Group Delay Questions and Analysis

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The miniDSP FIR device (called "OpenDRC", there are different version depending on analog/digital input/output options) is really pretty reasonably priced considering what it does. I have an OpenDRC-DA, run all my signal as digital till it gets there, where it is both IIR and FIR EQ'D, converted to analog, and provided with built-in volume control with remote. With a measurement mic and setup (OmniMic or REW or ARTA or...) and a free copy of Rephase, setting for flat dB and phase response is almost absurdly easy (for one listener position only with most speakers, but with Danley type Synergy horns, pretty much everywhere). I don't see much reason for the expensive Dirac version for someone who knows at least a little what he's doing.

The only downsides are there is no readout for the volume control (though I have a fix if anyone is interested), and the output level of the OpenDRC is only 1.4Vpk single ended (2.8Vpk, if balanced, though).
You'll probably want to read up on it, the tools we use are free:
Here's a link, explaining more in detail what is going on, using Acourate instead of the free DRC-FIR:
Computer Audiophile - Acourate Digital Room and Loudspeaker Correction Software Walkthrough
Mitch is also a member here and drops in from time to time. He started with Audiolense and moved on to Acourate. But doing similar tasks, all in their own way that DRC-FIR does. Those last two are paid for solutions with backup from the writers of the software.
No idea if one is better than the other but I do know Acourate users are generally very pleased. But that program does have strict demands with use of Asio drivers etc.

Music Producer Bob Katz uses Acourate and is very satisfied with it. In a well setup room not unlike yours. Mitch (known here on the forum as mitchba if I am correct) has been the inspiration for Bob to try it out as far as I can tell.

I followed his (Bob's) journey on Audiolense, just to learn what was going on:!topic/audiolense/f3u_A2aVr70

To add to the above: I notice an improvement over my entire couch area, even though I measure in only one spot. I made several measurements over different places on my couch and averaged they have a striking resemblance to my listening position FR.
If I make the correction stronger (longer correction windows) in the mid frequencies I get a smaller sweet spot though. But generally speaking that won't be needed.
In your case you would use it more to correct the speakers than the room.
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I need to be honest with you guys. I have never liked the results of putting extra devices in the signal path to the mains (subwoofers OK).

I dont even use an active preamp because the effect on the soundstage was noticable.

Now, a digital device between the Cd player and DAC (coax connection) might be a whole lot better than your typical DSP that takes analog to digital back to analog again. I can say now, that i will never do the latter. If you talking about the former, then maybe.
I figured as much from reading your thread. You decide if you want to fool around ;).
You're at a good place already. This might be better, but who knows...

Trying a track or two can't harm though. You might not even like it. There are so many variables at play here with things like flat response, elevated bass (like you have) etc. I'm still fooling around with that myself. Greg (gmad) has flat response but listens in near field on relative small speakers. I am 3 meter from my speakers (still near field on arrays) and like a downwards slope. So there's no telling what you might like without some experimentation. I wouldn't expect you to be blown away on the first try.
All I know is that it's very powerful. But requires something between your CD player and amp or pre-convolved tracks on CD/other sources.

I have most of my CD's stored on the PC, play them trough a DAC to my amp. But my system depends on EQ to work.
I play movies the same way, from my PC to TV. For all those tasks I use JRiver as my media player on Win 7 Pro.
My CD player hasn't been used since.
It's an entirely different world you'd enter. We can't tell you how that would work out for you.
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Hi, Jim1961.

The endgame would be that you would hook your PC up to your DAC via a usb interface, (I use a hiFace Evo) and convolve your music files with a correction file in real time (no need to ever re-rip cd's). I think you'll agree it's a no-brainer after you hear first hand what is possible.

What I will need from you is the mdat file for each speaker as measured from the same central microphone (listening) position. I will show you the improvements possible with REW graphs as well as pre-process a track (or tracks) so you can hear the improvement for yourself.

Take this opportunity Jim,

With a room like yours it might actually be worth it to listen and judge for yourself.
Greg, the supplied files (left and right) do have a general downwards slope. For this occasion (virtual audition) probably measured about a head's width from each other.

