Full throttle construction of amplifiers

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Here is one more image, and i will go...have to fly today.

Have fun guys.




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What a surprise, Life Force waiting for me, and i will have to travel again.

But i could listen...... not a long listen but more than 150 minutes.

The amplifier is unbeliavable clear in the trebles.... beeing very near the perfection, that is the live sound.....oh! the strings......a wonderfull unit.

The dinamics was increase and beated the old 55 Nirvana, also the bass punch could ressonate my window glasses.

It is interesting that could beat easy the old Nirvana, model !!, i was waiting for some increase, but was impressed that Hugh could make it much better than i was hopping for, as 55 was something i was believing reaching the top limit....but this top may have more room than i was believing.

Well.....living and learning...everyday a new thing to understand.

I am curious about others units i am finishing...but this one arrived complettely finished...just plug and play.


I made a group listening test with Holton amplifier, the small brother of his line

The Holton NX150 power amplifier, a kit for diy hobbie is
a hudge powered unit, able to surprise with great dynamics
and seeming it has twice the published power.

In my personal point of view, it did not show any special colouration in
almost all the audio band….something was better in the deep bass spectrum,
and was considered not exactly perfect…but sounding very nice, having some
spatial dimension…. Alike some small delay echo….but Bernardo, the one
observed and shown that for us, accepted that characteristic as something good…much more effect than defect he said…happened with tuned duct speakers…the old bass reflex.

He was alone to prove us that ….. finally he convinced us…but for me this is
better than something perfect…as I love that kind of bass….made for me as
something customized.

Beautifull bass…remembering me a thunder…and also the enormous old
Altec Lansing speakers that used to play that warm and interesting bass in the old days….my home was not happy, as many objects start to move over the table, it is a room shacking amplifier hat may produce instantaneous power that can reach twice the nominal….my wife asked to reduce the volume, because was not fair to me to test a Cinema amplifier inside our home…this is what she said…. 50 watts average was the
power used.

In my whole life, with more than 3K amplifier assembled and tested, i could find
5 units considered extremely respectable…and this one if one of them, that arrived here to stay.

I made a small version and called friends to listen to it, and we
nnrmally avoid the stereo listening, as sound stage can fool us and
produce, as a result, much better evaluation than the real thing.

Sound stage is something that drive almost all of us, and this amplifier
reproduces a wonderfull special positioning of instruments

I could perceive some bass deepness…related its dimension…what resulted
in something I appreciate very much…longer and tigh bass….with a punch and
a little bit longer than natural delay to stop…a nice decay in my point of view.

My friends were surprised because it is nice in treble reproduction, not presenting
the very common harshness we find in many amplifiers, and the midranges was clear
not producing enormous differences related male and female voices..the amplifier
was considered very flat during listening, and speakers were changed …we have used
acoustic suspension, duct tuned units and Senheiser old headphones…those old and good
units that use microphone cartridges as drivers.

I had no more than 50 undistorted watts over 8 ohms, as I reduce the voltage.

I made that referenced in the detailed manual that came recorded into a CD, with all
needed informs plus components data sheets and assembling instructions, a very
detailed reference that complete our needs to check and adjust, including some reference

The amplifier can work from 33 volts into 70 volts, using two rudged Mosfet pairs in the
output…. I was surprised to read that its input has a big capacitance…more surprised to
perceive that was not muffling nothing in the sound reproduction.

Amplifier is silent…you can put your ears in front of the tweeter and will perceive a very
small hissing…and the better, the hissing was not muffled related it`s own tone characteristic…nothing filtered…..no zobel in the output….nothing loaded in the output and power may easy go twice the average level…and this is fine, as undistorted power peaks produce deep emotions.

If more than one singer is on stage, you can concentrate to listen one of them, and you will be able to do this…. When I could find many amplifiers unable to do that.

It is a very good amplifier, pretty boards and it is not using strange or hard to find parts…
the circuit is totally complementary and use Mosfets in almost all stages…. A BGT works together a Mosfet in a very interesting circuit producing the voltage amplification

The amplifier runs cool with my 42 supply and three friends will make contact with Aussie Amplifiers to have their own units….. I will assemble to them, as they like to listen only.

Check the price….. it has a big value in the board quality and parts used.

This amplifier is something that can enter the group of exceptionally good units,
and could be sold under the title.

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!...i believe that almost none will return… with the exception of some non honest people that may buy only to assemble and listen to
have a future money back, having already construction details and schematic.

I think only because of that it is not being sold under this affirmative.

I will produce images from this amplifier, an they will have the quality it deserves, for a while stay with Mr Anthony Holton image.

