Funniest snake oil theories

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I have just spend the morning at a friends house helping him to ' improve ' his system .
A week or so ago he had new carpets fitted throughout the house and has only just got around to reinstalling his set -up.
After listening to a couple of cds i remarked how harsh the top end appeared to sound compared to my last vist.
After a lengthy discussion i had managed to convlnce him that this was caused by the new carpet which was polyester based and creating a build up of static which was being picked up through the speaker cables.
I advised him that there was a cheap and relatively easy method,used by high end audiophiles,that i had read about to negate this problem.
The solution was to tie a loose knot in each cable 18 inches apart down its length and wrap the unknotted sections in some cooking foil. This would have the effect of shielding the cable and the knotted sections produced a " field " that repelled any stray rfi.
So a quick trip to the shops and an hour later with the cables glinting in the summer sun we fired up the system.
Listening to the same cd as earlier he asked if i could hear any improvement . " Yes " i replied ,
" absolutely all the mush has gone ".
A few cds later and he was raving about how he was hearing notes and subtle background noises not apparent previously :) .
My job done it was time to leave content in the knowledge that i had helped a fellow enthusiast on the road to audio perfection ..... Oh did i mention this particular " friend " was the same one that 20 odd years ago thought it would be hilarious to leave a dried dog t*** spinning on the platter of my Linn Sondek turntable :)
Nice of them to remind us that after listening to their NINETY DOLLAR FUSE for awhile, we should be sure to turn it around in the fuseholder and listen some more.

Good Lord...

even these ain´t that much €€€:D

well, 35kv ones could be in that price spot...
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