Geddes on Waveguides

The problems are compounded by the simple factor we are working with finite length horns and thinking in 1/4 wavelengths. I see no perfect curvature that can ever perfectly cover the bandwidths we are always attempting to work with. A horn will always have to be compromised at one end of the bandwidth or the other, there is no general shape that can satisfy our desires for constant directivity over the entire bandwidth of the device.
This problem was studied in some detail and extremely well done, by a PhD student in Aus. He looked at the waveguide contour parametrically and found that the "best" contour was extremely close to an OS. I applaud this work, but I was also proud that what I had come up with some twenty years earlier was so close to the ideal. I did not have the computing power back when I studied the problem, it was the mid 80's, so analytical was the only option (although even then I did use a computer to solve the analytical equations.) But finite element and the like were limited to just a few hundred nodes back then and that was never going to solve the problem at higher frequencies.

No device in either acoustics or optics has an infinite bandwidth over which it is optimal. In optics this bandwidth is almost never greater than an octave. In Acoustics three to four octaves is possible, which is a remarkable feat.
I remember those days of having to create programs to do the math. A lot of calculus to create the shapes that we both seemed to conceive of that others had missed. We may have come to our conclusions from opposite ends of the waveguide but it does seem the differences were more minor than major in our efforts. Having to describe 3D cross-sections in x,y,z coordinates before there was any 3D cad didn't help.
Hyperbolic Horn History

The following two doctorial dissertations, reflect the early work done on the subject horn at MIT in the 1930’s

The Velocity Potential of an Hyperbolic Horn
John Edwin Frehafer (1937)

The Sound Field and Radiation Impedance of a Hyperbolic Horn
Vincent Salmon (1939)

I may have posted these before in this thread or elsewhere a long time ago.

I have always considered that the actual wave-fronts would always be of a curved surface or more realistically a spherical wave shape that is simply distorted by the shape or containment of the waveguide until it exits the horn if larger than the mouth or forms earlier in the horn when the wavelength is smaller than the mouth diameter.


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