Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar Patent # 10,777,172

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Yeah I hear you on that JJ, the screw and washer combo is downright ugly, nobody likes them, and yes I have been searching for others, the fastener in your link looks pretty nice. Mine is a wood screw, it takes the force easily, and it screws right back in, every time, without damaging the threads, so from the functional side it is a win.

After I put the top back on last night, same as always, the soundboard sounds kind of tight, goes a little out of tune, does not have the power, even the tone is a bit diminished (I need to measure this). After playing for a while it comes right back in, does not go out of tune and sounds great, it is the craziest thing, I guess it means this soundboard really is alive. So an hour to change out the drivers, better add a little more settling in time before playing also. :unsure:

Anyway I but a front shim in with the new saddle, with the standard height, action is way better, sounds great. The shim prevents the saddle from angling down, so the force vector is directly on the piezo. not sure if this matters, but I think it might. I did not have the chance to plug in and test, needed to hit the hay and get up early, hopefully I can do that next weekend.

Also about the loose 1/4" jack, it is in my low end Martin, and I only play that acoustically, becoming my travel guitar, so I don't care about it, but I never saw a 1/4" jack come loose like that, they are usually so reliable. I will use the surgery tools that Art suggests, that should work.

I bought a few items in a music store yesterday, and brought my guitar body in just to get some feedback. The same reaction I always get. The older guys (my age) think its OK, nothing to get excited about, and the younger guys are like what the hell is that? All kinds of questions, Google it and check out the patent, come back and play it for us...every time, young people just love it, and that is without even playing it! Plus they always laugh at my slogan: Let's Make The Acoustic Guitar Rock! Why should electric guitars have all the fun?
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OK all new setup, can only test tonight with a few chords, we are up early, can't jam tonight.

I switched the piezo pickup back to the amp guitar channel, absolutely nothing. I am like what the hell, is all my new soldering work screwed?

OK, try the magnetic pickup in the amp mic/line channel, worked great, what a relief. So no problem with the drivers, pickup mounting, wiring. Plus I strummed a few loud chords, this works well, but not a problem solver, as that channel was OK before.

Back to the amp guitar channel, still nothing. Then I hit the "tuning fork" switch on the piezo (which is some crazy way to tune that I don't need). Everything turned on, WTF? Found on Acoustic Guitar Forum (great site) many people had the same problem with this Fishman pickup. OK now I know, check this often.
This button is not even referred to in the Fishman brag rag that comes with this pickup. Plus I think the circuit limiter is in this channel only, not sure why, there are different boards for each channel.

And the Roland AC-33 has zero mention of the limiter circuit in their brag rag, WTF?

OK, that's life, not a big deal now, but when there are two issues you don't know about, wow!

Anyway hope to get some REW time this weekend after travel, looking to get back to SPL of 112-115 dB max, and 85 dB lows, 90 dB harmonics. I don't know why this would not happen again, did it many many times before, that would be great!

I requested recording session time at Round Table Recording Company in Indy, looks really nice. Online request, hope to hear soon. I need a pro, not just for sound, but also a good video, rates are reasonable. I need to post on YouTube for all to hear, it is way past time! Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
Good luck with the professional recording! I'd like you to try Jamulus - at least I could hear what you're doing over your measurement mic. Live help - let's hook up.

Hey, I looked at a few years old now pickup system from Shadow electronics last night. Could be a game changer for you, though expensive. It's a regular under saddle piezo strip, with the caveat that it's a hex pickup, so each string can be individually set in loudness, so you can fully balance them.

But the game changer for you is it's stereo output, with the 3 lows coming out one channel and the 3 highs, out the other. (Of course, infinitely variable from that back to mono with a control) That means you could make one horn length optimized for the 3 low strings, the other for the 3 high strings; like an "E" length horn and a "G" horn - Or maybe a "D" horn length and a "F". Or maybe flat tunings work better against concert string tuning. In the same guitar body as a modification of your current channel routing lengths.

There's a YT video where someone plays a Martin with this pickup system through two individual amps, the trebles having reverb effect and the bass not, etc.