Regards to all friends, and thanks Holton that sold me two spare boards to future construction of a full power unit… also I could have a small discount price on those



  • anthony holton in a frame.jpg
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Full Throttle / cool operation?

" ... The amplifier runs cool with my 42 supply ..."

Carlos: Is this your DC rail voltage? +/- 42 VDC?

I also notice that the power MOSFETs are bolted directly to the heat sinks. Did you use any "grease" or other thermal conductive material between the MOSFETs and the 'sink? Is there any electical connection here ('sink ground = 0 VDC) to the MOSFET metal? I suppose I should look at the chip specs somewhere ... IRF Hexfet, right?

(You might set up a couple of web pages somewhere for all of your graphics and text ... I like reading your output, keep the good news comin')
The pictures were made during construction, also missed all small transistors and

some resistors.... the transistors were the first i could find with not clear numbers on them...as i did not knew those times if Holton will bother or not to show some board details.

He seems that is not bothering himself about nothing....this is good....not an enormous secret...he do not want to publish the schematic soon, as he had produced many kits that are there waiting customers, as the amplifier is something new.

Now the board is working and the Mosfets are there...i will publish, soon, the output transistor data sheet and images too.

No insulator were used there, as the board was assembled only to produce pictures as i was travelling and had not time to finish and test nothing...it was not completed and with hidden transistor numbers...but now i think i can inform more details.... i will contact him about the subject as he asked some secrets about his new amplifiers...not only this one, but also others that are turning near to be in condition to be sold and published too.




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Full throttle / design secrets

" ... i did not know those times if Holton will bother or not to show some board details. ..."

No problem, his kit prices are good enough that there is no reason to "knock off" his work. He doesn't want his many and future competitors to boot strap from his efforts, justifiably.

(BTW: I can give you some web page / server space if you need it. email me for particulars.)
Thanks by the comprehension, by your understanding of the sittuation

Related your offer...i thank you very much, but i think i cannot use those things, as i do not know nothing about that...i do not know even how to operate those things.

2 Years ago, Halojoy made this for me...and he post a lot of schematics i made, and pictures i have post in our forum...but i have no good computer knowledge to operate those things.

I really use our forum as my space, i use to say what i want, to talk everything that appear in my mind without any control from myself and had no problems with moderators.

I think i have enougth room for my things here...there are hundreds of pictures mine and from my family..to present me to the ones really interest me to make them friends....and they are inside this diy communitty...they are my partners, as you are also, in this nice job to inform and be informed...very nice place this one here.

From time to time appear some bad guy...and i perceive forum weak to control them...we have to face them alone, this is not so kind, when we perceive we have the same value compared to the boering guy...as he can enter and disturb the way he can without intervenctions....But those moments are exception, when they happen i turn p..... (pepper maybe) and i use to disappear from our forum for a couple of monthes...time enougth to the boering guy feel lonely bothering and give up from our forum.

I thank you very much by your attention to my posts.

I have to tell you that i use to write to guys like you, because the others that do not want to read me, will turn my person as someone that is wasting time.

I use to observe the hit counter...if something are not interesting to our friends...i use to let the thread die.


Thank you...but behavior alike a parrot sometimes create us problems

When you talk too much...your words loose weigth.
You start to produce some envy, and enemies too.

Bad people start to think you make paid publicity.

Also others go to your mail trying to convince you to say their amplifiers is wonderfull and the other ones are trash.

I use to pay a high price because i use to be myself.

Thank you by the support.


I have prepared some images Fasteddie, and here they are.

The board and transistors are from the standard original kit...but resistors i use mine to this low power version used to listening.

The low powered was needed not to be confused that power is quality..... so.... comparing with the same power will be easy to conclude things.

You will see one wrong resistor, and others are not the standard values, as i am using other voltage.

The standard big MKP capacitors are here to the new board that arrived, to produce a high power unit, with the 63 volts suggested by the designer.

The wrong resistor you will find have another one under the board, in parallell, to produce the resistance needed.

Now with all parts in place.

There`s one old picture maybe...and others were made today.




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Very nice, detailed report on interesting design, extra pads?

" ... The board and transistors are from the standard original kit...but resistors i use mine to this low power version ..."

Very cool, nice pictures.

I am not too fmiliar with the design details.

Are those "extra" solder pads in line with the power drivers (SML TO3s (?)) available for added, higher output? Do any extra parts come with the kit? Can these "extra" power chips be obtained elsewhere? (Are instructions to do any addons in the assembly manual?)

You reduced power by reducing certain resistor values (or types), is this in the assembly manual?

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