Is a 'super tweeter' REALLY noticeable ?

I really can't imagine it and I congratulate you for managing it so well!

The nearest I got to learning another language was when they tried to teach me French in school.

However, that resulted in close to zéro success! :)

Thanks, very kind! Really what has cost me the most since always is to read in one way and pronounce in another. My brain doesn't work well for that.
For me English is also not my mothertongue. And many on this forum are in that case. But as i live in a very international enviroment, i speak rather fluent English next to West-Flemish (my mothertongue), Dutch and French... Americans often don’t understand that there are many languages spoken in this world and not everyone speaks English.
In an extended range speaker a supertweeter that reaches quite low can be a good complement with only a good quality step capacitor without any other component, being finally a simple two-way cabinet.
An example of this is the Fostex horn FE206 with a bullet tweeter, which spoils all the theory of lovers of the single speaker without frequency dividers, to maintain the "absolute purity" of the sound ... (according to them).

Finally, they end up accepting the harsh reality, there are no highs treble !
With love to the owners of SET 300 B, just one comment ....;)

I've heard this very exact set driven by a nice Audio Innovations - The First (2A3) amp + preamp, it sounds sweeet - but we better add a stereo sub, too :D :D

Alone the Jericho was great for casual listening (sorry all purists, that was my truth) but when it struggled with a very simple pop song (Madonna's Substitute for Love, Frozen) like no deep frequencies and no extremely high ones (although both are there I know), that was a bit disappointing. What can we hope then from a real audiophile recording when the simplest and most important parameter like frequency curve and SPLs are heavily handycapped on both ends ? :sour:

Then came the super tweeter. I was sceptic but it made the topping onto the mediocre-tasting cake and it tasted better then. I found the combined sound a bit intrusive into the face and still lacking bass but it's the nature of horns I think (on both sides) - and the sound overall was much better. :cool:

Sadly we couldn't listen to the combined set with a sub, he didn't have a sub back then..


I think - shoot me now - there're a lot of very-very nice sounding gears from the past, innovative solutions which were amazing at that time, but nowadays we managed to develop a little bit further, indeed. Or it's just my ears, but to today's standards I've heard a bunch of stereo pairs with a way more pleasant tonality and sound than crossover-free Jerichos or similar.

I don't want to generate flame here in my original topic :D but I think too many of us have fear of using a crossover whereas the boxes themselves, room, baffle step, cone breakup and all those things are way more important than having a crossover or not at all. Crossover is a must but actually seeing today's speaker driver capabilities it can be seen like a good 'must have', because it protects us from many anomalies while introducing only some new ones which are way less important to the brain, when designed well, than trying to cover redbook CD frequency range with 1 driver. (And I'm talking about CD only, no hi-res fancyness).

These are nice piece of furnitures :) and I'm sure I could listen to them all day long with the remark: without caring about the music itself, if I miss something or not, because in most cases I will. However, using it as a wide-midrange, topping it with an AMT, extending lows with a nice smoothly integrated sub I'm sure it can make wonders.


@All: feel free to continue being a little bit offtopic if you wish, I think I got answer to my original question. Many thanks for the replies. :wave2:
After years of experimenting with "super tweets" , I believe dispersion of smaller units and ability to tailor freq response a bit more across the board are the biggest advantages.
I dont believe their benefit has much to do with any inherent superiority of the super so long as all drivers are reasonably well behaved

This experience is ALL using "free swinging" ribbons both in mids and tweets of many different constructions and mass.

mid ribbons were 1 to 1.5 inch wide, supers were 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide

all were ribbons ranging from about 4 inches to 70 inches long

BTW most of this experimenting was done when I could hear to 20K, BUT for whatever reason, crossovers beyond about 10k made little to no difference than just running the wider mid ribbon without the super tweet. Re adjusting on axis freq response to match of course.

I really wonder about the need to go much farther than maybe 15K? Sure if I crossed below 10 k to the wider dispersing super tweet there were noticeable differences, but crossing above about 10k seemed to have little effect overall.

