HOLMImpulse: Measuring Frequency & Impulse Response

gedlee said:
I do my "averaging" the old fashion way as a true spectral data average across a 1/6 octave bandwidth,
I am wondering which level of smoothing you would choose using Holm's gating based smoothing. I am led to believe that it is less than perfect but I'll make do. Using your recommendation of 10ms at 500Hz and 1ms at 5kHz, I have come up with either 1/7 or 1/8 octave. I feel I can't be too far wrong (being between 1/6 and 1/10 as I believe current understanding suggests), although by nature I don't like to use values that are not common multiples.

I was wondering about this as well. I'm not getting the same numbers, though.
When I punch in 1/8 oct. complex smoothing into HOLM, it seems to put 5KHz at 2.9ms and 500Hz at 29ms.

1/2.8 oct. puts 5KHz at 1ms and 500Hz at 10.

I seem to get slightly different numbers depending on vertical zoom, so maybe HOLM's visual representation of the gating is bugged.
Crashing on import


I recently was forced to downgrade from XP(32) to Win7(64) and no matter what I do, I cannot import wave files with impulses anymore without crashing. The very same files loaded perfectly on the old XP system. OK, I had the occasional import crash there, too, but the latest version seemed to be very stable on my old system.

Tried HolmI 64 and 32 versions and all the hints mentioned. Measuring works fine, though, as well as saving and loading whole measurement sets.

Any hints? Maybe something with the .NET package HolmI uses (Win7 seems to have that preinstalled).

[rant]Win7 really is the worst OS ever, extremely buggy and ultra PITA for a W2K/XP power user, my usual workflow is completely blocked (I'm a keyboard guy, mouse is for usage within CAD programs). It can't navigate, it can't find files, it can't remember settings, it patronizes me like I were a total dumba$$. WTF!!
All I can say is - Windows 2000. That was the peak. ;)

I would try it here on Win7, but my son has that machine at present. Will try as soon as I get a chance. Any particular wav format?
32bit mono, but I tried any combination of 32/16 stereo/mono and any sample rate (in the measurement setup).

Funny thing is, I can export a measured impulse as WAV but cannot re-import it later (same 'access violation error' all the time). Something seems really wrong.
Check if the directory where your files are in is not marked as "read only". Win7 has a bug where it markes many directories as read only for no reason, and it is impossible to turn of.

I haven't found a universal fix for this, but if you google "win7 read only problem" you will find many tips.
Thanks, Wim, for these tips.

Quoting from that link, "The Read-only and System attributes is only used by Windows Explorer to determine whether the folder is a special folder, such as a system folder that has its view customized by Windows (for example, My Documents, Favorites, Fonts, Downloaded Program Files), or a folder that you customized by using the Customize tab of the folder’s Properties dialog box."

So it looks like they abused the attrib bits of folders as markers for how to display the content stored there, for just the reason of patronizing the user?

These idiots even forgot the "none" or "unknown" option for the folder types (as well as they never had the "unsorted" option for folder display). And the folder copy bug still isn't fixed (a copied folder gets time-stamped with the time of the copying action while the original folder's date should have been used, as like with files. These means the complete time history is lost when copying data. You have to patch folder dates manually to get back the temporal order).

This wrestling with the OS already cost my company hundreds of EUR because my productivity went down close to zero (Laptop is shared for company and private use). Same goes for that bloody Office 2007/2010 crap which turns out to be completely unusable (no more classic menus and kbd operation).

I'll try to go back to XP or even W2K and Office 2003 but this will be a major hassle as well, because the original reason for W7 was the "Windows Live" cloud option, let alone a reliable availability of drivers etc.
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Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I've had a few issues with holm crashing under win7 64bit. Usually clearing out the XML files fixes it (but this loses all settings and current measurements, so an export is necessary). I've not tried importing any wav files however.

I have found win7 to be pretty good in general. The biggest pain I have found with it is when you try to save stuff to the program files directory and it puts it in another location. Very confusing!!

Office 2010 tell me about it!! yet another one of microsloths "lets make it so different that every one will need training so we can make lots more money on the training materials" idea's me thinks.

Win7 is MUCH better than vista. I dual installed linux when I set up my new machine with Win7, fully expecting to use the linux most of the time. I've not booted linux apart from just after I installed it, and I've probably been using the machine for a couple of years now!!

Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
OK I just tried exporting a measurement as a wav and importing it again. It crashed.

Do you have win7 Pro? If so download the XP virtual machine and set it up. You probably won't be able to do measurements but it may allow you to import wav files and then save them as a zip file. You will probably then be able to open them in the win7 Holm.

Thanks, Wim, for these tips.

Quoting from that link, "The Read-only and System attributes is only used by Windows Explorer to determine whether the folder is a special folder, such as a system folder that has its view customized by Windows (for example, My Documents, Favorites, Fonts, Downloaded Program Files), or a folder that you customized by using the Customize tab of the folder’s Properties dialog box."

So it looks like they abused the attrib bits of folders as markers for how to display the content stored there, for just the reason of patronizing the user?

These idiots even forgot the "none" or "unknown" option for the folder types (as well as they never had the "unsorted" option for folder display). And the folder copy bug still isn't fixed (a copied folder gets time-stamped with the time of the copying action while the original folder's date should have been used, as like with files. These means the complete time history is lost when copying data. You have to patch folder dates manually to get back the temporal order).

This wrestling with the OS already cost my company hundreds of EUR because my productivity went down close to zero (Laptop is shared for company and private use). Same goes for that bloody Office 2007/2010 crap which turns out to be completely unusable (no more classic menus and kbd operation).

I'll try to go back to XP or even W2K and Office 2003 but this will be a major hassle as well, because the original reason for W7 was the "Windows Live" cloud option, let alone a reliable availability of drivers etc.

Availability of drivers is a real problem. I was "forced" to Win7 because of this. With the 64bit version I also had quite a few some problems, but apart from the "readonly" bug, I have not have any major issues with the 32 bit version (but is takes a while to get used too, and still even without google, I am unable to locate the settings I knew from XP-W2K)
Ok, just installed Holm again (currently I use ARTA) and I have also the same problem on my PC (Win 7 32bit PRO)

I changed the "compatibility settings" for the executable on XP SP3 and set always "run as administrator" (see attachment).

With these settings I could import the wav-file, but for some strange range I only managed to import it once...


  • holmimport.png
    71.8 KB · Views: 272
There is a good change that turning of DEP (Data Execution Prevention settings in Windows) will do the trick. Unfortunately Windows does not allow to turn of DEP for HolmImpulse.exe only, so DEP needs to be turned of completely.

I will try to test this later today (or tomorrow), because I have to leave now.
Thanks again, Wim.

I'm a total noob on Win7 and it feels like using a Mac (read: I'm completely lost). I should feel ashamed as I have a degree in computer science (from way back when the word "Personal Computer" was unheard of) but then again, this might be the root of the problem... I'm still completely biased how a 'puter is supposed to behave...
Turning of DEP didn't help also. Something strange is going on, but difficult to see without source code. Maybe askbojesen can jump in and save the day? I guess the best solution comes from Wintermute: run holm in a virtual XP machine for import and export duties...
Why do you want to use Holm anyway? I believe you are also an ARTA user, and I haven't found anything in Holm that ARTA doesn't do. The best thing about Holm is it user friendliness, but once you get the hang of ARTA, you never go back..
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absolute phase shift problem


I'm using Holmipulse for various measurement, and I got problem making phase measurement between different driver. To use this feature, I follow the "help" button on "time zero locked". But if I redo same measurement again and again, phase is moving (impulse response is moving from measure to measure, making this kind of measurement useless)

I tried several sound card (mostly USB sound card), on several computer, using all possible samplerate. I was not able to get anything stable to perform reliable measurement of relative phase between different component.

Any help appreciated (most other program use a loopback on one input to get a phase reference, but I don't see this option on this program)
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
strange, I had that problem with speaker workshop, which is why I gave up on trying to get good acoustic measurements with it. Same computer and sound card doesn't have the problem in holm impulse. I can take as many measurements in a row as I like and they always give the same impulse if nothing else has changed.

Are you sure you did the time zero locking properly?

Actually I think that there was a trick I had to use. I think that when doing the initial time zero, I had to run the detect time zero option (I can't check as holm has disapeared off my laptop...) twice. The second time it moved a little and then it remains the same.


I'm not sure if this was the thread