Is a 'super tweeter' REALLY noticeable ?

From my experience when adding a super tweeter the first impressions is that it makes it sound more open and or airy or smoother etc etc but that is not the only case. What Ive also noticed is that adding a super tweeter will also effect the lower to mid frequencies as well. The mid range becomes more lush and the bass seems to sound a bit quicker/tighter.

I tried BATPURE super tweeter. Speakers were DIY Seas 2-way speaker, Wilson Watt\Puppy, Horn-loaded Voxativ, Open baffle Lowther EX3\15" bass.
In every case, mids and upper bass were clearer.
For my surprise, rotate Batpure backward is clearly audible.
Same was when connecting out of phase - mud in mids and bass.
Alone and from herself, there no sound from it connected alone to amp.

It’s not mine and i did not measure it, but on sound i think it goes until the low 40´s in that setup. It’s surely a lot lower the the 612 cabinet with the same driver.

40 hz +/- how many DB ?

Altec Lansing 19 - Manual - Studio Monitor Loudspeaker System - HiFi Engine

This is another creature from the same manufacturer, I heard many comments that they lacked "deep bass" .....

I have heard these Altec 19 several decades ago, spectacular sound, but look at the specs .... 30 to 20,000 hertz without specifying how many Db +/-
Of course I would have liked to be able to buy them during those times. They sounded splendid.
But the concept of "high fidelity" from 20 hz to 20 khz was already a "standart" universally accepted.
So again, is a subwoofer necessary for music? , it depends on what music you listen to, in my case it is.
But we are talking about supertweeters here, sorry for OT

One plus, specs speaker 604 only, with out box....

Altec Lansing 604-8G Duplex - Manual - Loudspeaker System - HiFi Engine


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I tried BATPURE super tweeter. Speakers were DIY Seas 2-way speaker, Wilson Watt\Puppy, Horn-loaded Voxativ, Open baffle Lowther EX3\15" bass.
In every case, mids and upper bass were clearer.
For my surprise, rotate Batpure backward is clearly audible.
Same was when connecting out of phase - mud in mids and bass.
Alone and from herself, there no sound from it connected alone to amp.


So batpure is "pure bat ****"? Is that a better translation :D
I can't hear past 16k but I can hear intermodulated junk from a severe metal tweeter breakup resonance slung back into the audio band. I do like the sound of high quality metal and ceramic type dome tweeters but always use an LCR notch to kill the 25-30k breakup peak. No, you can't hear that frequency by itself, but most of the time IMD can make it show up in the audible range.

Flame suit on...
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