F5Turbo Illustrated Build Guide

Joined 2019
Paid Member
Hi all,
I am just finishing off an Alepj J build and got quite hooked. I intend to use the Aleph for my midhorn CD's and started contemplaiting building a pair of F5 v3 to drive a pair of AE TD12M. How much more advanced is the F5 to build and would it be suitable to drive a pair of 12" mids down to 80Hz?

Please be specific. You've posted in the F5 Turbo thread. Are you inquiring re: building a pair of F5 Turbo V3s or a pair of "standard" F5 V3s?

Tricky name differentiation, I know, but there is a vast difference (to me) in the complexity of the builds.

6L6 may have a different reply for you based on your answer. Not sure.
Joined 2019
Paid Member
No worries at all. 6L6 is a much better authority on the matter than I. However, I consider the F5 Turbo V3s (If you TRULY build the V3 how Nelson describes it) to be one of the more ambitious projects in the family of amps sold through the site.

I'd consider it a step up in:

build complexity,
knowledge to understand what's going on with the circuit, and
risk of even worse things happening if something does not go to plan.

Can you be successful, sure. Many people have. Would I consider a slightly less risky version of the Turbo perhaps without the diodes... yes.

Should you? If you've read the various threads and can understand why certain components heated to the point of destruction and know how to prevent it, plus, you REALLY want and need that extra power, then build the "full Monty" version of the V3.

My humble opinion / $0.02.

