Hypex UcD AS2.100

maximum delay is 1ms = 1000us per chanel.


Yes of course! Thank you for the correction.

Actually the lack of delay for the sub channel is a big drawback for me. I would like to set up a system with a single sub between the front speakers. The initial plan was to use a single AS2.100 plus a separate UcD400 amp to do the amplification for the sub. But with the speakers along the front wall the sub channel would have to be delayed ~2ms.

I could use two modules and a dual voicecoil sub but even then 1ms=34cm may not be enough delay to play with. :(
Actually the lack of delay for the sub channel is a big drawback for me. I would like to set up a system with a single sub between the front speakers. The initial plan was to use a single AS2.100 plus a separate UcD400 amp to do the amplification for the sub. But with the speakers along the front wall the sub channel would have to be delayed ~2ms.

The reason we did not implement a delay on the subwoofer channel is that in a normal setup you will not need a delay because the woofer is most likely in front of the mid/tweeter. Every function in the DSP costs some memory space so we chose to use it for other functions.
The reason we did not implement a delay on the subwoofer channel is that in a normal setup you will not need a delay because the woofer is most likely in front of the mid/tweeter.

I agree that the sub is generally closer to the listener than the main channels. But I would think that the speaker closest to the listener would have most need for delay?

I'm now concidering to use another AS2.100 for the sub to get delay. But even then I fear that 1ms may not be enough as the sub would be 50-60cm closer to the listening position than the main speakers.
You cannot compare this, the high end version will have a separate DSP and A/D-D/A converters (TI and AKM).

I do realise that it is a different configuration. What I'm trying to understand is what performance gains will be had from doing this, that differentiates it as being high end? Or, to put it conversely, what precludes the current design from being labelled high end? Is it a question of performance or style?
I do realise that it is a different configuration. What I'm trying to understand is what performance gains will be had from doing this, that differentiates it as being high end? Or, to put it conversely, what precludes the current design from being labelled high end? Is it a question of performance or style?

You cannot compare these two products, the AS2.100 is a plate amp 2x100W with a DSP on board. The upcoming high end solution is only a PCB with 2-channel input and max 6-channel output, all symmetrical inputs. You will need separate amplifiers to create your multichannel system.

Is a digital input only version (of standalone board) possible? I already have no shortage of good A/D, it would be great if I could reduce the cost of the DSP board.


The production will be with on board A/D converters and digital input. No plans for only a digital input board, the savings will also not be very much with removing the A/D converters.

You cannot compare these two products, the AS2.100 is a plate amp 2x100W with a DSP on board. The upcoming high end solution is only a PCB with 2-channel input and max 6-channel output, all symmetrical inputs. You will need separate amplifiers to create your multichannel system.


Hi Jan Peter,
Do you have some informations about availability and price for those PCB ?
"2-channel input"

Does that mean 1 or 2 stereo source ?
2 channels/signals. So that will be only stereo. Besides the analogue input there is also a AES/EBU input and a USB audio input.

"Symmetrical inputs"

I sure dont hope this means balanced input/output only ?

The inputs and outputs are all balanced, but a balanced i/o can always be used for unbalanced signals!

For more audio inputs (both analogue and digital) we are planning to make an input selection boards with all the connectors.

The High end label is given because we do everything to make this product the best audio+dsp solution. So we've chosen verry good converters, very high end supply solutions for all of the audio components, a higher sampling rate (96kHz processing and up to 192kHz input) and more processing power. With all this we can realy cal it high end.

But because of the complexity and that the module can be used in lots of solutions we are still working on it and will only release it when we trust it.
2 channels/signals. So that will be only stereo. Besides the analogue input there is also a AES/EBU input and a USB audio input.

The inputs and outputs are all balanced, but a balanced i/o can always be used for unbalanced signals!

For more audio inputs (both analogue and digital) we are planning to make an input selection boards with all the connectors.

The High end label is given because we do everything to make this product the best audio+dsp solution. So we've chosen verry good converters, very high end supply solutions for all of the audio components, a higher sampling rate (96kHz processing and up to 192kHz input) and more processing power. With all this we can realy cal it high end.

But because of the complexity and that the module can be used in lots of solutions we are still working on it and will only release it when we trust it.


Regarding Processing power...
It would be very good to know for exaple, how many taps could be used allatogether for FIR at 96kHz?
it woud allow me an insight regarding power...


2 channels/signals. So that will be only stereo. Besides the analogue input there is also a AES/EBU input and a USB audio input.

The High end label is given because we do everything to make this product the best audio+dsp solution. So we've chosen verry good converters, very high end supply solutions for all of the audio components, a higher sampling rate (96kHz processing and up to 192kHz input) and more processing power. With all this we can realy cal it high end.
Excuse me for stupid question.
Is this means that when I play HD/HRx audio file with 24/192kHz, 176.4 kHz resolution audio through AES/EBU signal will be down sampled to be processed at 96 kHz?
Excuse me for stupid question.
Is this means that when I play HD/HRx audio file with 24/192kHz, 176.4 kHz resolution audio through AES/EBU signal will be down sampled to be processed at 96 kHz?

Yes, all of the signals will be converted to 96kHz/24bit. Because we think this is the best sampling rate, going up to 192kHz will not make a big difference we believe. Also considering the loss of processing power when we go up to 192kHz.
The total processing power is not jet know because we've not jet started with this. And it will depend on all the other functions in the dsp, like filters delay and limiters etc.