Iron Pumpkin(s) and other smaller vegetable animals, Tips 'n' Tricks thread

Joined 2019
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I may have to order some Toroidys for this project... once I ever get around to it. This is a project that I want to be sure is done as properly as I can. Proper chassis, remote etc.

Been waiting too long... and still waiting. :joker: This and the UGS Muse just puzzle me. I'm a BIG fraidy-cat.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Way to go Do!! Congratulations on your new “quiet” Pumpkin, it’s amazing how important the often overlooked transformer is.

I have all the parts ready to go for the Iron Pre, but maybe I should consider changing course for the Pumpkin instead since the Iron Pre pcb’s are not available.
I really thought using R-Core would be so much better because it is a better design, but it is a cheap Chinese design on fleaBay and not a reputable company making them, so there's most likely a lot of corner cuts in the product... I usually buy Toroidy transformers for most of my builds because they're such good quality and price is also very good. I should have done this from the start! Lesson well learned I would say!

This preamp is finally seeing the light after all the hell it went through (customs inspection destruction, transformers, etc...). Now I can finally laugh at all this!

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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in your case, change is simple : make front plate for TFT, mount Logic module (plus IR sensor and rotary encoder) on it, mount it on case, connect wide and narrow flat cable to Motherboard, solder 3 thin wires between MoBo and module; that's it, power On, enjoy

package consisted of :

-assembled Logic module with 3.5" TFT screen, programmed and tested
-IR sensor with cable
-encoder with cable
-fancy Al slab remote control (Apple TV buttons arrangement)
-flat cables for Turtle and for input select
- CAD, pdf and Sketchup files necessary to produce front plate for TFT window (e-mailed)

250E, shipping and Paypal fee included in price

possible even for for first one ..........Vitalica have Iron Pumpkin (bal) first gen, with two channel pcbs

as Logic package was developed later, I also resorted to big Motherboard approach, making physical controls (as you have now - two rotary switches) and logic module absolutely compatible electrically, so matter of choice which controls one will end with

controls in first gen had common Neg Rail (meaning that +Rail for relays is switched) and for Logic module is necessary that +Rail is common, while relay negs are switched

thus we (Vitalica & Moi) needed to make specific changes for all relays in his Turtle ( rotating all diodes parallel to relay coils) and same for all input relays

then some cutting and small wires work on channel pcbs, adding small relay PSU aside, and connecting entire Shebang..... pretty extensive e-mail correspondence to get all that done

anyway, even that is possible, but tedious work if you're not breathing and living solder, especially if you already have Iron Pumpkin singing and now you must butcher it in pieces again :rofl:

Funny TFT Logic module

example how it's done for Iron Pumpkin No.001

though, in this moment ....... while working on assembly of few IP kits already ordered, I'm in a middle of solving logistic problems, getting in quantity - Metglas (and finally! Finemet) cores, same as fancy Al slab remotes ....... as taught from Big Guy, I hate dealing and thinking in small quantities (even if production is limited by my own capabilities, number of heads and hands)

Life is fun ..... :rofl:
Here's a picture of the transformer installed and cables all cut to proper length.

Looks like I'll finally be able to fix the rest of the cabling as well.


2021-10-31 23.23.33.jpg
Nicely done Do!

Yes, you have to watch out with the transformers as I also just found out.
In my iron pumpkin I have 3 transformers, two toroidy for the pumpkin and one EI 10va for the arduino remote.
The cause of the hum was the small EI transformer,
when replaced with a toroid, the harmonics went 10-20db lower (measured in REW).

One mod that I will try is to add some shielding to the ribbon cables,
I think they act as a receiving antenna for the transformers leakage.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Danny, if you really want to invest some elbow grease in final tweaks - just put xformers in separate box, which you can toss conveniently on the floor

with my custom made xformers , I don't have hum problems

simply - nature of the beast demands best solutions, and there are few different ones - price well worth paying