Sometimes when I hear how great someones system is now with a super I cant help think they now just have a smaller driver and its contributing enough even below 10k to notice.
Hi Vortex.
This is my experience with a supertweeter.
I have a great Dynaudio D21/2 supertweeter. I use it with TC9FD in WAW/ FAST box. With ERO KP1832 f/f capacitor, the supertweeter is cutoff at over 20 KHz. OK, I don't hear over 14 kHz but all the frequencies over 10 KHz are boosted and it's very comfortable for my ears when listening with my 300B SET amp.

But .... a friend of mine tried my D21/2 with his great Revox-B251 amplifier and old 3-way Altec Lansing speakers (forgot model, sorry). And that was not good. Too much crunching, too harsh .... etc.

So, it depends a lot. Maybe worth a try anyway.


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There is a dichotomy here. What is being audiophile?

Emulate by means of technology a live musical reproduction as closely as possible to the event?

Or listen to music "nice to the ears" for hours and hours without suffering "hearing fatigue"?

Last night I took refuge in my sanctuary, took my smart phone, the streaming App, and searched for "Fantastic Symphony" by Berlioz.

I had an auditory orgasm, which I don't think any minimalist can achieve with a 2A3, 300B and a RE.

Yes, I could not manage to stay hours and hours listening to musical wonders of that style.
Nor in a live concert.

So everyone chooses "their destiny" ....;)

PS: Without a supertweeter, Mussorgsky's "One Night on the Bald Mount" bells, or the Berlioz Fantastic Symphony triangles, might help somewhat, but, really, I'm still working on my DIY subwoofers and "everything can't be done" .
There is a dichotomy here. What is being audiophile?

Emulate by means of technology a live musical reproduction as closely as possible to the event?

Or listen to music "nice to the ears" for hours and hours without suffering "hearing fatigue"?

Last night I took refuge in my sanctuary, took my smart phone, the streaming App, and searched for "Fantastic Symphony" by Berlioz.

I had an auditory orgasm, which I don't think any minimalist can achieve with a 2A3, 300B and a RE.

Yes, I could not manage to stay hours and hours listening to musical wonders of that style.

Nor in a live concert.

So everyone chooses "their destiny" ....;)

PS: Without a supertweeter, Mussorgsky's "One Night on the Bald Mount" bells, or the Berlioz Fantastic Symphony triangles, might help somewhat, but, really, I'm still working on my DIY subwoofers and "everything can't be done" .

I think that is a matter of taste. I can listen for hours to the system of a friend, who use audionote 300b set amps to drive his Altec 620 speakers with 604e drivers. I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but for me it’s one of the best setups i’ve heared. I wish i could afford that system.
Hi Vortex.
This is my experience with a supertweeter.
I have a great Dynaudio D21/2 supertweeter. I use it with TC9FD in WAW/ FAST box. With ERO KP1832 f/f capacitor, the supertweeter is cutoff at over 20 KHz. OK, I don't hear over 14 kHz but all the frequencies over 10 KHz are boosted and it's very comfortable for my ears when listening with my 300B SET amp.

But .... a friend of mine tried my D21/2 with his great Revox-B251 amplifier and old 3-way Altec Lansing speakers (forgot model, sorry). And that was not good. Too much crunching, too harsh .... etc.

So, it depends a lot. Maybe worth a try anyway.

Very nice setup, I like this great amount of wood :)
It just looks so cool and relaxed !
......... I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but for me it’s one of the best setups i’ve heared. I wish i could afford that system.

Nice combination, since the Altec 620 declare 100 DB of SPL, so 8 watts of a 300B will be sufficient in a not very large environment.
Do you have any idea of ​​your FR in the subsonic range? I could not find any link about it.
Nice combination, since the Altec 620 declare 100 DB of SPL, so 8 watts of a 300B will be sufficient in a not very large environment.

Do you have any idea of ​​your FR in the subsonic range? I could not find any link about it.

It’s not mine and i did not measure it, but on sound i think it goes until the low 40´s in that setup. It’s surely a lot lower the the 612 cabinet with the same driver.