Possibly a patentable extension to your base idea. Unsure if the Roland amp does true stereo between the mic and instrument inputs.

Man, there's almost as much to do with your creation as there are songs to play!
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First of all JJ, do I want to jam with you on Jamulus - YES, of course! I never even heard of this until you brought it to my attention. Me thinks the Jamulus concept is a great idea! I would think there are likely other sites like this? Really don't know. Next year for sure, as you will see below other issues are on the table. Plus I will check out the Shadow hex pickup, thanks!

For now I have the hopes of recording in the studio as mentioned earlier, very excited about this, need to practice vigorously now. Plus over Thanksgiving my daughter showed me the development stages of my website, looks great. She is excited about this because she gets $$$ from old Dad, but only when earned!

Now that my daughter is involved, my wife is becoming more interested, beyond the "turn that **** down" involvement!

For the life of me, I can't figure out why this guitar sounds so different, just acoustically, when I remove the soundboard, place it back on after some work, and put new strings on it. At first it just sounds a little bit on the lame side, I am like WTF? I need to retune after just a few songs. Then the next day, same thing. Usually only lasts a few jam sessions.

I came back tonight (was in good old Chicago) and the guitar is in perfect tune, did not move a bit, soundboard is alive, sounding great acoustically, does not go out of tune in the least bit, then it stays that way, for weeks, even months.

Any Luthiers out there that would like to comment on my crazy but good screwed on soundboard? It is a bit frustrating at first, but when it settles in, just beautiful!

Obviously that means do not ever remove your soundboard and strings anywhere near close to a demo or recording date!

Anyway, feeling pretty damn good tonight, after so many weeks of frustration, everything ready to go. My wife is in bed now, waiting for the snoring to begin, then time to rock!

If REW goes well, I will post again tonight out of excitement. If not, I will post bad news, if I have the balls, maybe, we shall see!
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OK, everything firing on all cylinders, was a complete joy to jam tonight! I turned it down just a little, don't need too much power, just the right amount. Hell, it sounded great acoustically, but this time I carefully turned everything up, no limiter problems at all. I think the zero to 7 or 8 was just too much, take it easy!

The miniDSP REW data (attached) looks great, and it sounded great.

The laptop mic is not to be trusted, just showing for reference.

This time I put the mic as far as I could into the horns, crazy! 146 dB? Who knows what is going on in the horn? I sure do not. It must be correct, miniDSP is accurate, nothing the ear would hear of course, but interesting. Anybody have any data on what happens inside a horn? Inquiring minds need to know!


  • REW 11-24-23 .pdf
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The miniDSP is accurate if it has been calibrated and the maximum mic level is not exceeded. The UMIK-1 is good to around 133dB @1% THD @1kHz, the UMIK-2 only 125dB. Levels reading over that can't be trusted.

A horn in free space (outdoors, away from any boundaries) past the near field, the SPL drops off at 6dB per doubling of distance.
At near distance, the drop off rate depends on the horn flare and mouth area.

Around the time I was doing high frequency driver evaluation:

I also did an inverse distance test on 4/26/2012, using a B&C DE82 driver on a 13x13 degree Maltese horn:

24dB/octave 1.25K HP Pink Noise source
dBA SPL (Slow)
B&K 4004 test mic (<1%THD at 148dB)
SPL Mic distance
110 dBA 2 meters
115.2 dBA 1 meter
119.7 dBA .5 meter, 19.5”
122.5 dBA .25 meter, 9.75”
124.2 dBA .125 meter, 4.875”
126.3 dBA at horn mouth (0.66 meter, 26” from throat screen)
131.7 dBA .33 meter,13” from throat screen
136.8 dBA 165mm, 6.5” from throat screen
141.0 dBA 83mm, 3.25” from throat screen
143.7 dBA Mic at throat screen

The tests were done at under one watt, the mic would have been overloaded and inaccurate at the throat of the horn with an increase much more than 4dB. The driver would be capable of levels near +20dB more under the above test conditions.
Plus I will check out the Shadow hex pickup, thanks!
You're welcome. As I understand the patent game, when one "cites" a similar invention, it's usually a patent describing an "improved" version, where some progress is made in the performance which the original inventor did not comprehend. There's a lot of smart people and if you put smart and evil in quadrature, you'll see one of the quadrants is smart and evil. Some big corporation wont care about you at all, relative to their investors. I would like to see you wring every drop out of this horn guitar you, AFAICT, originated. Extend your IP to cover the split pickup / corresponding dual length horn, using your skills in wording and drawings.

