Hypex UcD AS2.100

I was actually thinking of using this nice family of FIR curves I'd designed. Is there any way I could write actual TI code and download it directly to the hardware?

This is not possible with the AS2.100, we use here another DSP. In the upcomming high end DSP, this could probably be possible becasue the product is based ond the TAS3108.

This is not possible with the AS2.100, we use here another DSP. In the upcomming high end DSP, this could probably be possible becasue the product is based ond the TAS3108.


Hm. The thing has enough MHz to run 2800 clocks at 48 kHz sample rate, but efficient programming can't use it all because you run out of Data/Coefficient memory after executing about half the instructions. The math is really quite nice for IIR work, but would it have killed TI to put in a bit more data RAM?

Ah well, back to the drawing board.
Hm. The thing has enough MHz to run 2800 clocks at 48 kHz sample rate, but efficient programming can't use it all because you run out of Data/Coefficient memory after executing about half the instructions. The math is really quite nice for IIR work, but would it have killed TI to put in a bit more data RAM?

Ah well, back to the drawing board.

It's not TI, but Analog Device...., we use the ADAU1702. We tried to get direct access to the DSP core to get the opportunity to write direct code, but AD couldn's serve us with that kind of support.

For FIR filtering or other diffcult stuff the next DSP system will be a much better platform.

What kind of filtering are you planning?


It's not TI, but Analog Device...., we use the ADAU1702. We tried to get direct access to the DSP core to get the opportunity to write direct code, but AD couldn's serve us with that kind of support.

For FIR filtering or other diffcult stuff the next DSP system will be a much better platform.

What kind of filtering are you planning?



Actually, I was talking about the TAS3108. A quick glance at the instruction set and specs indicates my code could run out of memory pretty quickly.

As far as the filters go, they'd be two sets of FIRs for each channel, one about 800 taps long and the other about 80 or so, along with some FIR frequency response correction and perhaps some low frequency group delay correction as well. There are a few tricks I can do to reduce memory/CPU requirements, but they might not fit within 1K coefficient/ 1K data space.
Actually, I was talking about the TAS3108. A quick glance at the instruction set and specs indicates my code could run out of memory pretty quickly.

As far as the filters go, they'd be two sets of FIRs for each channel, one about 800 taps long and the other about 80 or so, along with some FIR frequency response correction and perhaps some low frequency group delay correction as well. There are a few tricks I can do to reduce memory/CPU requirements, but they might not fit within 1K coefficient/ 1K data space.

Our high end ersion will have optional TWO TAS3108 on board, perhapds this will make it easier... ;)
I just ordered the Hypex AS200.1 (2 of them) About $780 shipped to the US these days, ouch!

I was going to transfer the money through my bank but their fees have increased.

Can I instead pay with paypal, how do I contact them to resolve this?

I will change yoru order and send you a new order confirmation. Just transfer that amount by Paypal to info (at) hypexpro (dot) com

Not sure where the best place is to ask these questions but...

What does each line in the data file represent? I know its the dB point relative to 0dB but is each line incremental of 1Hz?

What measurement software packages will create the file that can be imported into Hypex DSP?

More importantly is there a tool that will take published plots of drivers and create the data needed for the filter designer?
Why is the graph from 10Hz to 100kHz? 22kHz would be fine I think?
Is it also possible to change the scales of the axes?

Is it also possible to import .frd files etc? (would be handy for measurements that where done in de past)

I'm not sure why it is but I can imagine that it is done to show the full measured responces, which may go above the 22k.
An other thing what I can think of is that it is logarithmic and it can be confusing to cut it off at 30k.

We are planning to implement a read function for the .frd files but we did not yet worked on this, only a time issue.
Not sure where the best place is to ask these questions but...

What does each line in the data file represent? I know its the dB point relative to 0dB but is each line incremental of 1Hz?

What measurement software packages will create the file that can be imported into Hypex DSP?

More importantly is there a tool that will take published plots of drivers and create the data needed for the filter designer?

The measured responce that can be imported at this moment is a impulse responce with 32000, or more, measured steps. Each step has a value representing one line. So it is not in the frequency domain! But a pure impulse responce.
from our AS2.100 manual:
The filter designer expects
the impulse response measurement as a text file with one sample per line.

There are a couple of programs that can create the impulse file which can be imported into the Hypex filter program, I will post them tomorrow because today I am working at home.
But we are going to build a import function for .frd files, there files are more common.

There is no tool for importing plots from your filter, maybe we can find a solution for this. I will talk to my colleague about this.
Nice product! :worship:

I have a two questions:

1. From the manual page 8:
Supported digital sampling rates Fs 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 192kHz. All input rates converted to 48kHz.
I wonder if resolution is lost when converting a digital signal from 44,1 to 48kHz? Is the analog signal also converted to 48kHz digital?

2. What happens if I have both the digital and analog inputs in use? I'm thinking about possibilities to use two sources without a separate input selector.
Nice product! :worship:

I have a two questions:

1. From the manual page 8: I wonder if resolution is lost when converting a digital signal from 44,1 to 48kHz? Is the analog signal also converted to 48kHz digital?

2. What happens if I have both the digital and analog inputs in use? I'm thinking about possibilities to use two sources without a separate input selector.

1. We use a special converter to reset the sample rate, so this is handled in the best possible way. Converting the sample rate does not automatically mean that the information gets worse, when it is done properly the difference can be almost zero.
And yes, all of the processing is handled at a sampling rate of 48kHz, so both digital and analogue are converted to 48kHz.

2. Whenever a digital signal is provided to the module it switches to the digital input (also USB audio). When the digital signal is lost, it switches back to analogue. You can also set the input by the software program. Maybe taking a look at the control panel of the "hypex filter design" software clears some things:
download link
Do I understand correctly that a single AS2.100 could do the processing for a stereo pair AND a sub channel but ofcourse only provide amplification for two channels?

I'm answering myself. Reading trough the manual confirms that a single AS2.100 can do the processing for 2+1 channels but the sub filter is more limited in terms of complexity and no delay is availiable. The two main channels can be delayed max 1000ms.
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