Folded Horn Acoustic Guitar Patent # 10,777,172

Joined 2021
Paid Member
Good news and bad news:

First the bad: Yamaha has not responded to me. Scenarios in my head:

1) The gentleman is on vacation. 2) They are reviewing my guitar. 3) My *** is being blown off. Place your bets!

The good news: My third Patent that I thought might only get publication now looks like Patent grant will happen:
This is the pretty much the same guitar as the FHAG but noted as "Acoustic Waveguide Guitar". It is described as waveguides, not horns, and also with internal or external amp options, and also with magnetic pickups, piezo pickups and microphone, or a combination of these as options, plus other minor details.

My fear was if this gets rejected, maybe they could also back track and reject my first patent? It is unusual, but it is possible...freaked me out.

I set up an interview with my Patent examiner, because the guitar Patent that I might be violating was in fact the good old "Electrophonic Guitar".
I thought, you must be kidding? Yeah this is the guitar that I saw before I filed, and Art also mentioned in previous posts. I remember Art was not impressed, and I would love to hear more about this from Art. Not because I want to waste his time, but because I think it would be fun!

Now from what I have seen, I like this guitar, but it does seem a little under powered, especially for an electric guitar.

So I was freaking out that my interview may not go well, for some unknown reason, but my Patent Examiner said, OK tell me how your guitar is different, see attached PDF for my response. As I explained, there was silence. Then pretty much OK I see your point.

Now I like this Patent examiner, due to my first Patent going through, and they were very patient with me, as a first time Patent applicant. What I could not figure out was how a Patent examiner with 20 years experience could miss so much. My guess is, since the Patent office has the highest number of Patents being reviewed in the history of the USPTO, I think they are likely under the gun and rushing through, just a little bit more that they would like, else why?

Anyway the convo ended with yeah that sounds really good, send in your remarks/arguments, and I will review your Patent again. NO CHANGES needed to your Patent, They understand now. WOW! What a relief!

Now for the studio story from Friday, Man do I love Round Table Recording Company! Getting to know everybody, what a great music vibe the place has, soooo much fun and great work also. Had a few other people that worked there hearing about my guitar, and wanted to check it out. Almost everybody that looks at it for the first time is like WTF is this?! So much fun!

I showed how the horns are covered and sealed, similar to high end speakers systems with horns (every time I mention that to "the general public" they start to get it). Amp in or out of guitar options, chamber divider options, blah, blah, hope I did not bore people. The good thing is my videographer new friend is young and a great guy. I ask him should I put a certain phrasing in, he is like hell no, I want to cut that out, but I really like this. I told him early on I am paying you, but you still need to be honest with me. If I am doing something that is "not desired" tell me, and he does, love it!

The I tuned my guitar to open E and played slide, and did the harmonic end to Little Martha, I think that might actually make the video cut!


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