
I have not installed the demo version, also have not run the beta version. The first test I have planned is to run Klippel scan data with an enclosure to investigate wave propagation characteristics. Currently going through the help file to figure out how to position the scanned driver on the exact location of an enclosure. I ran out of memory trying to run one of the examples, so I need to look to another computer.
Have you looked into if its possible to export from Hornresp into Abec3?
Go from Hornresp to Akabak to ABEC
Abec3 can even import sketchup drawings of the speaker and room. But inputing driver data and placement in the speaker is not that easy.
This is NICE, I made an inquiry about CAD import back at version 2, that and multi threading/OpenCL

Is ABEC still a living thing?
Will the demo version save and load files (website says no) or will the professional version ever appear?
If the man ever wants to get paid it'll have to... :D
The latest version released this month so it is absolutly a living thing.

And for me it would be nice to a quick simulation in hornresp that is perfekt for simulating one kind of driver at the time. Then export this data to abec and ad more drivers and drawings, because i do want to simulate and build a nice synergy horn..

But i would be perfectly happy with using only hornresp if i could add different kinds of drivers to the same horn.

VACS- and ABEC-Student License

VACS-Student and ABEC-Student are special licenses allowing the non-commercial use of VACS and ABEC free of charge. With non-commercial the author means DIY, studying, schools, etc. For the student version the author would need a note issued by the customer stating the non-commercial use of the software. Technically the student-versions are identical to the commercial version but there would be no hardware USB-Plug, which normally serves to create the Release Code on-site (see above). For the student license the Release Code will be provided by the author only via email within several days. Because the Release Code is specific to the customer computer this procedure would have to be repeated after modifications to the hardware.
An upgrade from the student to the commercial version can only be handled by the author and is possible by paying the license-fee.
Hornresp Update 3230-130727

Hi Everyone,

The following new features have been added to the Filter Wizard and Wavefront Simulator tools.


Passive Filters:

Combined filter plus loudspeaker impulse response
Filter phase shift
Filter group delay

Active Filters:

Linkwitz-Riley filters limited to orders 2, 4, 6 and 8, as used in practical applications
Bessel filters orders 1 to 6
Combined filter plus loudspeaker group delay
Combined filter plus loudspeaker impulse response
Filter gain
Filter phase shift
Filter group delay

My thanks to Jeff, Jean-Michel, Oliver and Andrew for their helpful contributions.


The following new editing tools have been added.

Shift+click mouse at line end points to add straight wall
Ctrl+click mouse at diagonal corners to add walled box
Alt+click mouse at diaphragm end points to re-position driver source

Extensive coding changes have been made to both tools - could you please let me know if you find any bugs.

Kind regards,



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Post #3626

Hi David,

This is great news.

I have not had a lot of time to look at this. When using the Impulse w/ Band Pass Active it looks like the result reflects the impulse w/ filter applied, but the Bandpass and Active windows are greyed out.

Thanks for another major effort and improvement

When using the Impulse w/ Band Pass Active it looks like the result reflects the impulse w/ filter applied, but the Bandpass and Active windows are greyed out.

Hi Oliver,

Because the impulse response results are not generated in "real time", the Filter Wizard controls are disabled to prevent the user from inadvertently changing settings while the IR calculations are being done.

Incidentally, I have noticed a few minor anomalies in the operation of the Wavefront Simulator when working with a user-specified point source (generated by Alt+clicking the mouse twice in the same spot). These errors will be fixed in the next release.

Kind regards,

@ David McBean

I have a sweet tooth, so more icing on the cake is Always welcome :)

As you know i was one of the members who encouraged you to impliment the Filter Wizard, which has proved to be a real bonus & winner :) But i was wondering, there must be things that you have thought of possibly adding on n off over the years, but havn't as yet. Maybe you might consider airing these so we could comment on them ?

But i was wondering, there must be things that you have thought of possibly adding on n off over the years, but havn't as yet. Maybe you might consider airing these so we could comment on them ?

Hi Zero D,

I ran out of ideas some time ago :).

If however a user suggests something worthwhile that can be implemented within the constraints of the existing architecture and functionality, then I will try to accommodate their wishes - as was done with the Filter Wizard. One thing I cannot do though is to increase the number of horn segments above the existing limit of four.

Kind regards,

Hi Bart,

I tried again, this time when I'm "just inside" the arrow the slider box turns black, and when I keep holding the left mousse key down the slider value keeps on running up or down depending of which side of the slider box I'm at. That speeds things up a lot. Thanks.

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