
Hi Everyone,

Just letting you know that I have released a minor update (Product Number 2020-090117) to correct a bug introduced when the Maximum SPL “duo-chrome” feature was added.

When comparing results for charts other that SPL response, after the Maximum SPL tool had been used, sections of the compared charts would be shown in red :).

Kind regards,

David McBean said:

Hi just a guy,

Sorry, but I fear that you are just going to have to learn how to use AkAbak :).

Kind regards,


PS - I saw your related message on the "Collaborative Tapped Horn Project" thread.

I assume everyone knows that you can export a Hornresp design into AkAbak as a working starting point and then make additions to it within AkAbak?

just a guy said:
My hornresp doesn't have that. I'm still using version 17. I got familiar with it and it worked so I haven't upgraded, but I guess I'm out of excuses now and I'll get the new one.

When asking David for new functionality, I would suggest the following:

1. First check if the newest version has it
2. Then say 'please' :)

David provides Hornresp for free, and he has added nearly every feature he has been asked for. I think we should at least be polite to him when asking for more.

agreed, I love hornresp !!!!

Dumb question, how would you model something like this in hornresp?


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Re: David's Hornresp

Kolbrek said:

When asking David for new functionality, I would suggest the following:

1. First check if the newest version has it
2. Then say 'please' :)

David provides Hornresp for free, and he has added nearly every feature he has been asked for. I think we should at least be polite to him when asking for more.


AndrewT said:
We should all be down on our knees before him.
We are indebted for this fantastic piece of software and the service he is offering.

Sabbelbacke said:
I am in full agreement on this one!!!!

jbell said:
agreed, I love hornresp !!!!

No disrespect intended, and hopefully none taken. As far as I'm concerned the newer versions of this program makes everything else obsolete (except akabak, which I'm not really interested in learning).

Sometimes I'm too blunt, but I hope that the content of the vast majority of my posts concerning Hornresp makes it more than clear that I have a great deal of respect for Mr McBean and the work he shares freely.

What else can I say? I honestly don't know, but thank you Mr McBean and I'm sorry for my lack of manners. I hope that covers it.
I'm seriously confused by something I read in another post, and while having 6 cabinets almost done realize I may have a problem.

Modeling a tapped"
In the hornresp schematic, when the driver's area extends outside the horn throat..... Is that area omitted? does this mean you have a reducing plate the driver fires through? While this doesn't make sense to me since the area of the horn with the driver firing through is not listed anywhere.... don't tell me that's s2!! Something doesn't make sense so I'm missing something.
Am I incorrect to squash s2 physically to fit the driver width while maintaining the area?

How do you actually build what you modeled?

How does hornresp deal with a throat that is smaller than the drivers surface area (flat plane not SD) in normal horns?
Hi screamerusa,

screamersusa said:
Modeling a "tapped"
In the hornresp schematic, when the driver's area extends outside the horn throat..... Is that area omitted?

The Hornresp schematic is a notional diagram only. The total driver diaphragm piston area Sd is always taken into account when simulating a tapped horn - no area is omitted.

screamersusa said:
Does this mean you have a reducing plate the driver fires through? While this doesn't make sense to me since the area of the horn with the driver firing through is not listed anywhere....

As explained in Note 8 on page 16 of the Hornresp Help file, Vtc and Atc can be used to specify a chamber between the diaphragm and the throat entry point. Ap and Lpt can be used to specify a port opening between the chamber and the horn (not required if the cross-sectional area of the opening is equal to Atc).

Select the 'Schematic' and 'Chamber' options in the Tapped Horn Wizard and try altering the values for Vtc, Atc, Ap and Lpt, to see how it all works.

screamersusa said:
Am I incorrect to squash s2 physically to fit the driver width while maintaining the area?

That sounds like a reasonable approach to take.

screamersusa said:
How do you actually build what you modeled?

I will have to leave that for you to decide :).

screamersusa said:
How does hornresp deal with a throat that is smaller than the drivers surface area (flat plane not SD) in normal horns?

It is not a problem - the simulation models are designed to handle this. Although not essential, a throat chamber would be normally be specified in such cases.

Kind regards,

Fixing S2 in Tapped Horn Wizard

Hi David,

Thanks again for all your recent updats and improvements, very well done!

Naturally, there is always one more question: "Is it possible to add a "S2-fixed" button to the Tapped Horn Wizard?"

Presently any change in S1 will also change S2, and any change in S3 will change S2. It may just be me, but I think being able to fix S2 would be helpful.

Hello Mr. David,

Firstly big regards and thank you for sharing such useful/powerful tool FOR ALL - FOR FREE.

Just thought about some random HR ideas and.. probably somebody already asked this:

Is it possible to create new tool within HR to integrate some signal processing before calculating/simulating?

.. For example HPF / LPF filters (variable or fixed..) and/or some kind of signal equalization ..parametric (or graphic with predefined bands and fixed "Q" if it is easier.. or possible at all :) )

This will help to simulate how speaker will behave (SPL , Xmax..) in "real" conditions when such processing is used.
I know that this may be pretty tricky because every precessing brings also some phase shifts/rotations ..

..just idea :)

Best wishes,
Re: Fixing S2 in Tapped Horn Wizard

tb46 said:
Is it possible to add a "S2-fixed" button to the Tapped Horn Wizard?

Hi Oliver,

I am not sure how much work would be required to implement such a change, the way that the TH Wizard is set up at the moment.

I will certainly add it to my list of things to look at when I get a chance, though. Thanks for the suggestion.

Kind regards,

Thanks David for the confirmation I'm not crazy. Whew!

On signal processing.... in my not so humble opinion that is opening up a NIGHTMARE that should be addressed in some other stand alone program. Said program would have to understand response curves and multiple mixed drivers/ cabinets to make any sense.
However, a simple low cut off and high cut off from 6-48db might be quite usefull since it would drastically affect displacement.
Setting dynamic eq and compression on your processors is quite a feat to accomplish in software unless it is written for specific cabinets and processors due to the infinite varations available.
You'll need to do real world testing to set that stuff up and be prepared to blow up a few drivers doing it.

tb46 has an interesting point. usually I manually "lock s2" by working outside the tapped horn wizard. I label any sims messed with this way "DNTW" Do Not Tapped Wizard so I don't screw up.
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Joined 2006
Trying to learn Hornresp.
I saw one new HR( hornresp) info at speaker plans with the design.
It is as under :

S1 = 750
L1 = 100 CON
S2 = 1951
L2 = 50 CON
S3 = 1951

Vtc = 85000 (85ltr.)
Atc = 1400
"Atc" is average cross section area of throat chamber and roughly said defines shape of throat chamber ..(for example when "Atc" is set small it makes throat chamber appears long-tube like .. in HR simulation that have effect on throat-end-correction factor and make horn apear a bit longer.

Atc is quoted as 1400. If i take the average of 750 & 1951, then it is 1350. Just correct me , how Atc 1400 is arrived.
Also attached the full plan.

Thanks in advance.


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jaya000 said:
Atc is quoted as 1400. If i take the average of 750 & 1951, then it is 1350. Just correct me , how Atc 1400 is arrived.

Possibly in one of two ways:
- practical (size) considerations, or
- by "cut-and-try" and observing the resulting response (note that throat chamber and rear chamber resonances must not be masked when doing this).

I usually set Atc = Sd, more or less, this is in many cases what will be used in practice. As far as I know, there is no exact formula for determining the optimum Atc. It's not a big issue for bass horns anyway, as long as it is not too small (Atc > S1).