Regarding your top, people think of a piece of wood as some static entity, when actually it stretches and settles into shape under tension. You could almost say "molecular phase change", but maybe not quite. Anyhow, it's well known in the luthier world that, like a freshly built speaker, a guitar need to be played in to sound its best. It could be processes that are similar in idea, with spider and cone versus wood membrane and braces. Hell, they even make a thing that "shakes" your guitar into shape by driving mechanical vibration into it while it would be otherwise resting. Pretty sure that idea is available for speakers too, in some product somewhere.

It would be interesting if your top could be held in place by (modern day) magnets. I have a pair that I'm scared to get my skin in between and they're only 1/4" in diameter. A few dozen of those along the lines of your screws and I imagine once clicked into place, that top wouldnt be coming off again. Which would mean a mechanism to individually pull each magnet back from direct contact with its mate (as would be when clicked into place) so the top could be removed. Purists wouldnt like all that metal at the top of the guitar's sides, but yours is such a different animal with that heavy chamber structure in back that probably wouldnt matter. Patent?
Oh, with Jamulus I'm unsure we could jam together successfully, due to the time delays going, say, half way across the continent. I could hear you in near real time though. I played with my son using Jamulus last night and it worked pretty well as we're so close to the common server we each logged onto.

I notice a couple people "dropped by" to hear what we were doing (which wasnt much). I went outside for a minute and it did sound like he was playing his guitar in my garage - had no idea how little those un-insulated walls attenuate; almost embarrassed all the screwing around I've been doing has been "broadcast" to our neighbors.

There's a number of different systems which to this, including one or more that do "peer-to-peer" (without the need for a server) somehow. Jamulus is international and I'd bet folks in Japan could hear you, albeit some 100s of milliseconds later. Many of the other systems you have to pay for and for that you get stuff that Jamulus cant do, like video and assured privacy. AFAIC, if someone wants to drop in on my session and listen, go right ahead - I'm pretty sure I'll drive you out in short order ;')

Look forward to attempting a jam next year, if not sooner, just to get to hear "and now with the horns powered up!". PM me about that.
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Art - thanks for all the great info, miniDSP-2 not above 125 dB, eh? I can't hit that, so safe, but I am not too far away. I know inside my horn 146 dB is B.S, but interesting. Next I will check inside both horns, in a few different positions, just to make sure they are consistent. Man you get some serious dB with your equipment, and that older link, wow, even the driver manufacturers were likely reading that! Plus I liked the favorable results from 3" full range drivers, I am surprised how well they work for me, the guitar would be doomed without that kind of (relative) power.

JJ- I love the Hex pickup, man I need to get that and test, on my list! I am also interested in the magnets to hold the soundboard, if they were small enough and strong enough, that could work, maybe. Extending the IP, yep that is critical, still waiting for the damn patent to get reviewed, man is the USPTO backed up. I will be waiting a year and a half for my piano patent response.

I did get a call back from Round Table Recording Company, so I will cut a demo with a video, after Christmas. I still need to talk with the engineer, details to work out, but promising! Then YouTube of course.

The laptop mic is not to be trusted, but I do want to record my Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar, and standard acoustic guitar with the laptop mic, just to see if it is consistent, or I should say, are the comparisons from the two similar to miniDSP comparisons, just for fun, who know what I will learn. Then of course much jamming this weekend, I will have time, and more REW of course. Plus I will post more recent PDF info for anybody new to this thread, and also some new info.

My daughter is developing my website, and I now have seven different domains registered (just to be safe). Nothing ready yet, but moving forward!

I now have 34,000 hits, took (24) days for this last 1,000 hits, pretty good.

