HalAir Aeralis - Fullrange Line Array (Vifa TC9-18-08)

Joined 2001
Paid Member
I did challenge you back in post 89 with some data between TG and TC version

You know damn well that all that data is between my ears, and as such is meaningless to you. It is my opinion based on my listening and no more. Take it for what it is. The same grain of salt i mentioned in my previous post.

I don’t give you, or wesayso, grief for your preferences, and you should give mine the same respect.

You keep throwing charts & graphes at me, but you all know, even in the back of your mind, that they are only a rough guideline, useful in development but in the end the only important thing is if the system brings you litening pleasure — the hifi connects you to the emotion of the music.

I can only respect your choices if they give you satisfaction, why can’t you respect others if their boat is not rocked don’t? There are a zillion different hifi components and for a reason. Each person has to make the choices that best suit their preferred compromises. And the TC9 does not fal into tha category for me.

You know damn well that all that data is between my ears, and as such is meaningless to you. It is my opinion based on my listening and no more. Take it for what it is. The same grain of salt i mentioned in my previous post.

I don’t give you, or wesayso, grief for your preferences, and you should give mine the same respect.

You keep throwing charts & graphes at me, but you all know, even in the back of your mind, that they are only a rough guideline, useful in development but in the end the only important thing is if the system brings you litening pleasure — the hifi connects you to the emotion of the music.

I can only respect your choices if they give you satisfaction, why can’t you respect others if their boat is not rocked don’t? There are a zillion different hifi components and for a reason. Each person has to make the choices that best suit their preferred compromises. And the TC9 does not fal into tha category for me.


You totally wrong man and hate to look bad in discussions, we never didn't respect what your ears preference was, we just didn't agree much and especially not the way to get forward, thats why the dicussions in those threads.

And yes there are a zillion different hifi components and in this thread they are mostly of low objective distortions or/and the rest will probably be DSPed away and give us huge satisfaction, so please notice stamp satisfaction and thereby respect us and stay away unlesh you help in constructive way.
I remember a couple of times when I mentioned my Jordan VTLs, Dave repeatedly told me they were crap and showed me sims of the ripple, sims mind, no other evidence at all of any kind, he is biased against Jordan speakers for reasons which are probably obvious to most, he is a very biased chappy, all's fair in love and war and business.
Yes. But is there enough of radius?

I hope its enough, its considerably better than mk1 where the drivers mount flat on a square baffle :)

TNT said:
Yes, the big one: Soft decoupling to cabinet or stiff. Depends of course on cabinet. Maybe driver basket etc? More?

For now they are resting on a flexible gasket and screwed tight, so semi rigid I assume. I have gaskets that will be installed when all is done, made out of VS10 viscoelastic foil which will be glued to the baffle, and drivers glued to them. But driver-driver distance is practially zero so they wont be fully independant from eachother.

The TC9 basket is made out of plastic, and isnt rigid in itself so... Time will show :)
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Sounds like you're well underway towards a great improvement! That must be rewarding!
I bet it will be noticable. All little details count in the long run.

Certainly hope so! Mk1 was a fast and fun build, with many simple attributes, but they surprised me and have given me audible please for a long time :)

Looks great :p
Is there a better way to decouple the drivers?

Harald, see my repsonse to TNT. The TC9 have a flexible basket so one cant really make it "firm/fixed". I am currently undecided on how they will be fastened in the end but I do have material on hand for both scenarios :)
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Maybe you could borrow a system from some company or tech school? School project?
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Thank you Byrtt - 2nd time around should go smoother and I hope to cast this weekend or next week :)

I need to correct a few of the EG-pucks on the first cabinet, a group of about 4 chambers have a flaw. Apparently the rear liner didnt sit flush up against the holes when casting the EG-pucks, allowing EG to compact out the rear and towards the side panels => less EG to form the puck, a lot thinner. This section also appear to be disconnected from the EG-matrix as it sound "hollow" when tapping on it.

It should be an easy fix though and something I'll deal with next time I mix up a batch.
music soothes the savage beast
Joined 2004
Paid Member
You know damn well that all that data is between my ears, and as such is meaningless to you. It is my opinion based on my listening and no more. Take it for what it is. The same grain of salt i mentioned in my previous post.

I don’t give you, or wesayso, grief for your preferences, and you should give mine the same respect.

You keep throwing charts & graphes at me, but you all know, even in the back of your mind, that they are only a rough guideline, useful in development but in the end the only important thing is if the system brings you litening pleasure — the hifi connects you to the emotion of the music.

I can only respect your choices if they give you satisfaction, why can’t you respect others if their boat is not rocked don’t? There are a zillion different hifi components and for a reason. Each person has to make the choices that best suit their preferred compromises. And the TC9 does not fal into tha category for me.


gents, these quarrels are not productive
main reason is that two completely different things are being mixed up, intentionally or unintentionally
one thing is objective verifiable measurable data, the other is subjective preference
well, yes, music listening is form of an art form, where personal preference matters, like for other forms of art
I may not like picaso, i even consider it garbage, worse than 4 year old playing in preschool with brush and colors
but that should not mean i will mention it at every occasion and trash everyone who goes to art gallery to see his paintings

dave, what happens in your head is you personal thing, and we have no idea what is going on there, and we do not care

when one is on the mission on designing speakers, it is helpful to stick to some objective facts as to judge the process, say if speaker has flat response or not...everyone agree that speakers should have flat fr response,
its easy to measure, easy to compare two or more drivers and so on
one does not need to worry at that point what is going on in someones head

when selecting drivers, measurements are important to reveal breakups, ringing, or other nastiness

when optimizing crossover, again, measurements are important, i would not rely on hearing to judge phase, distortion, impulse response...

i can certainly hear the speaker beaming, but how severe it is, only measurements show that

again, what is going on in someones head is irrelevant at this stage
if speaker beams like crazy, measurements will show it
if there are nasty breakups, measurements will show it
to measure is to know

then, if you personally prefer some aberrant beaming, ringing fullrange, its ok, its your choice
on the other hand, if you do not like well behaving neutral sounding speakers others used repeatedly with great result, keep it to yourself
otherwise you are loosing credibility because you can not back it up with any data
And at least a half-dozen locals who heard the same speakers so not just in my head.


So, a half-dozen people heard the same speaker in a crummy makeshift box and thought the same thing as you?

But I think, by now, a lot more than a half-dozen told you otherwise...
People who used some well-thought out designs.

But since you don't believe in data, it's irrelevant, right?

I'm sure you have some dots to paint for some gullible customer.
Why stick around and poison this thread?

I stay away from the kool-aid drinking threads about MA drivers and the "enabled" system you developed... maybe you should also do the same with threads like this one... and everyone could enjoy his/her nice day.