.

On my finest builds I use Furutech however. It’s just audio jewelry to me.

Given the “scope” of your construction I certainly hope you have access to an oscilloscope for debugging etc…a bench supply would also be nice so you can test/debug your F5T build on a heatsink prior to final assembly in the enclosure (I do that with all my builds), and an audio analyzer setup is a gift to adjust P3 for the harmonic spectra of your liking.

Have fun building, lots of ideas here on the Pass forum, you can see some of mine in my NPXP thread linked in my signature.

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Thanks poseidonsvoice for that link.
I found the Vampire "wing nut" to be the same as used by Madrigal. Not overpriced as well.

Yes, I have bench PSUs, one is 0.1-40V but 10A only and my second one is 60A but only 0-16V, so looks like I will be building the PSU first. And oscilloscope as well. For an audio analyzer I am using REV on my computer, you have any specific links for adjusting P3 in the F5T?

Yes, forgot that Vampire is going or has gone out of business so the remaining inventory is being sold by PCX.

Yes REW with ancillaries would be nice. With regards to P3, I believe 6L6 has described the adjustment and may have a video in at least one of the F5 threads. It should be pretty easy, just feed the amp a 1Khz signal and then adjust - post your subjective and objective findings here if you can!

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