HalAir Aeralis - Fullrange Line Array (Vifa TC9-18-08)

First half of the first line is playing :D

Curiosity got the better of me, I had to hear how the cabinet behaved...

Ear against side wall on mk1, its like listening in on a dorm party through a really thin door.
Ear against side wall on mk2, its like listening for a party you know is close by, but cant really locate where.

The rear EG-wall is marginal, too thin & flat but I have room to mitigate that :)

The difference between mk1 and mk2 is massive, as it should be considering the massive difference between the two...

Okay...so now I have 1/4 of the system running, only 3/4 to go :D


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Looks great :p

Is there a better way to decouple the drivers?

Listening to Andrew Jones’s research stating that by far the largest amount of vibrations into the cabinet comes from mechanical transmission from the driver chassis. Guys like Audio Physic claim to put all this effort into driver decoupling, but I never understood exactly what they are doing....


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Yes, the big one: Soft decoupling to cabinet or stiff. Depends of course on cabinet. Maybe driver basket etc? More?

I never seen a discussion and a model, comparing the two extremes. Would be interesting. Followed up by measurements...

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Listening to Andrew Jones’s research stating that by far the largest amount of vibrations into the cabinet comes from mechanical transmission from the driver chassis.

It is easy to show that. But if you decouple the driver from the mass of the cabinet all of the reactive energy shows up as motion of the driver (as a whole) instead of the driver+the mass of the cabinet. This causes a decrease in DDR, the ability to reproduce small details, and the TC9 already has a significant deficit in this respect.

I have discounted this Jones technique every since we 1st saw it in the KEF 105 and quickly showed that it did not work.

Oh please.... just because you put a speaker in a box and didn't like it....

I hope that one day you'll learn why you didn't like it.

+1 would hope so but sadly imagine that will never happen especially not when subject is TC9, good objective data dont bite on ears of planet10 he need a intentional big good portion that a distortion-factory can produce of parameters to raise a illusion in brain that small details are improved, also never ask for good practice scientific physic measurement numbers of his favorite systems to back up statements. This is second time in this thread planet10 enter and look down on TC9 based on nothing but subjectives, not nice move in a thread that is about using 48 times of them and science to improve performance :rolleyes:
I unfortunately did not yet audition any speakers with the tc9, but many times... over and over gain with the tg9, and there is only one thing to say, they take my breath away...

Once I was listening to Pink Floyd, the wall, and I would swear it had to be another mastering because of the detail, the dynamics, the realism, the sheer incredible attack and lveliness of the voices.... ot was same mastering, insane :p
Based on your commision of golden ears, no doubt....

By the way Dave, you'd get a lot more respect from me (as the business man you are) and I expect quite a few others if you stopped bashing what you don't like and just kept to promoting your own stable. You cater to your own public whatever you want, but show some respect for what others do and like, will ya...

You're not being very nice to try and promote 'your views' as being the only valid way in a thread about a members ultimate build after he has been enjoying his previous line arrays for years with, you guessed it, the TC9.
So he knows what he's getting himself into.

We could be equally rude by showing measurements of your praised drivers on your threads. Yes, some of us looked at and heard those marvels, but not all of us find the need to bash other peoples favorite flavours.
A driver can't ever perform better than it first measures, whether you like that or not. Reproduction isn't magic nor an art. Music is Art and can create magic. Without a touch of science you would have no drivers to play with.
I didn’t like it because it was very low resolution.

IMO TG9 is way better than TC9.


I did challenge you back in post 89 with some data between TG and TC version and you never got back, again lack of data and objective information to help science minded builder HalAir, throw such subjective opinion over in a general thread discussing some various transducers is more okay.

So far in my eyes your preference looks be a distortion-factory put in a box measured by your ears, think that is strange old fashion way in a world full of good modern tools and studys to improve stuff.
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Joined 2001
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...if you stopped bashing what you don't like...

You may call it bashing, but i am only interested in sharing my experience. The same TC9s i heard were heard by a number of others and they did not hold them i high esteem either.

I bought them because they were highly touted — many seem to find them fine. Just want anyone who is dropping cash on these that they may not end up as happy as they expect.

So far my experience of the also highly touted 3FE25 is the opposite kind of ecperience. Bought for the same reason, but these (still breaking in downstairs) show great promise.

I have learned from the TC9 experience to take a much greater grain of salt with other’s recommendations.

I managed to give away one pair of these, still have another pay i’d love to give away as well.
