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GB Thread for Salas SSLV1.1 BiB shunt reg

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Now is the big jump, I would like to change Erno Borbely regulators in his I/V & preamp to your SSLV1.1BiB to see how good is your latest regulator:D I mind now this will be a very good comparison & a test to know the real perfomance of your regs. vs other very good regs.;)

1st pic pic All-Fets Dual low-noise regulator EB-202-254
-Max Vin +-45V
-Max Vout +-40V
-Max output current with 5V in/out voltage difference is +-200mA
-Scope should not show any ripple and the uV meter should show less than 5uV of noise over the audio bandwidth.

2nd pic All-FET Line Amplifier EB-1198/116
I don't have information of the on board regulators

This is a series reg. How much did it cost? Try BJT out too on 1.1 to see what you prefer.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Hi Tea Bag,

I received my boards today, they look wonderful! Thank you very much for your work, and I know the work which one can't see on the first sight is the other half of it. So thanks again!


I've gotten a lot of comments on the looks of the boards. I am going to go hunt the proto down to see if it looks different. They do like quite nice. I think the lettering legends have improved.

Now - who is going to build one already? Then we can think about a building thread.;)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member

Hi Salas,

Boards haven't arrived yet - I'll expect them next week. But meanwhile I've succeeded adding your shunt regulator on my Pearl 1 boards. Setup is for 30V and 120mA of which 35 mA is consumed by the pre-amp (per channel). I've included a picture and noise measurements using ARTA.




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