I wonder what YouTube hits will be like?? Obviously nowhere near the audio expertise, but hope to get more guitar players, luthiers, general public, music fans, who knows? Might be big hits, might be a dud. :unsure::ROFLMAO:

IF I get mucho hits, might be a good way to spread some links from diyAudio and other places, we shall see. Thanks! Joe
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The pool pump was bad enough, now it snowed the other day and the furnace through the vent is 50 dB! I always turn it down, but it got me thinking.

See the first two pages of the PDF. I colored everything above 50 dB (not that loud). I really wanted to see all SPL above that at every frequency, with the Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar and with a standard Acoustic Guitar.

Of course the traces always show that, BUT the added color throws it into a "picture is worth a thousand words" category. WOW! This really opened my eyes. I am always looking at that 25 dB increase, that I always get, but this just shows it so much more, thoughts?

I made these PPT pages with color, because I am thinking about what I will post on YouTube, after the recording session. diyAudio is one thing (experts). YouTube is quite another. :unsure:

I will be presenting to "non-Audio" people. Like me two years ago! :ROFLMAO:

I mean seriously, people just want to hear good music, and hopefully will be interested in my radical guitar.

Anyway, I am about 2/3 through "Little Martha" still a little choppy, but I am getting it so far.

I thought about doing some REW tonight. I think I am getting addicted to that software, it is so good, and so much fun!

But then I thought, nope, just play guitar and have fun. I bet I have 50 REW recordings, I know what is going on with my instrument, no surprises any more!

The guitar is rocking tonight, so happy. I think the frustrations that I have been through make the happiness even better, YES!!!

Plus there comes a point where you really don't need to measure anything, you just know.

As the great Duke Ellington said: "If it sounds good, it is good" !!!


  • Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar 12-1-23 U.S. Patent #10,777,172.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 46
Anyway, I am about 2/3 through "Little Martha" still a little choppy, but I am getting it so
I played "Bertha" by the Dead at the local friday open mic - a "little choppy" too. I used my open back guitar, which about worked as expected. People were curious about it and I got to explain a little of how it came to be while still up on stage. Hint-hint; another "channel" for showing off your instrument, if you dare. Even though I'm just not talented enough to learn somewhat unfamiliar material and have it presentable in a week, I find going through the practice, the nervousness, the anticipation and finally performance is worth it. I tried for 3 "new" songs, only "Bertha" made it, which rode on my innate familiarity with it - c'mon, Bertha, from the skull and roses album...

Of course, the open mic in little 'ol Olympia might be a bit different than those in Chicago, but I'd bet you could find one with a supportive cast of players and soundman. The folks have been really nice at the one I've done...two times now. One guy even offered to accompany me on "Wooden Ships" on bass last week, which he did this week. No rehearsal - just did it. One lady's voice is so strong I could hear her louder than me put though the PA and stage monitor, while she was singing along out in the audience!
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JJ Olympia looks nice. My sister was in Seattle for Thanksgiving, her daughter is there, they really like it, I have not been there in decades.

I like the idea about the open mic, have not done that in decades either. Can be hit or miss depending on the sound setup...I am a big CSNY fan of course.

My favor was playing blues harp in the streets of Chicago with the blues bands playing on the streets at the Blues Fest. BB King or Muddy Waters on the main stage, what a blast. I would ride my bicycle down the lakefront with a cooler of beer tied on the back, playing the blues harp as I ride. People would stop me and start dancing, was a great festival, maybe I mentioned this before!

Anyway, in little old Crawfordsville now, just outside Indy, nice little down with big affordable old houses!

Last night the limiter circuit kicked in when I was testing the limits and going high, was too much for me, then BAM off she goes. Turned it back on, nothing.
Then I unplugged everything and waited five minutes, back on and jamming again, no problems. I wonder if this is a time or temp. situation??

Plus I used brand new 1/4" cables, not sure if I had a slightly bad connection maybe, was really rocking, but I did not measure anything, was having too much fun, maybe tonight, plus I should measure my blues harp! When everything is working well, two speakers is plenty of headroom. I was even playing some songs with master and volume on each channel on 5 only, still rocking, four speakers is just not needed, and the horns are just right at five feet long, me thinks. Tonight I measure inside BOTH horns, compare.