Would you be able to keep that slope for best resemblance to the current preferred sound? I know you like things flat ;).

Measured in REW I'd say he is dropping very close to Sean Olive's preferred 1 db/octave...

With all the work done already I'd think that would be the closest to the preferred target here...


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Hi, Jim1961.

The endgame would be that you would hook your PC up to your DAC via a usb interface, (I use a hiFace Evo) and convolve your music files with a correction file in real time (no need to ever re-rip cd's). I think you'll agree it's a no-brainer after you hear first hand what is possible.

What I will need from you is the mdat file for each speaker as measured from the same central microphone (listening) position. I will show you the improvements possible with REW graphs as well as pre-process a track (or tracks) so you can hear the improvement for yourself.


I already have my PC hooked up to my DAC (required for getting the REW sweeps over to my system). Long story short, the PC-DAC interface doesnt sound as good as the CD-DAC. I have have compared the exact files both ways. The CD-DAC interface wins clearly everytime.

The Rega DAC utilizes a different (inferior) chip set via USB than it uses for its coax and optical inputs.

So your proposal would be at a disadvantage from the outset. The only way to fix this would be for my PC to have a coax output (which it doesnt). And an expensive soundcard isnt an option.

Dont get me wrong, I appreciate the work your willing to do on my behalf. But I dont see a way for improved sound, which has to be the goal, given what I currently have hardware wise.

If you guys want to play with my mdat's, and there is something you can gain for yourselves in doing so, have at it. Id love to hear what you learn.
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No SP/DIFF out on the PC? They usually have this nowadays. Mini sp/diff usually looks very close to a mini jack but is still optical output to get into a DAC.

By the way, you'd be surprised at what this can do, really. A test could still show it. Convert a song of choice and burn it to CD and play from CD and/or compare to the PC playback. That doesn't need anything changed yet to try.

All you'd need to do (besides the left/right measurement on the single listening position) is supply the song, and after receiving it back, burn on CD and listen.

If that does any good, then worry how to get better sound out of a PC. I can think of several ways to do that. It needn't be expensive.
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Take this opportunity Jim,

With a room like yours it might actually be worth it to listen and judge for yourself.
Greg, the supplied files (left and right) do have a general downwards slope. For this occasion (virtual audition) probably measured about a head's width from each other.

Would you be able to keep that slope for best resemblance to the current preferred sound? I know you like things flat ;).

Measured in REW I'd say he is dropping very close to Sean Olive's preferred 1 db/octave...

With all the work done already I'd think that would be the closest to the preferred target here...

About a 7db differential from 25hz - 20K is about right. My post to GMAD sums up the problems I see.

Ill take the opportunity if I can see clear of the obstacles.
I have to ditto the encouragement - FIR made a heck of an improvement in my setup. And if you're gonna have a DAC, nothing lost to make it a DAC/dsp box instead. There's already at least crude dsp in about any dac, so go non-crude instead and do what your speaker designer couldn't with just his Rs Cs and Ls.

You can skip the PC too. A $35 Raspberry Pi2 makea a wonderful media player (boots almost instantly and no fan, too!). My setup is now just hard drive, Raspberry Pi2, OpenDRC-DA, amps (UCD180s) and speakers. Wouldn't trade its sound for anything else that I've heard.
I have to ditto the encouragement - FIR made a heck of an improvement in my setup. And if you're gonna have a DAC, nothing lost to make it a DAC/dsp box instead. There's already at least crude dsp in about any dac, so go non-crude instead and do what your speaker designer couldn't with just his Rs Cs and Ls.

You can skip the PC too. A $35 Raspberry Pi2 makea a wonderful media player (boots almost instantly and no fan, too!). My setup is now just hard drive, Raspberry Pi2, OpenDRC-DA, amps (UCD180s) and speakers. Wouldn't trade its sound for anything else that I've heard.

Would you be willing to share your measured room results at the LP? That would encourage me more than anything :D
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