Fast, fun, Inexpensive OB project

I believe there have been several attemps. But don't recall reading much about the results. With a 10 plus year old thread it is easy to forget all that has been said. Pano may remember more on what has been said. Nice thing is you can experiment and if you like what you hear you are good to go. And you always have a relatively simple and reasonable cost passive crossover to fall back on! Merry Christmas!!
Joined 2004
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I have tried several times to do active on this design. It should be easy and cheap if you already have the gear, right?
Well it never worked right for me, I just could not achieve the same results, never get it sounding as good as passive.

On other speakers designs I've done very well with active, but not with this one. I'm always temped to try again, because it should work. :xeye:
Merry Christmas to all.
Adding to the previous, by abnormalities, I am talking about higher & midrange frequency hash within the in coming data stream that end up with the woofer trying to handle. Know there are those who may take some exception with my view, but, I rely on how well this design reproduces the a typically complicated classical music stream. If you can do classical, you can do anything! Merry Christmas!!
Hello John, Pano and everybody else contributing to this thread,

Been reading for a while and am gonna pursue this project. 17x29 baffle with the grs woofer-version. Maybe with the fancier "wings" along the way.

A question regarding the "big ff'n inductor" the importance of which you stressed earlier: Could it be split up into two 9-10mH inductors in series without compromising anything soundwise. (According to the specsheet this would total the resistance of the inductor-assembly around .8-.7 Ohms)

Also I was wondering would it make a difference to instead of soldering the parts together use these (sugar cubes, we call them in finnish) instead?
Hi Frane, could you please tell something about the upper midrange?
This is the area where I am very sensitive to sharpness and "screaming".
I like very much what I hear from your recording, just ask to be sure.
Its everything but screaming. Its mellow and warm. However, due to crowded house and big tree behind speaker I postponed tweaking and testing for now
Joined 2021
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Thank you Frane.
For the smaller inductors I can only find 18 and 20 AWG with the required resistance - is that okay?
Your 1.4 m inductor has 2 ohms, should I use a serial resistor to it or will it be compensated by the 8R-10R?
Thank you in advance - collecting of the parts starts:)
Happy New Year :cheers:
Just wondering has anyone tried an active crossover with this design?
Depends on what you mean with "this design".
I use a 830669 on a 36cm baffle; don´t know if its close enough but definitely inspired by the driver choice from this thread.
(with an Alpair 7.3 XO~400Hz and Faital HF108 XO~1k)

There is no reason the active crossover cannot do the same as the passive ones presented here.
Of course you´re on your own doing it but it is not that difficult and it doesn´t cost many big ff inductors and has slightly better sensitivity.

Can´t believe I want to try go back to "boxed" speakers soon.
I sure will miss the sound of the open baffled 830669; that´s why it will probably end up in a ripole.


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Some inside baseball... part of why the design works is due to the the big *** inductor... it is a filter that not only shapes the woofer roll off, it filters out a lot of higher end abmomalities. Can't over stress the importance of that.
In support of what Mr. John Bush writes: Week ago two friends were having fun measuring amplifiers (voltage & current mode) on a speaker with driver SICA 5,5 H 1,5 CP.
In conclusion, it turned out that with the current amplifier, the third harmonic is 15 times lower... Surprisingly, with a large coil (inductor), similar results were achieved. :) OK, almost...
Link to thread: Measuring the influence of the output impedance of the amplifier on the speaker (Sorry guys, need to use google translate).
Some food for thinking:
2 3rd harmonic comparison 1W.png

graphic 18: Added 8Ohm resistor between amp-speaker
graphic 19: 1.6mH Inductor added

So, I think that big coil (20mH) in Manzanita crossover design is one of the nice, smart and key features!
Respect, Mr. Bush!
4 amp output impedance HF.png
Joined 2007
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When I built the Ultras a few years ago, the intent was a trial if OB would satisfy my tastes. I went dirt cheap on components. After giving them time to break in, I decided a liked the Ultras and left them as-is for a year, but then got the itch to upgrade to primo parts and the recommended parts for best performance. Earlier this month, I finally swapped out the cheapo inductor on the GRS woofer for the ERSE coil.

I was floored by the improvement, which John mentioned in prior posts. I sat for a few hours listening to several music favorites. I am really happy with the overall improvements to the sound. Even more amazing since I can be a bit picky at times.

John is right, these speakers are revealing of the amp and the recording. I couldn't believe the amount of detail coming through. My son decided to hook up his gaming system while I had Christmas classics on. I told him I didn't mind turning off the system for a bit while he was gaming, but he said he preferred the sound system on because he felt he was at a Christmas concert and it was sounding so good to his ears. This has been a very nice gift indeed to the community and I've greatly appreciated the continued support from John and Pano over the years.
If you can afford it, any of the iron core inductors work well. I prefer the laminated core version from Madisound (Sledgehammer) using 15 ga. wire. (Now $54 each, yikes!) The better the inductor, the better the sound. I have seriesed up 3 each 6 mh 14 ga air cores and that sounded even better, but with added cost and insertion loss. Cleaner mid range. But tough to justify the added cost. Just my $0.02 worth!
Joined 2014
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Once your crossover goes past the cost of your drivers, it's time to at least think about paying for drivers that might need less
help playing nicely with each other.

Or at least moving to (hopefully) higher performance drivers, to justify the expense of the filter bits.

If I put Troels' favorite bits into my little HDS134s, the crossovers would have been four times the price of the drivers(to infinity...and beyond!!!).
Pano.... you are correct of course... Fun to play with them. One take away is that the larger guage air core inductors really help get the most out of a woofers mid bass and lower midrange resolution. Like most things, you do reach a point of diminishing returns, especially given the cost(s) for inductors these days. Need to take a picture of a mh 10 ga sitting next to a 14 ga, both air core. Used some 10 ga. on my old Altec 15" duplexes. The differences were startling. And use the larger ga. for crossover design and as basic standards. J
Joined 2007
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Here's the ERSA inductor I purchased from Parts Express: ERSE 20mH 16 ga coil

I couldn't afford to break the bank with even more copper, so I went with this one, which is an upgrade from the one I had originally, with less copper. The nice surprise was that this upgrade was quite noticeable, for the better. My next step is to build an amplifier, which will be an improvement over my 1980's Adcom.