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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Rout of JFet complementary buffer is:

[1/xconductance of N channel JFet + Rsource] in parallel with [1/xconductance of P channel JFet + Rsource]

xconductance of N is (by the book, close enough for ruleofthumbingwork) 22mS

xconductance of P is (by the book, close enough for ruleofthumbingwork) 22mS

Rsource is shared, 20R trimpot, so

[1/22mS + 10R] // [1/22mS + 10R]

= [46R +10R] // [46R +10R]

= 28R

anyhow, it goes 112R for +6db, and 448R for +12db

in real life, you need decent JFet specimens to be in 22mS area, same as driving them near Idss as possible, so ........ even if you take all in account, ending 50% above shown calculus, you're good enough for most purposes

all in all, much lesser level of bulldrek than usually taken as necessary for Pure Audio Bliss

see, Pa is bombarding of recently with switching JFets, powered by plastic bricks, and everyone is peeing Tungoil from pure happiness ........ we finally have a situation (or we had it, now just amplified) that people are actually using ears, instead of reading periodicals and audiophool forums

(all that, just as excuse to post again my fave illustration :rofl: )

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