What did you think of the yellow highlighting one the FR? Too much like training wheels? I know it is a little silly, but for some reason I really like it. Hell it is hanging up on my wall now, and every time I look at it I think "that pretty much says it all" I think it will be good for "non-audio" people. My guess is on YouTube that will be about 99% of the people watching?? Although the music lover part is the most important thing, and that should be very high of course.

Can't wait to record now, I am ready to Make The Acoustic Guitar Rock!
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Wow JJ, I have some friends that live up that way, but not in Wingate, will check it out. He is the banjo player and she plays upright bass, mentioned that earlier, great barn jam! You would think they are farmers maybe, but no, he is a teacher and she has a M.S. working for a big Pharma company, their barn is a great jam location!

I do a song with a drop D, so powerful I don't even need to turn the horns on. I play it nice and easy, then build it up, go up to the D chord above the twelve fret (octave), then just keep pounding on this one louder each time, the fourth string just popped! I usually break a string at least once a month, if not, you are not rocking!
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It did it again, after the busted string was replaced, the soundboard was sounding good, but just not rocking quite as much. A few songs later, you can actually hear it settling in, amazing. Not there yet, but getting closer, usually takes about an hour of jamming, then all OK.

I like the tuners I can put on my headstock, but man those babies are just not accurate enough. I can hear at least two different pitches and the "A" or whatever string you are tuning does not change, low quality. It does get you close, so I like that, but I rely on my ear for the final pitch tweak, then it sounds great!
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Man this Roland amp is "finicky". I tuned on the power and was not really rocking. I replaced the battery in the piezo just to be safe. A little more power. I think the crazy limiter circuit might have something to do with this????

I could hear the drivers working, but not good enough. Then I turned it up form my normal 6 or 7 to about 8-1/2.

Then suddenly the thing starts rocking. I am like WTF?

I turn it up to 9, which usually feedbacks, no feedback at all.

So I go back to about 8 and the guitar sounds just beautiful. Rocking hard, tone is excellent, can't put it down, hoping the wife does not wake up.

I think the greatest, most beautiful sound I have ever heard from this guitar. WTF - VERY finicky!

I can't complain, but I don't understand what is happening. I need a new amp, I mean this amp has not changed much in I think 10-15 years.

Anybody out there with Roland amp comments? Don't get me wrong, I love Roland products, just need to know!
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I like CNC, but I also like Old School. Simple but great technique for spotting blind holes from one piece to another, guitar body to soundboard. Hell, tube amps and horns are a bit Old School, and they work great! Digital can not solve all the problems, or deliver all good results, but it is seriously sweet as we all know.

I mean using your ear is the ultimate Old School, been around for how many thousands of years? :unsure:

A Stradivarius violin is worth how much? Can you imagine the fine wood, the slow removing of wood, the tapping, the ear close to the work, amazing!

Anybody have any Old School stories? We would love to hear them!


  • Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar Old School 12-8-23.pdf
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Tonight I had it up to 8, sounding great, the limiter circuit would not kick in at all, rocking for an hour, great tone.

I was like, man this is great, why does the limiter circuit not kick in? I love it!

Then I noticed the anti-feedback switch was not on. I always have it on, I mean why not?

Hmm, does the antifeedback switch kick in the limiter circuit? :unsure:

I sure do hope I discovered the problem. Comments anybody?
antifeedback switch kick in the limiter circuit? :unsure:
Depends what their algorithm is, for "this must be feedback". After all, the primary remedy for stopping feedback is to turn it down or most effective; kill the whole signal immediately. So if their antifeedback is kicking in, something is tricking it into doing its thing. A loud, long sustained high note or other sound perhaps?

It can only be so smart in that price range and I'm sure it cant tell between if the musician intends the feedback, or it's unwanted. It would have ruined John Lennon's into to "I Feel Fine".

If it was me, I'd put a piece of tape over that switch and move onward ;')