FET-hex explendit amplifier

It's stable now.This is not DC pulses,this is very low frequency output.
My phone is offender.This is not happened by amp.Use smaller input cap to remove this ;)
Today I worked on very simple amplifier.Tomorrow I'll upgrade it and maybe post new topic.It uses only two (maybe 4 for higher current) transistors on output and VAS is changed with transformer.

Hi Acca,

can I used your schema using ziklai output? Can you draw for this? No available here in our local store bdx33c/34c. Thanks in advance.

Little up-date : BG1-BJT (MJL4281/4302) is up to day in my audio systeme. Last week i swap from CD to computer with Jriver software as player and music tracks on FLAC form. Computer is configurated in Bit perfect mode (wasapi under W7). What i can say is that the back return to CD source is quite impossible as the rendering is pleasent. All previous qualtities i have reported with BG1 introduction are magnified by source modifcation...really, really good music moments...

Little progress in versatil 50 building process : speaker delay and dc protection board. This must be feed by 0/+12Vdc PSU.
I re-etch new versatil 50 board as i gave an evolution to the board by reduce the whole size. I am waitjing some SMD resistors to populate them.


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  • P1050284.JPG
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Little progress in versatil 50 building process : speaker delay and dc protection board. This must be feed by 0/+12Vdc PSU.
I re-etch new versatil 50 board as i gave an evolution to the board by reduce the whole size. I am waitjing some SMD resistors to populate them.

Nice work. But there is very simple way to add very small psu circuit. Only few resistors, one npn tranistor with zener diode and there is no need separate transformer for protection board. Speaker protect can be supplied directly from amp psu voltage.
Nice work. But there is very simple way to add very small psu circuit. Only few resistors, one npn tranistor with zener diode and there is no need separate transformer for protection board. Speaker protect can be supplied directly from amp psu voltage.

Hi Borys,

The 12V PSU exist all ready in soft start board so no issue with that.

Hi folks, I have been following this thread for a while and have decided to build my own. I have created the attached schematic based on Borys earlier schematic except with partys that I have. Can you have a quick glance over it for any mistakes before I create the board etc?

Much appreciated.


Joined 2004
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Hi folks, I have been following this thread for a while and have decided to build my own. I have created the attached schematic based on Borys earlier schematic except with partys that I have. Can you have a quick glance over it for any mistakes before I create the board etc?

Much appreciated.

If I am not mistaken , at first sight , you have a positive feedback amp :nownow:here...check output stage transistors configuration... Also feedback return point should be taken at output of amp and not source resistor...

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