Funniest snake oil theories

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In my experience, the voodoo-mojo folklore stuff was even more prevalent in the musical instrument world than in the audio segment. Much of it seemed to simply go unchallenged. I would guess this is largely because the process of creating or producing music is even more subjective than that of its reproduction.

-- Jim
My thoughts exactly. I too have had a foot in both camps (music and electronics).

Currently I play soundman at a small weekly music jam, while also being one of the performers. It is actually somewhat of a mental wrench each time, for me to try to switch back and forth between analytic/objective and creative/subjective mindsets, depending on whether I'm cleaning up someone's mic EQ, or trying to perform a song.

I might add that the same superstitious nonsense that is applied to musical instruments is often applied to pro and semi-pro music electronics as well; so you routinely have such insanity as a mic preamp with a distortion of 0.001% and ruler-flat frequency response from 10 Hz to 40 kHz being marketed as having a "warm tone" worth the $5000 asking price. Sigh.

I think this discussion belongs on a flute site.
Personally, I found the linked article (on the sounds of various expensive metal flutes) quite interesting.

I know nothing about flutes, but it's always interesting to find out about the superstitious nonsense our stone-age primate brains constantly get sucked into. We can't escape the failings of our own brains, but we can be better informed about traps to avoid.

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