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GB Thread for Salas SSLV1.1 BiB shunt reg

Boards arrived here as well ! Thanks Tea-bag & Salas, this is a perfect step-up for people who first used the Hypnotize as general shunt.
Question : So can I connect both F0's (pos+neg reg)with each other( on the board or on the load?) to create common ground and have dual bridge rectifying for bipolar supply ? Both remote sense +s0 / 0s- are going to the load.

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Boards arrived here as well ! Thanks Tea-bag & Salas, this is a perfect step-up for people who first used the Hypnotize as general shunt.
Question : So can I connect both F0's (pos+neg reg)with each other( on the board or on the load?) to create common ground and have dual bridge rectifying for bipolar supply ? Both remote sense +s0 / 0s- are going to the load.


Connect on the load as per the instructions PDF (you can find a Rapidshare link in post#1 here).
Joined 2006
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Sounds like your all straitened out.

A few people had their orders in two packages and/or boxed.
All of them were sent out last week, so end of this week, everyone in US should have theirs.

By the end of the month, most others should have theirs.

Until the end of the month, I am holding onto extra stock of boards in case there is a problem.

If you want one, send me a PM and I will put you on waiting list.

Stock of BJT+ kits in gone.
Joined 2009
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Tea-Bag received the boards & minikits:) pic for Salas


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Tea-Bag received the boards & minikits:) pic for Salas

Thanks Merlin. The final board looks fine. Probably I will have my samples today or tomorrow too since they already hit Europe for many. Tea proves gold league organizer for one more time. :up: What are you cooking Mr. Wizard? You already have perf board 1.2Rs everywhere, don't you?
Joined 2009
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Now is the big jump, I would like to change Erno Borbely regulators in his I/V & preamp to your SSLV1.1BiB to see how good is your latest regulator:D I mind now this will be a very good comparison & a test to know the real perfomance of your regs. vs other very good regs.;)

1st pic pic All-Fets Dual low-noise regulator EB-202-254
-Max Vin +-45V
-Max Vout +-40V
-Max output current with 5V in/out voltage difference is +-200mA
-Scope should not show any ripple and the uV meter should show less than 5uV of noise over the audio bandwidth.

2nd pic All-FET Line Amplifier EB-1198/116
I don't have information of the on board regulators


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Joined 2006
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Received everything. Thanks a lot.

Also, now I'm thinking in a new LV psu and I would need a pair of BJT+ minikits. There are some possible avalaibility of these?. Only minikits, not the boards.


Ignacio - I ran out of BJT+ Minikits for now.
I just need the one MJE Bipolar to make it happen.
I've got to inventory what I have, and keep other stuff around in case an order get's screwed up.
So it's nothing I can do soon.