Hypex UcD AS2.100

The upcomming high end DSP solution; - fully balanced input two channels and 6 channels balanced output. - no power amplifiers, only high end D/A converters from AKM. - it's only a DSP board, size aprox. 100x100mm
Congratulations Jan-Peter , you made my day with this info :) I'm looking forward to connect this module and make happy my 3way UCD's. If the sonic character is similar to UcD I'm sure that it will be hit of the year :D
Jan-Peter said:

Later this year we will come with an high end stereo in maximum 6 channels out. Some technical details;

- 2 channel in, and 6 channel out.
- Input analog, digital AES/SPDIF, USB audio input.
- Control by USB and PC software.
- Resolution, 24 bits / max 192 kHz sampling.
- A/D converters AKM, AK5385A. D/A converters AKM, AK4395.
- DSP TI , optional adding a second one to increase processing power.
- Power supply only 2x12V, all regulators low voltage on board, optional use of our HxR audiophile regulators.
- Special clock design with extremely low jitter.
- Use of sample rate converter.
- Special gain section to adjust at several different sensitive. Guaranteed highest SNR level.
- Optimized for low EMI.
- Size only 105x105mm.
- Optional IR remote control.
- Optional graphical display.
- Optional input relays section to use it as a preamp.
- Digital volume control, we will write our own firmware, target is to have performance the same as with an analog volume control. Will definitely sound much better as the PGA volume control chips!

This will be a true high end audiophile solution.


Do you have any plane for an eight channel out?
Re: AS2.100 Input Voltage

boudy said:
Is 120V operation an option?

Yes, if you order the unit and tell us you want to have it in 120V, we will build it!

Moby said:

Congratulations Jan-Peter , you made my day with this info :) I'm looking forward to connect this module and make happy my 3way UCD's. If the sonic character is similar to UcD I'm sure that it will be hit of the year :D
Sure..., it is contaning the UcD100OEM, the same sonic signature as the other UcD modules.... :angel:

korben69 said:
One question : when will it be available and what about the price ?
I mean for the high end DSP... ;)
We are now workign on the PSC2.400, www.hypex.nl/docs/PSC2.400.pdf

When this product is ready we will proceed with the High End Version, the planning is to have this availble after summer stop.

patriz said:

Do you have any plane for an eight channel out?

No, this 6 channels out will be maximum. You will need to order two..... ;)

marconist said:
Will there be a possibility to include a notch in the wooferchannel when you are so unlucky that speakerresonance and roomresonance (almost) coincide?

With the Filter Designer you can easy do this!

We have now one customer who plans to use two AS2.100 for every channel. One is for two way active, the second one is driving a subwoofer in bridge mode and this for every channel.... :bigeyes:

korben69 said:

Another stupid question : the output volume control will be available for the 6 channels ?

You've missed this point while I was editing...
I mean separately adjustable by pair.

Jan-Peter said:

We can take this in consideration...


I think that might be even better to have a volume "offset" correction (e.g. +/- 10dB) for every single channel in addiction.

Jan-Peter said:


Now, the biggest advantage of the IIR xo/eq and FIR phase correction method is that the resulting response is completely free from pre-echos. Several companies sell boxes of the "shove a mic in front of the speaker and compute inverse FIR filter" type, and market these with snazzy looking impulse response plots which, crucially, were measured with the microphone in the exact same spot. Dare to move it by an inch and the response falls apart in both directions. Brute-force corrected speakers do not sound good, although they can be made to look very nice on paper.


Bruno, Chief R&D Hypex


Did you think the same negative things about the use of DRC and brutefir?
I used these tools on my system and i like the result, more neutral timbre and better localization of instruments on the soundstage and not only at the sweet spot where i did the measurements.
I have to say that to obtain good results you have to do good measurements and the right processing on the impulse response (and it's not so easy as it could seem), but the docs of both tools are reach of really useful info.

Here's a small 2-way coaxial speaker together with the AS2.100 ;





Again, the sound is excellent. Smooth and clear. Love the software..... :lickface:
Extra DAC+ADC being done?

Interesting product. Would it be even better if the digital DSP output could be routed directly to the amplifier PWM dsp processing so that dsp dac and amplifier adc errors are eliminated? TI seems to alow this architecture, but their PWM algorithms look much simpler than yours.

Is it a nightmare of IP/patent/licencing landmines all with the effect of progress prevention? ...Just not deliberate like oil companies who bought up alternative energy technology patents!
noah katz said:

Is it possible for you to make it like the Behringer DCX and have 3 ch in/6 ch out for biamping three front speakers for HT?

Also, can the EQ handle the rising high freq response function required by a tweeter on a CD (constant directivity) horn/waveguide?
The AS2.100 will stays likes it is: 2 channel in and maximum 2x100W and 1 line level output.

You ahve to wait untill we have the high end version availble if you need more cannels... ;)

Yes, yu can do an Horn EQ!
