Full throttle construction of amplifiers

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In portuguese são "colhões"....You got to have them, otherwise
you wont buid anything!

Parabens Carlos, congratulations Carlos for your amplifier designed only by youself without interferences...I wish I could do the same!

Are you sure you are not going to introduce some other modification that is going to screw up my layout?

Well, I hope you don't because I'm not going to take it....

Rezou e disse dois pulinhos e foi-se!
hummm..i think i understood...let's go ahead as

moderators are watching and they may bite my......conscience let's say.

I will stop in this one, as it is sounding very good...power more than enougth (I am using 4 ohms) and to a stereo will be a room shacker....my 150 watts woffer is near to jump out from the frame.

This one had not that "power reserve" you can find in Symassym...also it has not that beautifull high end treble you can find in Aksa...but it is sounding excelent for a first ...and last..design.....no need to make more, i already have listened everything good those last 46 years...maybe something new...a new component...nothing FET...maybe FRET or FROT...let's see what future will bring for us.

Life is beautifull....splendid too (hehe) and full of nice surprises.

By the way...i will get married by the 4 (fourth) time..... i am really insane!...well.... all those wives are near friends....no figth with women!....only love!...next wife is pretty as "betty boo"....the old cartoon...from the thirties..maybe some of you know.

Well...love is what i have to the girls...figth is to the ones have guts!

Thank you fasteddy...Sheldon...John and others that are reading in silence...thank you all folks!

And by the way.... fuse to rails Sheldon...and in series with speaker too...remember that this is a Destroyer amplifier..hehe

Semper fi
Carry on... et ...C'a marche!

diyAudio - The Movie #1


destroyer X
as you may know,
I have now a Nikon digital camera.
I have now tested to record some moving video with it.

Max quality is 30 frames per second and 640x480 pixels.
They are stored in Quicktime .MOV format - with sound!
I managed to find a freeware converter MOV -> MPG.

Here is the result. The .mpg is 30 MegaByte download.
DiyAudio - The Movie #01
Time: 2:54

Shows me watching this topic and surfing www.diyaudio.com
You remember the post here above, with PULSE Amplifier picture.

Thank you Line up. while i am downloading you video i am etching a new board, writing

here something usefull for our friends and preparing the Coffee.

This is what makes me fast...to make many things at same time...yeah...life goes fast..yesterday i was trying to enter a cinema...and the movie allowed only for guys older than 14...and i had 12 years old....i remember that alike something that had happened yesterday... and 41 years gone since this really happened.

Enjoy life guys!...it is fast as a ligthning!

The amplifier:

I had tried many different transistors to the input, BC556 having more gain resulted in bigger power....gain was near 400

BF423 gave the better sound...the treble now is near the perfection....but its gain is low, ..only 130

2N5401 was the best...because ballanced....the gain reasonable and quality very good.

A choice..if you want power...if you want quality of trebles or if you want not so enormous power but a good treble quality.

Do not forget to use rail resistors to protect your amplifier against construction errors...... using 33 ohms you may have 2.5 volts measuring directly over the extremes of this resistor.....using 47 ohms you may adjust to measure something around 3.7 volts....if you have 56 ohms 4.7 volts.....using 68 ohms something around 5.3 volts must be the voltage developed over this resistor extremes.

Well...this is ohms law only...you can use many values to obtain the needed measurement.

Much better than adjust by some suggestion is to check if all transistors, the output ones in special, have more than 550 milivots from base to emitter...having this voltage or up to 610 milivolts, the amplifier will work fine...and this is better than suggest you some iddle current, as this may variate depending the circuit.


Re: Thank you Line up. while i am downloading you video i am etching a new board, wri

destroyer X said:

The amplifier:

I had tried many different transistors to the input, BC556 having more gain resulted in bigger power....gain was near 400

BF423 gave the better sound...the treble now is near the perfection....but its gain is low, ..only 130

2N5401 was the best...because ballanced....the gain reasonable and quality very good.
regards, Carlos

I may make a smaller movie file next movie (less quality video and shorter time).
I know all do not have superfast internet.
For me takes only like 100 sec to download 30MB from that site.


The Amplifier.
I guess you are using schematic, see attachment.
With some small changes in components.

BC556, BF423, 2N5401
Good gain is a positive thing for input stage.
BF423 I have never tried in my audio amplifiers. But I think it can be interesting. What I think I know it is a HF transistor.
2N5401 has good qualities! A favourite of many amplifier builders.
Not as high gain as BC550C, but 2N5401 can take more voltage, works in most situations and is good also when you want to operate at a bit more current, say 5-10 mA.

