Is a 'super tweeter' REALLY noticeable ?

Vinyl start to roll of at 17kHz in many cases and hardly goes over 20kHz. It can, and some experimental records go much higher. Recording tape is by definition limited at 20kHz due to the design of the recording machines.

Cd does not go higher than 22.5kHz. Some higher resolution files may go higher, but those higher samplerates are mostly used to avoid the sound of the filters at the end of the spectrum in PCM sampling. So going higher in resolution has a use and we can hear it on the lower frequencies.

But the biggest limit is our hearing. Most adults don't hear above 15Khz, and children not above 17kHz. There are exeptions, like i am. And that is not a gift i can assure you, as many older electronics (televions for instance) resonate at 16-17kHz and are not usable for me. Idem with some household electronics or TL lights. And that resonance is the most annoying thing i know. Luckely does most modern electronic equipment resonate at a much higher frequency so i don't hear it anymore. And my hearing is also less good due to age, so the high frequencies that i hear are going down (last measurement this summer by the university of Ghent, Belgium tell that i hear until 16943Hz, and i'm almost 41 years old).

So supertweeeters are only usefull to cover the 10kHz to 20kHz spectrum, all above is mainly hype.
There are some high end speakers that use a super tweeter that can reach up to 50khz or even 100khz. A lot of ribbon type of tweeters can reach 30-40khz. Plasma tweeter can reach 100khz.

The Rosso Fiorentino speakers use a moral tweeter combined with a custom made super tweeter that can reach up to 50khz. These speakers cost over 10k.


I believe that even though we don't hear frequencies past 20khz those frequencies can change the sound of the frequencies we do actually hear.
Hmm so just to stick to the original topic, we don't really need to cover freqs. above ~20K or so, right ? :rolleyes:

I wouldn’t be surprised if people who have spent money and time on a super tweeter will more than likely say they are worthwhile. Everyone else will likely help you to avoid wasting your time and cash.
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I agree, but they sure look cool!


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I think you old Dinosaurs need to get with the program! :D

Audio is no longer about CD quality. The smart people throw a few bucks towards the Legendary Berliner Philharmoniker.

For this live internet stream you get about 10X more bandwidth and resolution than CD could ever give you.

Here's the thing in a nutshell.

This is Celestion Ditton 10 with a mere HF1300:


This a Spendor BC1 with a supertweeter plus an HF1300:


Is there any benefit from the supertweeter, which operates above 13kHz? Now come on, you lazy students, playing with your phones at the back of the class, I want an answer! :)
"From the very early days, even before hi-fi, the BBC has designed its own monitor loudspeaker systems as commercial systems were not, and most are still not, accurate enough for broadcast work." (Spencer Hughes)
THAT is hilarious! As if broadcasts were somehow superior in fidelity to recording studio sessions!
Super tweeters were introduced to UK speakers during the 1960s, not so much for fidelity reasons, but more to do with avoiding Purchase Tax. (VAT replaced purchase tax in 1973).
Professional products were not taxed and professional was defined as above 8 inches for a woofer or as a 3 way speaker. The addition of a super tweeter therefore allowed a speaker to be classed as a 3 way and hence avoid purchase tax.would have to be able to preserve them.
Now THERE is a REAL reason for a super-tweeter! Very funny.
Can you describe the change you hear? And where do these higher frequencies come from?

From my experience when adding a super tweeter the first impressions is that it makes it sound more open and or airy or smoother etc etc but that is not the only case. What Ive also noticed is that adding a super tweeter will also effect the lower to mid frequencies as well. The mid range becomes more lush and the bass seems to sound a bit quicker/tighter.

Not sure where these higher frequencies come from but maybe others with more knowledge can explain it.