Funniest snake oil theories

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Joined 2014
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Sonore by Simple Design microRendu | AudioStream

Initially I thought this was just a 'fark that's expensive' way to get from ethernet to USB. but then I read
while the hardware, including the proprietary printed circuit board, is also the product of a collaboration between Sonore by Simple Design, Small Green Computer, and John Swenson (of Uptone Audio REGEN fame). There's am improved REGEN inside every microRendu since it also houses a USB hub that "generates a completely new USB data signal to feed your device."

$700. having seen them one of the forums a definate cult in the making!
Sonore by Simple Design microRendu | AudioStream

Initially I thought this was just a 'fark that's expensive' way to get from ethernet to USB. but then I read

$700. having seen them one of the forums a definate cult in the making!

Usual sh!t, as it has only ONE USB port its got to generate the USB data from scratch....
Amazing, copy a basic USB hub design from the chips data sheet, talk crap on a few audio sites and you end up a audiophile superstar.... its all a joke!
This has all got too deep for me!

Going back to basics, you can't prove that the more 'fanciful' audio treatments work, and you can't prove they don't.

Can anyone actually give a real reason why their $10,000 cable is better than my £2 one (without simply invoking the 'they're more robust' diversion)? No.
reminds me back in the mid '80s "...the XYZ brand Tip Toes blow away the ABC brand!" They look and feel (weigh) the same! I understood & agreed w/the principle but c'mon!
Trust auto translate, and or proof readers. NOT!

Coca Cola was first translated in China as "Bite the wax tadpole". It's since been revised to "Happiness in the mouth"
"Finger lickin good" became "Eat your fingers off"
"Come alive with Pepsi" became raise your ancestors from the grave with Pepsi"
"I saw the Pope" became "I saw a potato"
Are the AIs this dumb, or just playing us?
A good friend of mine is considering some speaker wire from a site called VHAudio.
Many funny products for sale there, power conditioners which output more power than they are input, the usual Bybee suspects, deeply frozen and thawed metals, et cetera...
And one which may improve an old tweak I've had unused on the shelf many years now.
By sticking this ? on the case of my earliest tweak, I could create a Quantum-Monarchy chip DIP.
It would almost have to sound better, wouldn't it?
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