I never thought I would start using bootstrap. But I have lately tried it in my simulation amplifiers.
It is good!
And it is more simple to use, than set up CCS, constant current source.

Was much used in those days when they had no alternative.
Because PNP transistors were hard to find ....
Almost as hard to find as PNP Tubes :D .

So the engineers had to replace components with cleverness and smartness!

I would try your amplifier in my MultiSim.
To do this, I have to download spice models for:
TIP41, TIP42, 2SC5200, 2SA1943.

I think 2SC5200 / 2SA1943 are very good transistors.
I see them mentioned many times in forum.



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Respecting voltage limits, current limits and if they are PNP or NPN..almost zilions

of transistors will fit...they unless will work.

Of course the good selection will make difference....the parts selections is very important....so important as topologie i think.

I have Multisim too.

Thank you by your image.... Nikon is a very good camera..and you have 30 frames each second using 640 by 480 frames, my Canon A430 cannot do that..only 10 or 15 frames...and stand guys in front of the camera...cannot move as framing will be observed.

I have made several movies...in reality a sequence of slides with sound....musics and photos that will appear dinamically....interesting to reduce image size, as the program resise everything to 640 to 480...and acept MP3 as audio input.

I am uploading to you 13 files.... the name there is destroyerx...and i will give you the link soon.

Write to me and inform some mail adress and i will be able to upload you the flash player freeware program used to reproduce those "movies"..it is smaller than 500K.

You are one of the guys i would be very happy watching try my amplifier.... even in simulator, but real world sonics evaluation would be even better.

Do not worry with drivers...BD139 and BD140 will fit...also as voltage amplifier BC639 will fit...well...respect only current and voltage....also if NPN and PNP and it will work...of course, the better your selection the better the result.

If your choice was a transistor adequated to work with "that" current and that voltage...exactly in the middle of the graphic provided by manufacturer..well...it will work better for sure.

One small "video"..or sequence of images is already uploaded...other 13 will follow and i will upload more during this day...i hope you will have fun watching Brazil landscapes, girls, my family and some electronics too....everything uploaded is decent enougth.

I am uploading here:

The registrated name there is destroyerx




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Re: Respecting voltage limits, current limits and if they are PNP or NPN..almost zili

destroyer X said:

I have Multisim too.

I am uploading to you 13 files.... the name there is destroyerx...and i will give you the link soon.
Write to me and inform some mail adress and i will be able to upload you the flash player freeware program used to reproduce those "movies"..it is smaller than 500K.

You are one of the guys i would be very happy watching try my amplifier.... even in simulator, but real world sonics evaluation would be even better.

I am uploading here:
The registrated name there is destroyerx

regards, Carlos

My pirate version of MultiSim9 did not have too many transistors in library.
I hope I will start building real amplifiers soon, again.
But is not easy when you live in very small flat (1 room + 1 kitchen)
and is not a very rich man (have $1.000 USD to live each month).
I wish I had a special place to work with my electronics.
Some little workshop or garage.

I will send you my email today.
I choose filexoom.com because they allow very big files upload.
Think limit is 100 MB.

My camera has got 15 / 30 fps and 640x480 or 320x240 size.
If making video in 15 fps and 320x240 will make much smaller files.
Also of course, if not make to long movie, in minutes / seconds :D

Thousand dollares here is a very good money.

And to have this as payment you have to be a Top executive of a Multinacional company...or be the winner of tests to work to the Government.... be the one that had the position competing with 450000 other guys...you the winner... 2 places and 900000 guys in the competition.

You have to talk fluently at least English and Spanish
You need a degrée in University
You need to know how to use computer (deeply)
You knowledge or Portuguese language need to be perfect (hard)

This money you will be able to maintain yourself, two childrens...paying school and the normal needs..you will have a very old car and you will pay in 30 years a small 70 square meters appartment with three rooms, two WC and external garage, not covered garage to one car.

I know that this in your country has not "that" value..say 1K dollares....but here you will survive with some confort...but will cannot go to restaurants, to travell with family, to buy more than one camera each year...only one television each two years and your car will have rain inside and will shake your body running smoking around...but you will turn fat eating meat everyday.

To construct things in small space you may have to "create" space... use the walls till the top with furnitures...limit the high in 2 meters and install some entrance there..wooden cover...and keep the circulation area the most free you can.




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Re: Thousand dollares here is a very good money.

destroyer X said:

I know that this in your country has not "that" value..say 1K dollares

1.000 USD dollars can be very much in some countries,
you may even live several months, or even 1 year in some development countries.
Say some places in Africa and Asia.

But prices are different in different parts of world.

