Funniest snake oil theories

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Joined 2010
You don't know the Bourbon Effect?
You listen, sip from your Bourbon, then replace the glas at another position than it was before. Presto! Sound difference. You can even measure it as a change in the in-room response. I kid you not.

Read Richard Burwen in Linear Audio Vol 3:


You'd better take a fine single malt for your reference;)
at least in that case the company owner was locked up.

When they get out, there is probably plenty of money in a swiss bank or offshore account somewhere.

The makers of "beaks", "bright pebbles", "intelligent chips", "clever clocks", "quantum" or "mpingo" anything, etc... would meet a similar fate if there were any justice in this world. Lock them up for at least one month for every $1000 of devices sold.
How do some people pass ?

Yesterday, Efco scaffold systems had a technical support rep come to our jobsite, since they make online information unavailable.
We're required to stand on the clamp panels (a form of cross bracing) at height, so I asked him for a vertical load rating of the panels.

He told me it was 25 lbs per square foot.
I said that's like saying I can hear that colour.
He then said it depended on the width of the panels I'd be standing on.
I said there'd be two 250 lb men standing on a 6×6 foot platform with the load carried by 2 panels, hand lifting and installing 250 lb stringers . Are you saying that would carry 900 lbs, ( 6'×6'×25lbs) and if so, is that a static load, or a live load?
He said it's pretty simple, the rating is 25 lbs a square foot, regardless of how long the panels are.
I said, that's ridiculous, all the panels have identical clamps on them, are you saying a 4'×4' platform would carry less weight than a 6'×6' platform, and an 8'×8' platform would be stronger than either on a vertical load, simply because the same 4 clamps per brace are holding up more surface area?
He said: Theoretically, yes.
This is the same engineering team who wouldn't pass a transfer slab pour inspection until I changed a bearing 4×6 timber joist so the thinner dimension was bearing the load.
Now I wonder which parts of their tests other professionals have failed, doctors, or perhaps airline pilots...
Or the CSO who said I had to have full fall arrest gear on , but wanted me to use a company supplied harness and lanyard rated for less than my 250 lb weight, not including the weight of my apparel , tool pouches, and tools.
I saw him pass a moron worker who epically got virtually every answer wrong on his site orientation quiz, including his name and telephone number.
The same guy complained he'd refuse to attach his lanyard to an overhead anchor point, due to the chance the lanyard may form a loop he could put his head through, and then strangle.
And he was still passed as competent to work on our site.
My theory is, if the bar keeps getting lowered, soon there'll be bachelor of fingerpainting degrees issued, and then masters theses to include the additional use of thumbs.
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Ok so now i'm confused :) For the 30 or so years i've been playing around with Hi -Fi i believed RFI was a bad bad thing and something to be eliminated .
Having just watched a video by AV Show reports featuring Synergistic's latest life changing product " The Atmosphere " i am led to believe that harnessed correctly it can actually improve your system and bring outstanding improvements and for the bargain price of only $2250 . I'm writing a cheque right now....
seriously though even listening to the demo through my tv speakers and a you tube video the moment the thing was activated the sound quality went from ok to just plain nasty .
Who actually buys the c*** this company makes. Even the salesman looked embarrassed when asked "So this generates RF ?" mumbled " um yes " and quicky moved on.

* edit .. i forgot it needs an hour to condition the room before use
my reply to bacon use on John Curl blowtorch site

Thought I should post this here. It may set a new path to perfect audio.
I eat a lot of bacon and have always thrown away the rendered fat. Then Light Bulb moment!!! I've started brushing the warm, liquid, fat on my bare wire terminated speaker cables. Big improvement over the Caig stuff. Even my cat seems to hear the diff. I'm setting up a dbt event and, if it goes as expected, I see an internet business in my future. Maybe even expand to include olive oil, but has to be extra virgin only. Who woulda thunk it?
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