In Western Europe and in USA
nobody would have very easy survive and pay for everything and live a good life,
with only 1.000 USD.
I know most people at forum can agree with this.
Ask Nelson Pass, Peter Daniel etc, if they could do it ... ;)

I can tell you the average worker in my country have maybe 2.000 USD per month.
And they eat no more than I do.

lineup - will move to Brasil now .. and suddenly be a rich european!
The difference is that i can buy 25 big bananas (fruit) by a dollar

And in other countries they spend a dollar for two small bananas..hehe (Made in Brazil)...so... live is expensive in those countries...they own a truck of dollar coins each month...but also they have to pay half a truck for home rent for instance.

Hey Nordic...tell me something about the amplifier you were constructing...have it worked or exploded?

Have you found that 39 ohms resistor..the 181 and the 2,2 picofarads capacitor.

I am interested to know..i think there are more people interested too.

There are almost 1500 silent headers that shown hits in this thread...they have hitted many times each one.

The Bananas i am telling about are those "biased"...having 300 gramas at least....low distortion angle... and good to eat..as they are noiseless.

Tell us...tell us something about your pré amplifier...please!

BTW...your South African sharks are eating people here too...they turn brown because of sun and because of mixed race too...and over a surfboards... sharks watching from the bottom, are thinking that they are another animal...Brown!...fat!..with four tails!! = food!!!


Nordic said:
That is a lot of money....

so, lets compare prices, shall we?

My country:
1 liter gasoline, petrol = $1.72 (=1 US gallon for $6.53 )
20 cigarettes = $5.72

A standard meal in resturant, pizzeria
so called 'daily meal' = $8.60
My rent for 40 square meter, 1 room+kitchen = $345 per month
License to watch TV = $17 per months

1 liter of milk = $1.15
1 kg potatoes = $2.40 (this time of year)
1 kg spaghetti = $1.85

1 bottle of cheap red wine, 0.75 liter = $8.00
1 bottle Bacardi ROM, 0.70 liter = $33.00
1 bottle Jack Daniel's WHISKY, 0.70 liter = $43.00

Currency is based of today's exchange rates.

lineup - waiting to know some South-African prices.
Attention friends..i do not bother, but moderators do not accept that kind of chat

room for too long.....one, or two, or even three posts they accept, but when reach the fourth, the "long arm of the law"...with that terrible finger....will punish us


My country…that is Brazil…South America

1 liter gasoline, petrol = 1.10
20 cigarettes = 0.80

A standard meal in restaurant, pizzeria
so called 'daily meal' = $8.60…same price here…45 centimeters diameter,
Four cheese pizza, made by an Italian family, the price include a 2.5 litter Coke

Home rent for 40 square meter, 1 room with kitchen inside or separated by half wall = $345 per month…42 US dollars In Brazil

License to watch TV = $17 per months…. Same price, only for rich guys
1 liter of milk = $1.15…in Brazil cost 70 cents of the US dollar, the type A
1 kg potatoes = $2.40 (this time of year)….0.50 of a dollar today’s price
1 kg spaghetti = $1.85……60 cents of a dollar in Brazil

1 bottle of cheap red wine, 0.75 liter = $8.00…I do not know, maybe 2 dollares
1 bottle Bacardi ROM, 0.70 liter = $33.00…I have no idea.
1 bottle Jack Daniel's WHISKY, 0.70 liter = $43.00… I use to drink Coke…

2.5 litters cost a dollar

Italians...fratelli...had a sentence for that...and only Italians will understand..sorry for that folks

Cambia il cat.. per il c.lo e sempre l'estesso!

English version...a very educated one:

"The ones that will create problems to us are many...but the instrument used to punish us is always the same."

TRANZISTOR 2SC5200 cost is 4 dollares, as imported gods has 100 percent
tax to enter here.

GUYS! Please, put some electronics in the conversation or moderators will kick our zoom...oh!..that bad english.

Yahoo is down...not working....mails this january 31 must be sent to nanabrother@ig.com.br

Bread R2.69 .... 30 odd US cents
Feul 95 octane playing with R6/l ...$0.80
Milk 1L R3.49 ..... 0.50USD
20 Smokes R16 ...... $2.20
Potatoes R5/kg ..... $0.80
cheap dry red 750ml R14.... $2
2SC5200 transistor R17.61....$2.40
TV licence annual fee of R225 $30
if you pay monthly R23 ....$3.15

I tested the buffer, but, as Graham suggested it would have problems... it did... I am now bussy finalising the last few things from prototype stage to completed ones in the preamp...going with the jfets... realy cleaned out alot of stuff... will do the powersupply over when I can afford some of those 1GBP phillips caps, sadly I only have one of those caps left.
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